R.I 1: You finally met him

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Y/N - your name
Y/T/N: your twitter name
Y/B/N: your bestfriends name
H/C: Hair color

Calum hood imagine #1:

You tuck in your fangirl statement shirt and then pulled out your boots and mini skirt. You looked beautiful as ever.

You put some small amount of concealer, and small amount of blush on. You applied some small amount of lip gloss and then a small amount of eyeliner.

Now, you're already ready to meet up your best friend.

You grabbed your 5sos meet and greet concert tickets and then your iPhone. You showed a smile and then leave your room.

You hugged your mom tight and then mouthed thank you for the gift. You almost cried to her when she gave it to you.

5sos is in the peak of their fame. Many people now adore them, head over heels for them.

You liked Calum Hood, the squishy face owner, that have moles on his face and then a good voice. He really like playing bass and stuffs. He got your attention.

You head up in your car, starting it and then made your way with y/b/n.

You parked your car and then slip off from it. You knocked excitedly to your best friends house and then she opened it. She have her 5sos logo shirt and a beanie in her head. She looks beautiful, but not like you. ^^V

"Hey y/b/n! Are you ready?!"

"Hell yeah y/n! Its for Luke my love!"

Yeah, your best friend liked Luke hemmings. He is the one who your best friend's adore. While she really hate Calum.

Yeah, some of them really hate Calum for all the controversy and stuffs he made. But you fight for him. You fight for all that you can to not let Calum fall so hard for himself. You support him.

You drove off your car, headed to the venue and then saw a thousand people around the concert stage. You and your best friend chose to stand along near the barricade.

Few hours later,

It is now the time for you and Calum meet. You can feel your heart racing. You have 5 minutes to say hi to Calum.

Y/b/n is already with Luke. They can chuckle and she hugged him. But you don't feel to see Luke. You like to see Calum all along.

You stole Calum's photo. He's really adorable. You really like him.

"Miss, 5 mins is over." Your best friend frowned and then Luke smiled at her, he take some selfie with him and kisses your best friends cheek.
She's so lucky.

Its now your turn. Seeing Calum near close. You can feel your eyes giving off waters and drips down in to your face.

"Next!" Their manager said and its now your turn.

Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton smiled to you. You hugged them first than Calum. So Calum frowned because he really thought so many numerous of fans really come to him.

You hugged Calum really tight.
"Its my dream come true Calum," you whispered but its able to hear for Calum.

"Woah beautiful what's your name?" Calum smiled and then he gave you high 5. But he's too tall so you jumped to reach him.

"Y/n. Calum! You looked so handsome! I can't deny it!" You shouted and then kissed his Cheeks. He smiled and then took out his phone and then take a selfie of you two. Its very unbelievable.

You pulled out your phone and then smiled at Calum. "Calum, please give me your number, if you wanted to." You frowned and then you saw the manager came in. "Last 1 minute".

He gave you a smile and then he grabbed your phone. He typed his number and then smiled at you. He kissed you for the last time and then you kissed him back in his cheeks.

It's very unforgettable moment of your life.

dedicated to Lukeismyidiot because her story rocks!!!

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