Chapter 8

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I woke up at about 8am. The house still seemed to be quiet. I had work today but didn't need to be in until 11:30am. I stretched and finally stood up. I pulled on Harry's hoodie and some random shorts from the floor. I opened my door and walked down the hallway. My bare feet being the only sound throughout the house besides the occasional beep the security thing made. To my surprise Lou had been up. I walked into the kitchen. The sudden change of floor temperatures woke me up slightly more. Lou had his head laying on the counter. "Are you alive?" He let out a subtle groan. I put fresh water into the coffee maker and turned it on. I got a glass of water and sat it in front of Lou. "Here you go." He lifted up and all around his eyes were a pink puff. "You look horrible." He gave me a short stare. "Why thanks. And you're Victoria's secret ready" I let out a small chuckle. "I try." The house got quiet again except the small slurping sounds coming from Lou drinking out of the glass. "Hey, have you seen Harry lately?" "I can't remember what happened last night. Except I grabbed that bottle and made a bad mistake." I laughed again. He did pass out before me. The sight was something funny. Anyone should get the chance to see drunk Louis. By the time everyone was awake I had breakfast fixed. It took Liam 4 tries and a good bribe to get Niall up. "Stop touching my food!" Lou got really snappy when he was hungover. But nothing to far fetch of his regular attitude. Since stealing from Lou wasn't working Liam turned to the next person. Niall. He quickly turned to his own plate again. "I don't think anyone is stupid enough to steal from Niall. Here Liam." I tilted my plate and gave my unfinished food to him. We all agreed to clean around the house with designated jobs. Niall had to vacuum every room. Liam had laundry. Lou had to organize the house back to its original look. I had dishes, which was not a easy job when 6 people basically live in the same house. I was just about to start rinsing the dishes when Niall came back to me whining. "The doors locked." I put a glass in the cupboard. "What door?" He leaned on the counter. "Mel's door. I knocked and she won't open it. Didn't even make a sound." I let out a very exaggerated groan. Niall and I walked back down the hallway to Mel's door. I knocked a few times and no answer. He was right. I started twisting the door knob and I shook it all I could. "Melissa! You aren't deaf. C'mon" About 1 more minute full of pleading and banging on the door we heard heavy footsteps. She was gonna be mad we were waking her but oh well. The door opened and the boy with all the curls stared at us through his sheepish eyes. Niall stood beside me in complete shock. "Harry..." I looked past him and saw you lying in bed. I backed away out of his reach when he tried to grab me. "I hate you!" I ran down the hall trying to keep tears from my eyes. I think I made out someone yelling for me. But I didn't care. My best friend. My best friend and my boyfriend. My sister and the boy I fell for. How could she? How could he? How could they!? I trusted them both. I ran and ran and ran until my feet gave out. I landed in some tall grass and just sat there. I sat on the back of my calves and let my head fall into my lap. I was to hurt inside to sob. But some silent tears came streaking down at a fast pace. I placed my head up and blinked a few times. Clearing my eyes I stood up and brushed extra grass off my legs. I couldn't face them all like that but I had to. Betting it was past 11, I strolled home. Not the fun stroll like you had nothing to do and it was pretty out. But stroll like you knew you were in trouble or in pain as I was.

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