Burning With Revenge

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Chapter One

Leah's POV

An unusual burning smell oozed through the cracks in my bedroom door, instantly waking me up. The scent reached my nose and triggered a second of fear in my mind. I was briefly overrun with thoughts of a fire that had been started downstairs. A fire that could so easily spread and cause devastation within the house.

I jumped out of bed instantly, afraid of the mysterious burning scent. Surely there couldn't be a fire in our house? It just didn't seem possible, but it was confirmed when I swung my bedroom door open to be met by a wall of billowing smoke.

My hand reached to cover my mouth and nose automatically; the smoke was so thick that it made my eyes water. I instantly slammed my door shut, retreating away from the fast approaching fire.

I needed to get out. The front door would be the easiest exit, it was straight down the stairs.

My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest; adrenaline pumped around my body covering the fear that had been building inside me. A fire was nothing to be scared of, I just needed to get out of this burning house.

I ran the back of my hand down the wooden door, luckily the door felt cool so the fire hadn't reached my room yet. I grabbed a blanket anyway and held it over the door handle as I opened the door once again.

The smoke gushed into my room like a wave in the ocean, instantly blinding me, but I couldn't let this deter me from my escape so I continued to run along the corridor and down the stairs. I glanced at the smoke detector that was fixed to the hallway ceiling to see it was open and the batteries had been removed. This didn't surprise me though, my mum had probably just forgotten to replace the batteries.

The fire was clearly coming from the living room, I ran past it as I made my way to the front door. The flames climbed the living room door, devouring it quickly. They hissed as they began to demolish the carpet.

I found myself momentarily hypnotised by the flames, in an unbreakable trance. The glowing orange fire was deadly, yet it appeared to be so beautiful before my eyes. The sound of a beam creaking above me broke me out of my trance, I looked up at it as it loosened from the plaster, falling towards the floor. Luckily I dived out of the way just in time otherwise the burning beam would have crushed me. I felt a burst of pain shoot up my wrist as I broke my fall and I cursed under my breath.

Unfortunately the beam was now blocking my exit.

I ran into the kitchen an grabbed  the mini fire extinguisher. Instead of using the extinguisher for it's actual purpose I smashed it into the window above the sink, shattering the glass. Climbing out of the window I was careful not to scratch my bare legs on the sharp edges. Why the hell did I choose to wear a nightie tonight?

I glanced around at the street to see a lady who I recognised as one of my neighbours rushing towards me. Suddenly she gushed out a load of questions. "Are you okay? Have you hurt yourself? I've rang 999, the fire brigade and police will be on their way soon. Was you the only person in the house?"

That last question set my brain back in motion as I instantly remembered my parents that were asleep in the room next door to mine. I didn't answer the lady, I couldn't force the words out of my mouth. Instead I ran back towards the burning building but I felt some strong arms wrap around my shoulders, stopping me instantly.

The flames in the house hissed and cackled almost tauntingly. They were laughing at my possible loss. My parents, my only family. If they didn't get out of that raging torrent of fire soon then they'd die for sure. Then I'd have nobody.

"Let me go!" I shouted at the anonymous figure who held me tightly.

"I can't do that," an old man's voice whispered apologetically in my ear. That startled me for a second because I'd thought it was the lady who was preventing me from finding my parents in the burning hellish fire.

I struggled against his grasp for a while, trying desperately to escape to save my parents. The fire brigade wasn't here yet and every second that passed was a second closer to my parents' deaths.

Eventually I couldn't struggle against the man's hold any longer; he was one strong old man! I felt myself getting dizzy and I began shaking again. I heard someone mutter something about me going into shock before I blacked out.


 Author's note: Heyyy! This chapter was written by me, Emsie7 ...I hope you liked it! Um, feel free to comment, vote or whatever on this chapter ;D You know you want to :)

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