Scarlet Evans

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My name's Scarlet Evans. Here I am, sitting on a park bench. The birds are chirping merrily, the trees are swaying beautifully and the flowers were blooming with colour.

As a gust a wind past by, I adjust my scarf around my neck and started at the sunrise in front of me. The sunrise is simply majestic most people would say upon the subject.

But not me.

For me, this world is simply black and white. It cannot be beautiful for me, for, the love of my life, my husband of 15 years, Jake Evans, has died.

He was a soldier in the army. Yesterday, I got the call of his colleague saying Jake was no more. He gave his life to protect the borders.

I should be proud of him and I really am but it's so hard not to miss him. I miss the way his eyes beamed with joy every time he smiled, how he his ears turn red when he would lie, how he would chuckle nervously when he was embarrassed.

But, as they say, you have to move on. But how could you? I would ask them. But deep down I know it's for the best.

I didn't think someone would be up at this hour. I checked my watch, 5:48, it would be unlikely since tomorrow is a weekday so people would appreciate the sleep.

So it wasn't odd to say that I was surprised when I saw a couple, of about 18 years old sitting on another bench with tears in their eyes. That startled me. Nowadays teens don't care about their parents, but these people have genuine tears.

" Leo...Leo is gone...", the guy with ruffled blond hair murmured in a croaky voice. As he turned to hug his girlfriend, (I'm guessing) he was in a perfect view for me to see his eyes.

They were red and puffy. Poor child, they shouldn't be having this kind of grief.

"He died to save us!", the girl with choppy brown hair sobbed, she clung to the boy and weep even more.

( A/N: Takes place 3 days after Gaia is destroyed )

It broke my heart to see the young teenagers in so much pain. This Leo person must have been very close to them to touch their hearts deeply. Also, he probably died in the same place Jake was killed, if their at a place to respect soldiers and people from militarys. So I decided to talk to them.

As I neared them they both looked up at me in surprise.

"Do we know you ma'am?" The girl asked politely.

"I suppose not kids. This Leo you were talking about, who I assume was a close friend, died for the army?" I said with a gentle smile crossing my face.

They both looked at each other and then faced me again.

"You could say that ma'am. My name is Jason, Jason Grace. And this is my girlfriend Piper McLean. Leo was like a brother to both of us. He willingly gave up his life so that our camp and hundreds of people could live peacefully. He died in a bomb blast. He was a hero ma'am" the blonde haired guy, now christened as Jason, told me.

" I understand exactly how you both feel right now. My husband died yesterday for his services to the army. And please, don't call me ma'am. I would prefer you both calling me Scarlet. Scarlet Evans is my name. And yes Jason, every person who gives his life for others is a hero. But he would not liked to see you both sulking, now would he? You will have to learn to move on" I said.

Jason and Piper both nodded slowly.

" Thank you Scarlet. Talking to you really helped. It was a pleasure meeting you..." Piper said, as her words died in her throat, as her eyes got wide on seeing something behind me. Jason was the same.

Out of curiosity, I too turned behind to see a 17 or 18 year old guy groaning as he sat up. He looked like a latino elf, his hair all tangle and his clothes patched with dirt.

Besides him, was a 17 year old girl with almond shaped eyes and hair, the colour of toast, groaning in harmony. They were both sprawled on the floor like they fell from the trees there.

Piper and Jason stood so abruptly, I was surprised. As the 2 teens on the floor stood, the boy started staring at them in surprise.

" VALDEZ!" Piper screamed really loud. And the scream was a mixture of relief and anger.

The boy there flinched hard, as the girl jumped in surprise. Then Piper broke out into a full run and jumped on the poor boy. It was such a tight hug, that I couldn't help laughing. Then Jason jumped on both of them, sending all 3 onto the ground.

The girl was staring with a hand covering her mouth, stifling her laughter from the sight in front of her.

" Pipes... Jase... choking me!" The latino elf boy choked. Piper and Jason got off abruptly. Again. Piper held an arm for the boy and he took her arm and got up.

And soon as he did, Piper slapped him hard on the cheek. And it was such a hard slap that the mysterious guy fell to the floor again. Jason was holding Piper back as the boy got up groaning.

"Wow, you do miss me a lot don't 'cha? You could send me flying with a smack like that, Beauty Queen" He joked. And after that, it was a super tight group hug. Piper and Jason were in tears once more.

" Leo. Why did you do that? I nearly died without you!" Piper asked him.

Whoa! Wait! She said Leo! LEO?! And by judging their reuniting ceremony, I am sure it's the same Leo they were mourning over.

How did he live? I had no clue. But either way I was very happy for Jason and Piper.

" Superman, Beauty Queen, meet my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend Calypso!" Leo announced happily, pointing to the other girl.

" Congrats Repair boy!" Jason and Piper shouted together. In the meantime, they had forgotten about me, but I did not mind. I just walked away, in happiness for the Jason, Piper and Leo.

As their voice kept on going smaller and smaller, and with the sun rising higher; I could tell that today was going to be a great day for them and that maybe something like that would be in stored for me too.

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