Chapter 1 - Broken Phones and Last Goodbyes

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This is my first ever story. ever. so I really hope you like it.

I'm British so if I do make a fool of myself by writing something compeletly wrong about the US, I am really sorry! :D



Chapter 1

*Seems like everybody's got a price,

I wonder how they sleep at night.

When the sale comes first,

And the truth comes second,

Just stop, for a minute and



*Why is everybody so serious!

Acting so damn mysterious

You got your shades on your eyes

And your heels so high

That you can't even have a good time.*


*Everybody look to their left

Everybody look to their right

Can you feel th-*


My eyes shot open, realising what I had just done.

"Oh shit."

I quickly scrambled out of bed and fell next to what I had thrown on the floor just a few seconds ago. I just sat there wide eyed. Fan'frickin'tastic, my mum was gonna kill me. I picked up what was left of my phone, the screen was completely destroyed. There was no way in hell I could get this fixed before...

"Shit, shit, shitty, shit."

I stood up, dropping the remains of my beloved phone, and ran towards my calendar. My eyes followed my finger to 21st August which read 'Moving Day'. Tears began to form in my eyes, I dived back into bed and pulled the sheets over my whole body. I shut my eyes tight, forcing back my tears.

I just laid there, thinking. Today was the day. Today was the day I move from my home in England, where I have always lived, leaving all my friends and everything I have ever known behind, to live with my Auntie Carol and Uncle Mick in Atlanta, Georgia in America. They're not my real Auntie and Uncle but they were the closest thing I had to family, besides my mum.

I didn't want to move. Ever since my Dad died last year my Mum just seemed so distant. I've managed to move on with life, but my Mum hasn't found it that easy. She never goes out or does anything with her friends anymore, so her best friend Mandy decided the best thing for her was to take a one year trip around Asia, just the two of them. No kids. Which would of left me with nowhere to go. So she decided moving me 4281 miles away to Atlanta was the best option. That way she could go on her trip and I wouldn't be left alone. Yeah sure, it's sounds great. No parents, sun, beautiful beaches. But I hadn't seen Auntie Carol and Uncle Mick since I was 5, I'm now 16. And I just couldn't get past the fact I was leaving my friends, who were like family, since I have no brothers or sisters, and the house I have lived in all my life. I just couldn't believe I was leaving it all behind.

I was quickly brought out of my deep thought by the sound of the rain hitting my window beginning to get louder and louder. Now that's one thing I won't miss, the weather.

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