Chapter 14

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He then-

Grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and lifted me so I was level with his face. I got a little scared and tried to wiggle free from his grip.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, his breath in my face.

He took me into his room and set me on the table. He then pinned me down and just stood there. I meowed as loud as I could. The guy then held me by the neck and I looked towards the door. Dan was standing there looking at me. He was here to save me.

The guy kept standing here, just holding me down. Next thing I know I can't breathe and I'm struggling against his hands. The mans grip then lessened and I opened my eyes. Dan was standing there with him arm locked around the mans neck.

"If I were you, I would let go of my cat, tell him you're sorry, and then walk the fuck away." Dan said. "If you don't, then I have no problem hurting you."

My cat? I'm not his cat, I'm his friend. He probably didn't mean anything by it.

"And what if I don't?" The man asked squeezing my neck.

"If you don't," He showed him his hand and his claws showed. "Then I guess I'm going to have to slit your throat."

"Those are fake nails. Besides, you look like a faggot wearing them." The man teased.

The next second, Dan had sunk his nail in his throat and moved it. The mans neck started to ooze blood and it dropped down his neck. His grip on me was gone and I jumped down off the table. Dan let the man go and scooped me up.

The man was on the ground looking up at us in horror. "You fucking freaks!"

"That's what you get for not following directions."

Dan and I then left. He brought to the lobby and the girl at the desk yelled at him for having a pet and he just ignored her. He brought me out to the vehicle we stole and set me down in the seat. He got in on the other side.

"I'm sorry, Phil. I knew it was a stupid plan. I jus-" I cut Dan off.

"It's not your fault. Neither of us knew what was going to happen." I said.

He nodded and then began to look at my neck.

"You change back to a human so I can see your neck. It's hard to see it with all of that fur."

I nodded and transformed, but something was wrong. Dan was staring at me weirdly and I realised I was naked. I had forgotten to put the clothes back on. I hurried up and changed back to a cat. Dan was snickering and blushing. He then handed me my clothing. I really hope he didn't mean to make me do that on purpose.

He put the clothing on me and then I changed back. This time I was fully clothed and I blushed. I now felt very uncomfortable and I just looked away.

"So..." Dan said trying to break the silence.

"What's our next plan?" I asked.

Dan sat and thought for a minute. He usually comes up with the ideas and they're pretty good. Most of the time.

"I'm not sure." Dan stated.

"Can I ask something here? How the hell are we going to go to Mexico?" I asked.

I looked at Dan for a moment. He stared out the window.

He then said, "We're going to have to sneak across the border."

How would we do that and not get caught? Are we just supposed to run across the border? But then it hit me.

"That's a good idea Dan, but I think maybe we could sneak into someone's truck and when they go across, we go with them." It seemed like the perfect plan.

"Well, we would have to get to the border. We could sleep in the vehicle right now and then drive down there tonight." Dan said.

"Sounds good." I replied.

I put my seat back and adjusted myself. Dan did the same. I rolled over on my side so I was facing Dan, and he also did the same.

~Dan's POV~

Phil rolled over and faced me and I copied him. We looked at each other for a moment and then he got distracted by a loose string on his shirt. I watched him play with the string until he pulled it off. He then closed his eyes.

I laid there watching him. Not in a creepy way, but just looked at him. A small piece of black hair slid across his face. I reached out and brushed it back for him. His eyes opened and he looked at me. He smiled innocently and then closed his eyes again.

I haven't really known this boy, Phil, for long. We met the day he followed me up to my hotel room. Ever since I met him, my whole life has changed. And in a good way I guess. I mean, sure, being chased by Eclipse and her wanting to hurt us isn't so fun. But running away with Phil is pretty fun.

Honestly, I would say I love Phil, but I'm not going to. I don't just fall in love right away. It takes me some time. Yes, I do like Phil and I have a crush on him. It's just that he is so oblivious to realise it. I do things to try to show him that I like him but he just thinks they are friendly gestures. Why do these types of things have to be so difficult?

Phil stirred and I could tell he wasn't sleeping because of his breathing. Should I tell Phil I like him? Or would it make things awkward? I don't want us to feel awkward around each other. Maybe I'll tell him. I don't know.

"Hey Phil?" I whispered.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"I want to tell you something." I said nervously.


"Phil, I want to tell you that-"

*I haven't been here in forever. I am so sorry to those of you that have been waiting for the update. I've been finishing up school and I haven't gotten a chance to write anything. This chapter isn't the best but it'll do. Thank you for reading this story and voting and commenting. I really appreciate it. See ya!*

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