Chapter 8

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We stepped into the room and saw-

"Oh my god." Dan breathed beside me.

I've stayed in Eclipse's Lab for years. But I've only seen one type of hybrid before. For example, human and cat. But I know many others.

We were standing there looking at a hospital bed. In the bed was a small child. But not a "normal" one. (By the way, nobody is normal.)

From just looking at the child, you could tell it was a hybrid. It was human-canine hybrid. The child was very small, maybe about 6 years old and it was a boy. The poor child probably had a terrible life.

He had white floppy ears and a small white tail. Also, his whole body was covered in white dog hair. His body still and dead.

"We better get out of here." I told Dan and we left.

We poked our heads out to see if anyone was there. Nobody. So we ran back the way we came. When we got to the doors we went through them and went back to our room.

When we came to our room I sat on the bed. Dan sat down next to me and played with his tail.

"I can't believe PJ killed that boy. Poor thing." I said.

"Yeah. But this only makes me want to see what's so secret about that room." He said.

"Should we check it out since real PJ is gone? I mean if we come across robot PJ, we can like, dump water on him." I said and Dan laughed.

I can tell the real PJ was the one that just says hi. Robot PJ, is the one who is always in his room and gives long explanations.

"Yeah, let's go!"

He raced to the elevator so I chased after him. He was so excited.

When we got to the elevator, we went up to the second floor. The elevator opened, we stepped out, and I reminded Dan of what to do if we saw another person.

"Where do we get the water?" Dan asked.


"For the robot PJ." He told me.

I didn't know.

"We could get it from one of these lab rooms that are empty." I told him.

We then walked down the hall to the strange room. As expected, just as we were about to reach the door, someone yelled at us.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A short skinny man said.

He came up to us and we got ready.

"You distract him while I get the door open." Dan told me.

I nodded since he wasn't the greatest fighter. Plus, he might actually be good at breaking into places or things.

"Who are you? Do you work here? Are you-" I cut him off by punching him unexpectedly in the face.

My hand hurt a little bit but I ignored it. Pain is like an email to me. I can open it and read it, or I can ignore it and open it later.

The tall man just got up and continued talking.

"My name is Dr. Fold. James Fold." He said.

Why is he telling us this? Then I got an idea. I first lifted my leg up so it was lined up with his stomach and then shoved my foot at him. James fell over and laid there for a moment.

"Dan! Go in those lab rooms and look for a cup and fill it with water." I said to him.

"Why? The robot PJ isn't here yet."

"Just do it!" I yelled and he did.

I walked over to where James was laying. I'm usually very nice to people but if I need to, I could be their worst nightmare.

I took my finger nail, which is pretty sharp and cut a big long slice down his chest. I then looked inside and it was all wires and pieces of metal.

Dan then came back with the water cup and I took it from him.

"Sorry robot, but you're fired." I said and poured the water into the slit I made.

The robot then shorted out.

"Fold, Fold. James, Fold. Walking, walk, walk, down." The robot said while it was shorting out.

It then just, shut off.

"Nice." Dan said.

I smiled and then went to the door. Dan then continued looking at the key hole.

"Can you get in?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yup. I just need a paper clip."

I went into PJ's room. I looked through his desk which was in his room and rummaged through the drawers. I found two paper clips and brought them to Dan. He took one and stuck the other in his pocket.

A few seconds went by and it opened. I've never known how to pick locks but I'm glad Dan does.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." He said and opened the door.

Inside we saw nothing we would ever even imagine. It was horrible.

Inside was-

* Hello Everyone! I just want to let you know that I might not update too often. I'm currently working on another story. I know, I know. I start new stories a lot. It's just I get ideas for them then I feel like I need to write them. By the way, if you happen to be reading Secret Admirer, then I need to tell you it's on hold for a bit. Sorry if this chapter was too short. See ya!*
Stay Strange, Never Be Normal. =^.^=

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