Chapter 12

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[a/n; okay so i'm sorry for the grammatical errors ahead of time. I some how deleted my microsoft word so i'm typing this on notepad and it doesn't have a spell check.]

Hunter POV

I woke up to Leah trying to sneak out of the bed inconspicuously. I called her name and told her we should just forget about last night. That was the last thing i wanted to do, the way she made me feel when she screamed out my name. The way she scratched my back when i went deeper. I certainly don't want to forget the way her naked flesh felt upon mine. The missions excuse was just that, an excuse. I just don't want her to find out just how deeply i feel for her.

listen to me i sound like a little girl. I ran my hands down my face and waited for leah to come out of the bathroom. 

+++ 40 minutes later+++

She still is in the bathroom. Gosh why do females take so long to get ready, I swear i heard the water turn off  like 30 minutes ago. What could she be doing in there?

"Leah hurry up! We're suppose to be back at the facility in an hour" I was met with complete and utter silence. I waited 10 more minutes before i went up to the bathroom door and listened closely. I heard Leah mubling something along the line of: How could i have been so stupid, i should've known. I thought she was thinking of how she might just be another notch in my bed post but she is far from that. I Love that girl and if i could go back and change everything i would. I wish i could but life just doesn't come with a remote.

If it did that'd be great i'd rewind back to last night and pause Leah when she made those sexy little faces letting me know i was doing something right. In a way she was my first. No i was not in any way a virgin but Leah... that was the first time i have ever made love i was use to F__king and causal sex. No love was included but with her it just felt right everytime i touched her i felt a spark. Her eyes i could get lost in them for hours and not even know.

Ugh! here i am sounding like a little teenage girl again.I knocked on the door, i waited for a reply i got none. I wait a couple of seconds and knocked again.

"Leah! Leah!! what are you doing in there? Leah! answer me or i'm breaking this door down!!" 

I was about to knock again but i heard the click of the door being unlocked The door opened slowly revealing a fuming, hurt, disappointed Leah. She glared at me for god knows how long and the words out her mouth shocked me into oblivion.

"So hunter" She said it so casually that if i weren't looking at her i wouldn't have known there was anything wrong. "Are you going to tell me how you lost your lighter?" I thought about it for a minutes but when i repeated the question in my head I paled instantly and my first thoguht was to run for the hills.


After Hunter told me to just forget about last night i was mad but relieved as well as hurt .He thought i was just another notch in his bed post!? Humph he's got another thing coming. I decided to go take a shower and wash the essence of jerk off of me. On my way to the bathroom i picked up my clothes from last night, i was so excited to leave yesterday when i left that i somehow forgot to pack an extra set of clothing. I went in the bathroom and took a 10 minute shower.  When i got out of the shower i stood in front of the mirror in just my bra and panties thinking;

"What was it that thought I would be anything different to him? He only thought of me as his newest conquest. i can't let this happen again. I need to put up a mental block. Something that separates these thoughts from becoming actions" by the time i was done with my short monolougue in my head i realized that i had already had my pants and shirt on. I reached for my hoodie as i was lifting it off the counter i noticed that the light from the evidence from the police station from the fire fell out. I picked it up and examined it, I stil can't seem to read what it says. It seemed like it ot a little debris and rust on it. I walked over to the sink and washed it off. It was easier to read but i had to squint my eyes to read it. 

It said "Headquarters" but above it said something else something that really got me thinking. It read "312223496" 

I paused and thought. The only head quarters i know is the training facitlity. I know when we get there we're all assigned numbers,i don't kow why it's not like we use them. Except for the all access card only certain people get. That thought made me think even harder back to my first day at the training center when Hunter used his card to open all the doors thinking he was mister big shot. But wait what did his card say, i'm pretty sure i memorized every single persons in that place. I know everyones Identicfication number. I thought about hunters'... is was 32122... come on think was 32122349....6. My eyes had gotten so wide at that point. I was angry and disappointed. He tried to get me to forgive and forget. Nope! sorry buddy thats not going to happen.I was Buring with revenge. I needed a way to get back at him. He killed my family, accident or no accident he should've stepped up and took responsiblity.

All those times i talked about it with him. Now it makes sense how he always went quiet after i told a story about my parents. How could i have been so stupid to let him play me for this long. I should've known it was him. I should've known! 

I heard Hunter banging on the door. I looked at myself in the mirror to see i had tears pouring down my face. I can't let him see me cry! I splashed some ice cold water on my face and opened the door slowly. 

"So Hunter... are you going to tell me how you lost your lighter?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2011 ⏰

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