Brenna Meyers

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It was a cold October night. Most people stayed in their houses, getting a head start on their weekend. But the students of Bridge Wood High weren't in their houses right at the moment, the school decided to host a Halloween party for reasons unknown.

Teens are seen entering the school in costumes varying from pirates to a banana. The Gymnasium was packed with dancing teens.

Songs blared from the speakers, streamers hung from the ceiling and balloons littered the place. A teacher was stationed at the punch table, making sure no one would spike it. Funny enough said teacher was dressed as a policeman.

Brenna Meyers was patiently waiting by the punch table, she was dressed as a princess just like practically half the girls but unlike the other *ahem* underdressed princesses, she kept hers reserved though, she wanted to make a good impression for tonight was the night Jason Grace would be her boyfriend.

She slowly sipped her cup as she watched the entrance.

"Waiting for your prince charming?" a voice asked her. She turned her head and saw a familiar face, it was her friend James.

He was dressed like a prince, a crown was placed on top of his blond cropped hair, Jason's hair looks way better than his. Brenna scoffed "Who? You?"

James smiled smugly at her "Maybe"

She punched him playfully on the shoulder "Go find your own princess"

"Relax" he held up his hands in defense "I'm not here to abduct you anyway. I just want something to drink"

Brenna then turned her attention back to the entrance.

"You know, he has a girlfriend" James told her as she rolled her eyes at him.

"No I'm serious Brenna! I've seen her" he said.

"I don't believe you, now leave me alone alright?" she said slightly annoyed. James breathed deeply, bowed down to her in a mocking way and left her alone. 5 minutes later her eyes brightened as she finally found her Prince.

"Jason!" She called him over. He smiled and made his way towards her. To her surprise, he was dressed as Superman.

"Hey" he said smoothing his neat, shiny, dirty blonde hair which was combed neatly to one side. He had a normal Superman costume on, the kind of ones you would see at stores

. Unlike most people who wore the costume, his didn't have the fake muscles. Oh no he didn't, he had actual muscle which were define with the tight costume.

"Wow Jason, I didn't peg you as the Hero type" she joked him. A light blush appeared on his face.

"I didn't want to be a prince or anything really, but Piper made me wear it. She and Leo found it hilarious for some reason." He muttered quietly but loud enough for her to hear. Her body stiffened at the name "Piper" but eased once she heard "Leo".

"Alright guys, this song goes out to all those couples out there out there" a dj called out. A familiar song started playing, it was one of her favourite songs, which was funny enough, called "Superman" by Joe Brooks.

There are no words
To paint a picture of you girl
Your eye, those curves
Are like you from some other world

Brenna turned her attention back to Jason "Hey Jace, may I have this dance?"

But it fell do deaf ears. Jason wasn't paying attention to her at all, he was staring at the girl that just entered the Gym. Practically everyone was staring at said girl, even Brenna was staring in awe and jealousy.

Her brown hair was in a messy bun, her bangs framing her beautiful face with most stands loose from the bun as if the girl had no idea how to do it but it still looks wonderful. Her  eyes were like a kaleidoscope, all sorts of different colours shimmered in the light, she had a silver gown. She was practically a princess of all princess.

You walk my way
Oh god it's so frustrating
So why do I disappear
When you come near

Her eyes scanned the crowd until it landed on Brenna and Jason, she then made her way towards them.

"Piper? Y-You told me you couldn't come" Jason stuttered as she scratched the back of his neck. Piper laughed lightly at him, she then cupped his cheek "I wanted to surprise you"

Brenna just stood there watching the scene unfold. Her heart breaking one by one.

It makes me feel so small

"Well Beauty Queen, may I have this dance?" Jason asked her bowing slightly, totally forgetting about Brenna. Jason smiled warmly at him "I would be honored Mr. I-Wanted-To-Eat-A-Staple."

They then made their way towards the center of the gym. Not caring if the entire student body was watching them.

Why do I blow my lines
Most every time
Like I got no chance at all

Brenna's heart broke. Her eyes were tearing up a bit, but she couldn't help but be moved by the way they danced. They didn't speak or anything but love radiated from them, the kind of love you find once in a lifetime.

Although, as they dance, some couldn't contain their laughter at the sweet couple. It was a sight to behold, after all, you don't always see a blond Superman dancing with a princess.

If I could be you Superman
I'll fly you to the stars and back again
'Cause every time you touched my hand
You feel my powers running through your veins

"Here" James handed her a white handkerchief. She used it to dap her eyes lightly, careful not to smudge her makeup.

"Thanks" she mumbled. They both watched the couple dance.

"They have quite the chemistry huh" he noted. Brenna just merely nodded, not trusting her voice not to crack.

"I know how you feel" he said looking into her eyes, brown meeting green. "I know what it's like to love someone and for them to not love you back"

"How did you ever get over her?" she asked him quietly.

But I can only write this song
And tell you that I'm not that strong

"I never did" he whispered to her, holding her hand.

'Cause I'm no Superman

As Jason and Piper shared a kiss, James and Brenna shared one as well. It wasn't the happy ending Brenna was expecting, but she got something better.

I hope you like me, as I am...

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