Chapter 10 - Who Does He Think He Is?

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I know, I know, it's been a long time since I last uploaded. :-( I am truly sorry! Please forgive me? -smiles sweetly- I have no excuse other than I just really couldn't be bothered. But at least I uploaded now, right? :-D

This chapter is dedicated to Simplee!! I really appreciate all the comments and support you give my book, and I wanted to give you a dedication, for one, to thank you for being a really amazing fan, and two, to thank you for the dedication you gave me. Anyone reading this who loves Justin Bieber like I do, you should definitely check out Simplee book 'It All Started at a Meet & Greet ...' It's one of the best Justin Bieber Fan Fictions out there. Thank you so much!! :)

Now, on with the story!


Chapter 10

"Good morning Jaysie waysie!" I practically scream. I am in such a great mood!

"What'up with you, why aren't you sporting your usual face like a slapped ass this morning?" Jay smirked. My smile fell. Consider my mood officially killed.

"Alright, alright. No need to be all 'Mr Arsey'. I grumbled.

"I'm just messin' with'ya Hails. It's nice to see you this happy."

I grabbed a granola bar, "Thanks, I think."

The morning flew by, I was just too excited to get to Algebra and see Chris. I don't think this is normal. I hadn't seen him in lunch, I really hope he's at school today. I pretty much skipped into class and sat in my seat at the back waiting for Chris to show.

Time passed, the teacher had started the lesson and still no sign of Chris. I began to give up hope and sunk into my seat. About half way through the lesson the door opened, making the teacher stop mid sentence as Chris walked in.

"Sorry I'm late." He said handing Mr Fitz a note. He read it and nodded gesturing Chris to take his seat. He didn't look his usual smiley self. He didn't even look at me as he sat down. I ripped out a piece of paper from my book and wrote a note on it, throwing it over to him.

*hey there mister, where have you been?*

He wrote something on it and passed it back to me.

*family stuff* Was all it said.

*well i hope everything is okay. why didn't you have the whole day off? i'm sure your mum and dad would of let you*

*thanks. oh they did but i said no, i wanted to come to this class*

*you turned down the chance to skip algebra?! why?*

It took him a while be he finally throw it back.

*i wanted to see you, i knew you would put me in a good mood*

Butterflies started fluttering in my stomach. I looked at Chris who was giving me a shy smile. I scribbled something down on the note and passed it to him, beaming.

*i'm glad you came. i wanted to see you too*

He looked up and showed me those dimples I just love as he plastered a grin on his face.

I think I like this boy...

Thursday after school, the girls and I went to the Mall. I was shocked by how big it was. It's nothing like shopping centres in England. Ivy dragged us around one shop after another, each shop she found something else that would look 'super cute' on me.

"Omg, this dress is too cute, how cute, so cute, OMG HAILEY THIS WOULD LOOK SO CUTE ON YOU!" Ivy was being her usually excited self, but I wasn't really paying attention, I was off in my own little world with Chris.

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