Twenty Three

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Alyssa's POV

The boys leaving was hard. We had so many kinds of memories together. Even though things happened between me and Luke, the ones that aren't particularly good, I am going to miss him. I am going to miss all four of the boys so much.

They just left to go to their airport and none of us went. I didn't want to see their sad faces even more. I would rather see them all happy and jolly. The time will come again when I see them again, I am their songwriter after all, but that is almost a year away.

Matt brings me in a hug, knowing I miss them already, and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm gonna miss them," I say out loud. We are the only ones still in the living room so I am just talking to him. The Jacks went out on a double date. Nash is up in his room.

Ashton spoke to me of him and Ella going out on a date yesterday and he also told me that they really hit it off. I just feel bad that they can't be in a relationship right now.

The house kind of feels empty now. Taylor and Quincy are upstairs sleeping and it's just me, Matt, and Nash in this big house. And there are only two other people that live here now. That's it. No one else. Just seven people. I actually kind of feel lonely even though Matt is right next to me, trying to keep me company.

"I know you do," Matt finally replies. I totally forgot what I said but then I remember. I sigh and break away from the hug. I take his hand and lead him to the couch. I sit down and he sits down to my left. "Are you okay, Alyssa?" He asks me.

I sigh another time. "Yeah," I say.

"No you're not." He knows me so well. "Tell me whats on your mind, baby."

I hold his hand in both of mine and trace his knuckles.

"It's so lonely," I tell him, looking at our hands. "Without everyone we started off with, Tori and.. D-D," I choke up on her name. "..Dawn, I feel like everything is just different. When those boys were staying with us, I felt like they filled up the gap. Now H-Hayes is gone and we are losing more people, Matt. For goodness' sake, Grace ending that poor boy's life. When had things gone so wrong?"

There's a moment of silence. He finally speaks and I look up at him as he talks. "I don't know," he says truthfully. "Everything went downhill so quickly and everything happened so fast. I don't know if the gap of missing presences will close, but I do know that, Grace, we didn't need her and we still don't need her. We never will need her. My point is, if the remainder of us stick together and watch out for each other, then we can make it. We will make it."

"But sometimes I feel like me and you won't make it," I say softly and his face drops a tad bit. "I feel as if something really bad will happen, separating us for good."

"Alyssa, nothing will separate us again," he tells me as he removed his hand from my two hands and cups my face.

"I sure hope so," I respond. He brings my face to his and begins a passionate kiss.

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