Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After the mission I couldn't even be bothered to check in with Lisa. Hunter was too busy staring off into space to notice me slipping off into my room. If this assassin thing doesn't work out maybe I'll have a career as a spy or something.

I grabbed an apple out of my mini fridge and flopped down on my bed.

 I still couldn't believe that I just killed two murderers. I know it was the right thing but does murdering two murderers make me a murder? Just thinking about it gives me a headache.  The weirdest part is that I barely even had to try, it just came to me. Oh crap does that make me a natural born killer or something?

After finishing my apple I decided to head down to the gym, somehow I figured I wouldn't be able to get any sleep tonight. I tiptoed down the hallway as I passed all the other rooms.  Since it was 2am I doubted anyone would take too kindly to me wondering the hallways. 

I found the gym without any trouble and changed into my shorts and a tank top. Maybe I didn't pay much attention when Hunter was giving me the tour because I didn’t realise that this place was bigger than my old house. There were at least twenty different machines that I couldn't even pronounce the name of let only use.  Then there were the simple things like a treadmill and exercise bike. 

I spotted one of many punching bags in the corner and walked over to it. I started punching it until my knuckles were almost raw. I focused on the bastard that lit the fire while pretending the punching bag was him and I pictured the lighter that was used to kill my parents.

He deserved to die for what he did to my parents. He was a murdered, a sick and twisted murderer.

Sweat was dripping down my body, my arms were aching and I could see the blood from my knuckles smeared across the punching bag. I didn't even stop punching when someone grabbed hold of the bag and steadied it. I risked a quick glance at Hunter who just nodded towards the bag to tell me to keep going, and that's what I did.

After at least an hour I finally stopped since it felt like my arms were going to fall off.

"Wow." Hunter muttered.

I grunted in response and pretty much fell onto the floor.

"I didn't know you could punch like that." he said as he joined me. For a moment I realised that Hunter hadn't said one sarcastic remark since he walked into the gym. But then he had to ruin it.

"If you can get that sweaty punching a bag imagine what you'd look like after a session in bed with me." he said in his usual cocky voice. I barely managed to lift my arm to slap him.

He chuckled at my attempt and I could feel his gaze roaming my body hungrily.

"You done?" I asked irritably as I lifted myself into a sitting position.

He laughed again, this time a real laugh.

"Not yet." I slapped him again.

"Seriously though, if you actually tried in training you'd be top of the class." He told me.

I guess there's no harm in trying, since I have to admit punching the crap out of that bag helped a lot.

"Fine I'll try." I mutter before using all of my strength to stand up.

"See ya at training Lee Lee" He called out cheerily, I urged myself not to go back and punch that stupid smile of he's face. I HATE the nickname Lee Lee if you haven't noticed.

"Why do all the hot ones have to be jerks?" I murmur to myself as I walk down the halls and into my room. Tomorrow's going to be interesting.


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