Chapter 1

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You and I sat on seperate couches looking through the weekly paper. "Please remind me why you need a job again." I threw some more pages away and continued to look with you. "Because I don't wanna die. And I'm pretty sure you're tired of paying for everything." I shrugged. "I didn't mind. But now that you mentioned." You gasped and I laughed. "I thought you loved me pha!!?" I held my stomach as I laughed some more. We've lived together in an apartment for about a year now, but it wasn't to bad either. We were basically sister's by now and we both loved it. We gave up on looking for a bit and listened to one direction for a little. Both us singing along and dancing to 'Up all night'. Falling on the couches when the song ended. Catching my breathe I looked at my phone and checked the time. I had about 2 hours until I had to get to work. "MEL!!" "PHA!!" We both laughed again. "You wanna get something to eat before I head to work?" You nodded your head yes and put on your shoes.
         I let you pick the restaurant this time since we took turns picking. And we ended up at Nandos for about the 3rd time that week. But nandos was amazing so it never bothered us.
        We sat down and ordered. Having small talk about the weird things in life. Occasionally being to loud when a funny subject came up. We're always loud. "You could buy me those." I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Because Starbucks pays me about 1 thousand dollars a month." Your face lit up. "Really!?" "I-" I was gonna finish my sentence but someone walked through the door, distracting me. "He's soooooo hot!!!!!! OMG mel turn around" You turned around in your seat and stared at the man with the insanely tall structure and slightly built body. Even from where we were his eyes were a beautiful icy blue and his hair complimented his face very well. He was wearing a red flannel that was open, a black shirt under and black skinnies that figured his legs perfectly. You turned to face me again, your mouth completely open. "Mel. Close your mouth." You seemed to ignore me and looked at the man again. I took the objective and shut your mouth for you. The waiter came and brought us our food causing you to turn to me again. "Are you okay?" I asked you. You reached in your pocket and pulled out your inhaler and pumped it about 3 times. I face palmed and attempted to eat my food. "He's soooooooo hot. OMG I might die."
      I spent my last hour with you making sure you didn't go into a cardiac arrest or die or even look psychotic by staring for so long. You never touched your food so you took it home and I went to work.

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