Alex LaRoche

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Alex LaRoche

(A/N: I don't own PJ or HoO but I do own the Oc's and ideas oh! And my teddy too!!🐻 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻and my stuff koalas!!! 🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨)


Today was an amazing day! Got to hang out with my friends Carly, Shawn, Cassandra and Leo. Cassandra is my amazing girlfriend.

She has long curly brown hair that goes to her mid-back, she wares T-shirt with the word 'Peace and Love' and blue jeans with floral patterns on the pockets.

Shawn has like a sandy blonde hair and is very hilarious but has somewhat of a temper he wears a polo shirt and some casual sweat pants, I know, bad kind of choice according to my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend.

Carly has a dark brown hair that's in a pixie cut and wares a tang-top with a jean jacket on top, with black jeans.

Leo is like a scrawny kid with curly brown hair and has a mischievous smile and he always twiddle his thumb around and has something to occupied it.

Although, he's a nice guy, he always gets bullied but he deals with them perfectly fine like nothing happens after like yesterday......


We were in the hallway and was talking about our summer. Most of us went to the beach or on a vacation somewhere with their family. I turn over to Leo and ask the same question I shouldn't bother ask since i knew the answer.

"Hey Leo! How'd your summer go? Just went to that camp didn't you?" I asked while nudging him.

"YUP!" He replied with a smile

Shawn looked annoyed and thankfully Leo saw so he began to defend his loving camp. "Hey! It's not my fault that camp is AWESOME!!! It's always"

"So what's this camp hun punk?" Oh goodie! Drake just has to pop in our conversation, but seriously. What's with the eavesdroppers ??? Like really!

But Leo starts to talk back "Go to your 'cool' group oh and by the way 'cool' means your Constipated. Overweighted. Over rated. Loser. Just so your puny brain know"

People around chanted some 'oooooohs' and 'you just got burn' (A/N: no pun needed) but Drake just glared at them and continue talking.

"I suggest for you to have not such a big ego"

"Oh~! What are you gonna do about it hmm?" Leo snap back.

Drake pinned him against the wall but Leo didn't seem scared he just shrug as if he seen worse but who am I kidding?

I've never felt anything more scary then Drake pining you against the wall. He -as in Drake- tried to punch him but......

Leo put his hand in front of his hand and then when Drake fist was in Leo palm it started to, like, smoke.

Drake started to scream and took his hand off and shook his hand in the air while saying "OW! Oh my GOD IT HURT!"

Leo just smirk *DRIIIIIIIIIIING* and apparently walked off to class.


It was lunch and we were eating at our table I but my arm around Cassandra, my most amazing girlfriend and sat down.

I looked at Leo and he look more hyper then usual but with his ADHD, he was so hyper that he look like he was about to explode to the person who would talk to him.

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