Chapter 6: Surprised

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 I am sitting on the couch in the living room looking for a apartment that fits my money budget and all of them are like way off the roof for money.So I just stopped looking after a hour of this,getting off the couch and into the kitchen for some food to find Niall with his head stuck in the fridge like always.

"Niall what are you looking for?"

"Um..I don't know but I'm hungry,can you make some food?" He says with a smile.

"Oh Niall fine what do you want to eat?"

"Fried chicken and potatoes."

"Okay give me the chicken and some potatoes in the bottom of the fridge." 

"Okay here." He says giving me the ingredients I went to get the salt and other things to make fried chicken.

"Thank you Niall now can you put the pan on the stove and turn it on and please put some grease in the pan." He does so and returns to the couch leaving me to cook okay let's start with cleaning the chicken.


For the past 3 weeks I've felt weird around Rose I mean every time I get around her my stomach goes all weird and I find myself fumbling over my words.I often wondered what this feeling was and have come to conclude that I think I'm in love with her.

But then I try to tell myself that I'm not but then I always end up thinking about her always,yep I'm in love with her.Then what do I tell Perrie she's my girl friend that is what I think we are,well that's what everyone else thinks we are but we're not.Management put us together so it would help us on our albums selling.

No one knows the truth only us and management but how can I explain that to Rose.All this is making my head hurt.I decide to go out back were the flowers grow I like looking at them.

When I get out there Rose is there clipping some roses,that's funny Rose is picking roses.I want to say something to her but she leaves before I can.I sigh I have to tell her sometime and also break up with Perrie so what a better time to do it than now.


I put the pink roses in a vase and set it in the middle of the table it looks pretty,Niall is still sitting at the couch but with the chicken I just made in his hand.I look at my watch and it's all ready 5:00 p.m.

Wow it really doesn't feel like it I walk out of the kitchen and go to head up stairs when the door bell rings.Who could that be? I answer it and see that it's Perrie.

"Hi Perrie what brings you here?"

"Oh Zayn said he needed to tell me something.Where is he?"

"Oh,I-" I was cut off by Zayn.

"I'm right here babe." He says and gives Perrie a hug,now I feel sad.

"Okay what did you need to tell me?" Perrie asked pulling away from the hug.

"Come to my room I'll tell you there." Zayn replies and leads her to his room shutting the door behind him.I close the door and let out a little sigh.

"I wonder what he has to "tell her"." Niall says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up Niall,if you need me I'll be in the garden." I say with a little anger.

"What's gotten into you?" 

  I went into the garden and lied down on the soft grass looking at the starry sky,so beautiful then that's when tears fill my eyes.I practically loved Zayn but I knew it was one sided love where I only loved him even if I did tell him how I felt it wouldn't make a difference it would only make him avoid me more and it would be very awkward so.I feel sad but they soon disappear when I hear someone behind me.

Not bothering to look to see who it is I continued to look at the night sky with my built up teared eyes everything is blurry which makes me laugh.

"What's funny?"

I decided to turn my head to look to see who it was,it was Zayn the last person who I wanted to see.

"Oh,nothing." I say sadly.

"Are you crying?" He says with concern.

"Oh no, that happens to me when I lie down for a long time plus I didn't blink for a while."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" Well that's a lie.

"Okay" He replies with unsureness in his voice,this is the most he has every talked to me which is surprising.I feel an arm around me then pull me next to him,the feeling is alien to me I haven't felt this feeling in a long time it makes me miss it.But I pull away instantly knowing he has a girlfriend which should be here.Where's Perrie?

"Sorry I have something to do." I go to get up but he grabs my hand before I could leave.

"Rose I think I'm in love with you." And the feelings hit me like a strong wind over whelming me with confusion,love,and some other feeling.My brain is not comprehending what he just said,I don't get it.It's a joke isn't it?


Sorry I haven't updated for a long time I just had A LOT of things I was busy with and couldn't get around to writing please don't hate me.

T.V. Show quote #1 "Why do you want me to say my name *cellphone button sounds*"

If you can guess what show the quote is from you will get a dedication for the next chapter.


This show has creatures such as:Demons,Angels,and Werewolves

The main characters names start with a D and a S.

Bye Bye hope you vote and all that good stuff.

P.S. sorry it's short I'll try my best to make my chapters longer.

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