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Matt's POV

Two Days Later

My phone rings an Alyssa's number appears on the screen. She must have unblocked my number. My heart pumps faster and faster from nervousness. I she might be doing what Cameron told me but just the idea of talking to her brings a smile to my face.

I answer it and her voice flows through the phone, like music to my ears.

"Be at Sun View Park at 10:00," she says and before I can say anything, she hangs up. Why must she not let me say anything?

I look to my phone to see the time is 8:32. I still have an hour and a half.

Since I haven't gotten any sleep the last two nights, worrying about myself and Alyssa and a new relationship she may start with me, I decide I take a nap for an hour, I already took a shower, and I will change, because I am still in my pajamas.

I plop down on the hotel bed and snuggle into the uncomfortable pillows and blanket. I am in a crappy hotel because my parents drained out all of my money in my bank account. Stupid parents. I still have five hundred dollars in my wallet but that's just about it.

Alyssa's POV

I arrive at the park by myself at 9:50 even though Ashton wanted to come with. He is not fond of the idea of me meeting up with Matt again. I could really care less. I haven't broken up with Luke yet because me and Matt might not get back together. All I want to do for right now is figure things out.

I take a seat on the park bench closest to the entrance of the park and wait for Matt to show up.

At 10:10 he shows up and if he would have been twenty more minutes I would have just left.

"Hey," he says as he takes a set next to me, far away as possible as if to not anger me.

"Hey," I breath out. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem. What is it?" He asks with a hopeful look. What is he hoping for?

"I wanted to talk to you...," I start, "about us."

"What about us?" He asks me.

"I miss you, Matt," I say and he doesn't look at me with surprised eyes like I expected. Does he not miss me? "You mess up so much but I can not let go of you just yet."

"I have missed you too," he says and pauses. "I know that I keep messing up and sorry will never be enough. But I love you so much, Alyssa. I'm a wreck without you."

"I know," I say. "I am too. I though that being with Luke would ease my feelings for you, but it doesn't. My feelings for you aren't going away and they never will."

I look around me as the fresh breeze tingles my exposed skin. November is my favorite time of the year because you get to wear oversized sweaters and sweatpants.



"Why can't you understand that I only want you?" He asks me and it takes me off guard. I can't understand that he only wants me because he keeps cheating on me.

"How am I supposed to?" I ask him. "That was the second time you have cheated on me and we were married. I can't understand that you only want me because you keep cheating on me. Why can't you understand that I don't want a cheater for a boyfriend?"

He is speechless, which I did not expect. I thought he would have something to come back with.

"You see, Matt, I still love. I still love you a lot. I have never loved someone the way I love you and I want to be with you and stay with you. But I can't do that if you are not able to commit to a relationship. I need to know if you can be with me and just with me."

"I want to be with you, Alyssa," he tells me. "But I can't be chained up like a dog in the backyard."

"I am not chaining you up," I say to him. "I am giving you options right now: be with me or don't be with me. Even if you do be with me I will not chain you up. But mess up big time one more time and it will be the last time."

This is serious. He needs to know that I am not going to be dragged around by the collar of my shirt by him an his stupid mistakes.

He sighs and smiles. "Okay."

"Okay what?" I ask him.

"Okay. I'll be with you and I will not break your heart again."

-So that just happened. I just decided to end it like that.

Matt is coming back in fully. Yay!

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