Ryder Maddox

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I honestly don't even know what I'm doing with this.

So what's up? The name's Ryder Maddox, pretty cool name right? Well, even if you don't think so, I think it's a cool name so your opinion isn't valid.

So anyways, I attend Becher High School or BHS and today we were welcoming a few new students and rumour says that there's only gonna be one.

I knew one of them is in my first period, English with Mr. Graham. He's a pretty nice dude, he makes references to a lot of different stuff like when someone would say hello, he'd burst out into a song. Same thing with when someone says "Mr. Graham" he'll reply with "What do you want from me?"

It's actually pretty normal by now.

So anyways back to what I was saying, the new kids in my class today. Not sure if it's a girl or a guy, guess I'll find out with everyone else.

We usually start the class with Mr. Graham entering the class with the Star Wars theme song, we think he should just go and be the Drama teacher but he insists that he's not meant to be one and that he isn't worthy. So he stuck with being a English teacher.

This morning was different though, he entered the room with no music playing not even a dramatic entrance like him having a cape to spin or something. He just came in the class like a normal teacher.

"Hello class, you might've notice the strange entrance I had, right?" Mr. Graham said. "And you must all be thinking 'Why?' So to answer you undying questions, I didn't want to look like a weird teacher to the new student"

"Like you aren't already, I mean you're the weirdest teacher I've ever met. I bet you aren't even married" Carlos, the guy sitting next to me, gave a high five to Tom, the guy who said that.

"But at least I ain't as sad as you two, picking on a 38 year old man" Mr. Graham retorted. "And you thought I was the immature one, now look at you two, all girls in this class know how childish you are and they're probably gonna tell all their little friends. Good luck with your social life"

"And by the way, I am in fact married with a loving wife whose name I won't tell, do to the fact it's my private life." He quickly added.

"At least he's married Tom, how many girlfriends did you have in your tiny excuse of a life? None." I said.

Mr. Graham grinned and said "You want some ice to apply to that buuuuuuuuuuuuuurn or do you want a fire station? Anyways, back on topic, we have a new student and he's waiting outside of class"

"You can come in now!" He shouted and as he did that, the door opens and revealed and pretty tall guy.

His hair was blond and bright blue eyes that was scanning the room like he was looking for something very important. Also, since our school doesn't have any uniforms, he was wearing a purple T-shirt and ripped jeans.

He walked to the front of the class and smiled, "I'm Jason. Jason Grace."

"Hi Jason!" The whole class responded in unison, Mr. Graham was given us a thumbs up behind Jason so it took me about 5 seconds to try not to laugh.

It's kind of an inside joke so you might not get it but I'll explain. So one day, Mr. Graham decided to "teach" the whole class how to speak in unison because he thought it'll be cool to see the reaction of other people when they enter a class who all speak at the same time.

The first time we did this was when the principle, Mrs. Jones, came in and if I recall she was pretty annoyed when she walked in the class. She was supposed to lecture the class on not to set pranks around the school since there's was a lot of them happening especially to the teachers.

Every time she asked a question to us, we'd reply in unison and she'd tell us to stop while we'd reply "Stop what?"

And even when someone was explaining how we weren't gonna do anymore pranks, it was all together. She reached her limit once she told Mr. Graham that he wasn't teaching his class right. He simply grinned and said "I think my class is the best Mrs. Jones"...... along with the whole class.

And now we do it all the time, just like right now.

A poke to my shoulder broke my train of thought, I turn around and see Jason with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Is he always like this?" He ask while pointing to the front of the room. It was Mr. Graham fighting Charles with toy lightsabers, they were shouting questions and answers to grammar questions.

"Yup, it's a normal thing now. Plus, it helps get people into grammar since if get it right you get to strike him and if you get it wrong he strikes at you and of course you're allowed to block." I said.

He nodded and slipped back into his seat.

"I'm Ryder by the way, Ryder Maddox" I gave home a grin and since then we became close friends but last year he suddenly stop coming to school.

It started out with him appearing each day at school with some sort of scar. Since we had gym everyday, we would change in the boy change room and all of a sudden-BAM! There was a scar that we found on his back or his chest or even his arm.

Not to mention he has this sort of tattoo thing on his arm.

We sometimes ask him about the scars and how he got them but we always got the same words in response.

"I got a paper cut"

"I was in a accident a couple of years ago"

"In camp we were practicing sword fighting"

"I accidentally cut myself"

"I fell down the stairs"

Or even the notorious shrug.

The other guys thought he was getting abused, but after asking about the scar on his lip and hearing the response that was he tried to eat a stapler, they then thought that his parents were neglecting him.

He deny all accusations and said he lived with his uncle since his parents got divorce and his mom died. We left him alone but still held our suspicions.

But after three years of knowing the guy, we met his sister Thalia.

She's a girl who was obviously someone you wouldn't want to cross nor think she's Jason's sister since she has pitch black hair with electrifying blue eyes while Jason has light blond hair with sky blue eyes.

And although she may look scary and menacing, she's pretty chill as long as you don't make sexist remarks, mention her mom or do anything she hates. Thalia is also pretty protective of her brother so there is no way her parents could've harm him with her around.

A couple of months later he vanishes without a trace. We didn't have a cellphone, his address or his email so it was impossible to contact him.

He never came back since then and 'till this day, I still don't know what happened to him

It was less fun without him around.

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