Chapter 4 This Is A Really Bad Day

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Chapter 4: This Is A Really Bad Day

I finally finished my work and the room looks fabulous  every thing is were it's supposed to be and I crash on my bed being exhausted from the cleaning.Then I hear the boys say that their going to go out and I'm stuck all alone in this house which I don't mind it's just I get scared of the attic it's really creepy up there.Trust me I've been up there once it's really scary.

So anyway I descend the stairs and go to the kitchen and look for something to cook but there is nothing in the fridge completely nothing empty.

"Great I have to go out in public.."

I grab my hoody and wallet,lock the door then head out to go to the store that's only 3 blocks away that's really nothing to walk.As I'm walking I step in a hole on the the side walk and fall face first and collied with the ground.I go to get up but I fall again because I step in another one but this time I twisted my ankle.

"Well that's just peachy." (Note the sarcasm)

Can this day get any worse? I shouldn't have said that right about when I was about to enter the store.This car speeding splashes water all over me and well I was really mad but I had no choice but to enter the building looking like a hobo.I went in limping and instantly received strange looks but I ignored them but there was this one woman who looked at me really weirdly she was scary.

I put some things in the basket to make some cake and fried chicken also I got some marshmellos and a can of pinapple.I went to check out and the line was so long you would think it went all the way to China.Every check out aisle was that way. Once again could this get any worse?

After several hours of waiting finally it was my turn to checkout, I spoke to soon the cashier went to go home but at least this one cashier was open I went to him and he scanned my things but when I thought this were just  getting any better.I went to put my things on my credit card it wouldn't word the machine was broken and I had to pay cash good thing I had cash.

I limped 3 blocks and I was just 2 feet from the steps of the house everything falls and hits the ground.I go to check it the eggs,flour, and sugar is okay but only half a dozen survive as for the flour and sugar well lets just say it was just enough to make only a half of a on layer cake.

"Just my day."

I go to get my keys and to my surprise they aren't there in my pocket I look down at my jeans and there's a giant hole in the pocket. How great is that? I knock on the door once then twice and realize that the boys are out. Really? Really? But I see the door cracked and it's slightly open,Oh no someone broke in.I go to the side of the house in the bushes grab the baseball bat that I hide there and enter the house along with what's left of the groceries.

I franticly search for the intruder I search everywhere in all the rooms too there was no one in the house so I just put the bat down and asumed that the person left.I put the things in the kitchen table and start to cook the chicken and cake when I feel someone cover my mouth.I scream but it's muffled.Oh NO!


I decided not to go with the boys today I didn't feel like going for some reason but I stayed in my room for the longest time when I see Rose enter my room with a bat in her hand.I was scared to death but didn't make a sound she went to my closet and the bathroom.I can't believe she didn't see me.She's almost invisible to me and I guess she kinda sees me as invisible as well.


He whispers something in my ear and I immediately know who it is it's Malcum my ex great.

"Is anyone here?" He asks in a whisper.


"Good" He says normal.

"How did you get in? How did you find out where I live?"

"I have my ways."

"Well I will put you in jail for breaking and entering." I say coldly.

"I had to take to you"

"About what how you cheated on me twice oh wait it was six times wasn't it."

''I didn't do it on purpose."

"Yeah right I saw you take a girl that was at your friends party to the bedroom you took her."

"I was drunk."

"Still you did it.''

"I know what I did was wrong but can you give me chance?"

"Malcum I gave you multiple chances and you know what you took my kindness for granted and threw it away.I can't have a person in my life that take my kindness for granted.Okay."

"Just one more chance?"

"No Malcum I can't I just can't"

"Whatever so you can just say no to a person who really cares for you and get them out of your life?"


He walks over to the living room and picks up a picture of the boys and walks over to me and shoves it in my face and starts questioning me. 

 "Rose who are these guys?"

"Why do I have to tell you?"

"DAMN IT ROSE ANSWER ME!" He says angry and throws the picture on the ground making me jump.







He then turns his attention to a vase next to the stair case I know what he's going to do but I wasn't fast enough he throws it at my head and I fall backwards things start going hazy and all I hear.Is things crashing and occasional objects hit my body, I never seen him this aggressive he was never this way.

Then the sounds of crashing objects stops and I hear two voices one that sounds like is being beat the crap out of and one that's really mad.Then I hear Zayn's voice boom all through the room.I didn't even know he was here I was for sure no one was here.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER NEVER COME BACK UNLESS YOU WANT ME AND THE POLICE ON YOU!!'' Zayn screams to Malcum and then the front door opens and closes really loudly.

Things are starting to go in and out but the last thing I see is Zayn's handsome face that reminds me why I love him so much and when I mean love I mean I LOVE him.


HELLO peeps hows it going?

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there is more to come I might update Wednesday might.So I leave you with these questions: What will Zayn do? What will the boys say? Will Malcum come to the hospital? And Does Zayn also LOVE Rose?

P.S. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT eat anything,ANYTHING from your purse or your friends purse that looks old because it may be old and trust me I learned that the hard way.

                                                                    BYE BYE


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