Theatre Monologue

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So I've started school again (like nearly 2 months ago) and theatre is my elective. I have officially become a theatre geek. Ironically, theatre was the elective I was hoping not to get, but now I'm in love with it.

But anyways, for the final of the quarter, which is next Wednesday, in theatre class, we have to write and perform a(n approximately one and a half minute long) monologue. In hopes of getting an A on it, I would be very appreciative if anyone who's reading this would read my monologue and critique it to make it the best it can be. I will seriously love you forever if you do. So here it is:

The human race is supposed to be the most intelligent species known to earth. Yet, I look at the general overview of people, and to me, they prove just the opposite. I look to the news to find another person murdered by someone who kills for the fun of it. I see people who are warned thousands of times but take none of it into consideration. We are all mortal, and therefore bound to pain and fear and death, but every single one of us is surprised when a tragedy happens to us. We judge what can't be changed and complain about what can. It's a world full of chaos. Yet, there's beauty here too. I look around, and past the surface, I see kind hearts and helping hands that reach out to complete strangers in need. There are people that come together to earn what they believe is right. People who stand up to injustice and people who show as best they can that as messed up as we all are, there is goodness inside all of us. So, at the end of the day, I'm proud to be a part of our messed up family.

Please, please, please, PLEASE let me know what you think of it and tell me what you think I should do to make it better. Even if it's just like a grammatical error or something. In exchange I can become your new bet friend... Unless you don't like me. If that's the case, then if you do this for me I can promise to leave you alone!

Thanks everyone! Love ya!
~Skye <3

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