Chapter one //

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Have you ever been so devastated that the world just stopped?

Well, what occurred today was heart wrenching. My best mate Scorpius seems to have some memory loss. He doesn't even know how much I love him or how much pain he brings me . . . He is like a brother to me, Albus likewise
I rested my head on my knees and let the my eyes water.


I run toward him, arms opened wide, my smile probably brighter than the sun, he was finally back! And I could tell him all about my summer and my surprise for him!

As I ran through the fields near where he'd arrive, my curly hair swung with me, left to right, side to side.

I'd get to see his smile again warmer than a fire and eyes as gray as a storm cloud, i'd get to hear him complain about how Professor Harris talks too soft, or how Professor Farley's class is  just the worst. I could barely contain my excitement!

I arrived at about Noon, Hagrid was waiting with Scorpius, when I saw them I zipped past and everything all around me was a blur, I flung myself into the boy's arms, and laughed gently.

After a couple of awkward seconds, I realized that he wasn't responding, I let go.

"Scor? What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?" I say with a light chuckle. He stared at me like i was an old sock that hadn't been washed in days.

I bit my lip, and put my hands on my hips, "Do I know you?" Scorpius finally asked. It felt like a bullet in the heart, "Yes . . . Scorpius it's me, Rose?"

I tried to take his hand, but he shook it off and gave me an icy glare. I looked at Hagrid for answers. With a grim expression, Hagrid  told me of Scorpius' memory loss; of his mother's passing. Scorpius was farther away, kicking rocks into the train tracks.

For whatever reason; I felt at fault.


In Professer Fletcher's class he just sat at his desk, jotting down stick figures with skulls and cruel words.

Not like him at all. I felt a Nico Di Angelo vibe.

In Professor Farley's class he wouldn't even speak to me. A glance even would've been nice. I felt a desperate need for comfort. A comfort in knowing my best friend was okay.

Is that too much to ask?

I changed out of my robes and put on something a little more casual, a grey hoodie and cute crimson shorts. I also put on a light velvet color headband, and then raced out the door towards the Great Hall.

On my way out I noticed Scorpius walking toward the Great Hall by himself . . . It looks like he has no memory of Albus either.

I slipped my hand into the small pocket on my shorts and slipped out my gift to him, it was wrapped in a yellow box with silver ribbon tied around it to keep it secure.

I ran off to catch up with him, until I bumped into somebody.
"Hey!" I shout. I hear a laugh, "Sorry about that Rose."

I blush, when i look up, i see it's the face of Christian Hernandez, he had tan skin and freckles, and a smile brighter than the sun, he had gorgeous dark brown hair that curled down on his face and he is keeper for the Ravenclaw house, he was two years above me though. "Oh Chris! I am so sorry!" I realized I had spilled his food on his robes when i bumped into him.

"Let me help you-" I grabbed napkins near us, and began to wipe his shirt, when he grabbed my arm. "It's s'okay." he said chill, with his one million dollar smile.

I got lost in his warm brown eyes for a while, "Oh, are you sure?" I ask. He pats me on the shoulder, "It's okay Rose, but thank you, you're such a good friend." With one last smile he left, and i was left looking like an idiot, my arms left in the air, gripping the napkins, like they were precious to me.

I slowly pull my arms down suddenly realizing that i missed my chance to give Scorpius his gift. Tomorrow. I told myself. Tomorrow will be the day when you remember everything.

Scorose //Don't you remember?// {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now