Chapter 3

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Phil's POV

Dear Diary,

Today is October 2nd, and I have had enough with Dan and his Cheez-Itz. He was spending too much with them. I had felt a little left out recently. I felt the most devastated when Dan went on a date with the little cheese crackers to the park. That's just ignorance. He cared way too much about them. I had accidentally dumped the box over one time and spilled the snack all over, and Dan got pretty mad at me, but really, he needs to calm down a bit. It was time I took matters into my own hands.

I walked into our kitchen and grabbed Dan's bag of Cool Ranch Doritos out of the cabinet where they were hidden. Obviously they weren't hidden too well because I still knew where they were. Even though I don't really show a liking for that snack, I still attempted to make Dan jealous. I sat in the lounge, and picked a perfect triangular chip out of the bag and held it next to my cheek and whispered,

"Lets watch High School Musical." I waited for it to respond, only I was just too awkward to realize that chips don't talk to you. I reckoned that it understood me. I played High School Musical, and in that instant, Dan walks in - with his Cheez-It - and screams

"PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER, WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT WATCHING HSM WITHOUT ME!?!?!?!?!" Wow, Dan kinda scared me a bit. He never screams. His Cheez-It and him must be arguing again. I turned away trying to ignore his remark. Instead, Dan walked over to my bag of Doritos, picked them up and took them away to his room.
It's been a month and I never saw those chips again after that.

Phan: A Cheesy Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant