Chapter 10

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When I came home from work no one was home. The house was quiet and seemed really depressing. So I decided to take a walk. I had no clue where I was going to but just away. Somewhere was better than the house.
      I probably walked half a mile before I got really cold. There was a gas station pretty close to where I was so I continued to walk there.
         It was still open thank goodness. I noticed the store owner had a heater so that's where I went. I put my hands in the front of it and rubbed them together. "Pretty cold ain't it?" I looked up to see a man. He was evidently taller than me. He had a quiff and fringe at the same time with part of it being dyed blonde. "Umm..yea. it's ugh pretty chilly" I stopped rubbing my hands and stuffed them into my pockets. Winter in L.A was a frozen hell but beautiful. "You're still shivering. Take this." The man took off his thickest coat and wrapped it around my shoulders. I never noticed my shivering until he said something. I pulled the coat around me tighter and thanked the man. "You aren't homeless are you? It's getting below 30° tonight." I shook my head no. "No of course not " "well good. Would a pretty lady like you happen to need a ride?" "I don't live that far honestly I can walk." "No no no you shouldn't have to walk at all. Would you like to grab a drink with me?" I thought about you and then Harry and then you and Harry in that room together and it made me teary again.  "Are you ok mam?" "Yes. I'm ok it's just..nothing never mind. I'd love to have a drink with you." He smiled and took my hand. Together we walked to his car.
     We ended up going to his house. "What happened to getting drinks?" He took my hand and walked me inside. "We are" He leaded me to the kitchen and pulled out my chair for me. I watched as he pulled off his layers leaving him shirtless. His body was completely toned and beautiful. "I'll be right back. I should find something more comfortable." I simply smiled in response. I watched his back conform with his different body movements as he walked away.
      He walked back into the kitchen with a regular pair of jogging pants on and a muscle shirt. "Feel better?" He looked over to me and showed his many dimples. "Yes thank you"
        We sat with our backs leaned on the couch as we sat on the floor by the fireplace. I had barely drank any wine. I was so into what he had to say. Like I was very attracted to him. And no one or nothing had crossed my mind while I was with him.
         We had just finished talking about some of his co workers he had at work that he couldn't stand. And they were quite funny. I was holding my stomach from laughing so much. "You're very pretty. I like you" I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you." Only then I realized he was leaning in. What was I supposed to do. Leave and then make it awkward? I let our lips meet. His hand went up and his thumb caressed my cheek. I pulled away from the kiss. It was amazing but felt weird. My heart still belonged to Harry and he was not Harry no matter how much I wished he was. "Is something wrong love?" "No, no it was fine." He looked at me a little different than previous times. "Somethings wrong. I've been around enough females to know that." "Its my fault. I'm sorry, you don't deserve this. You don't even know me." He moved a piece of hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. "Let me take you home" I touched the hand that was still on my cheek and held it for a few seconds. "I better get you home yea. It's late." He stood up and grabbed keys off of a table near by.
      I told him my address and showed a few places to turn and we pulled into the driveway. He turned the car off as I got out. "Thanks for the drink and the ride home." "Thanks for your time. It was wonderful." I waved and walked to the front door.

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