Burning With Revenge (2)

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My eyelids felt so heavy, like someone was holding them down.  I tried desperately to separate myself from the darkness that is encasing my world, leaving me numb and unresponsive.

Forcing my eyes open, I took in my surroundings.  White, all I saw was white and I begged that I wasn’t dead.  The light blue sheets were wrapped around me tightly leaving my legs immobilized and it was then that I noticed the annoying itchy sensation on my left wrist.  Not moving my head or eyes for my neck just seemed to loll back and forth on the pillow on its own accord, I scratched at my arm instinctively.   

The stubborn tape that clung to my skin obnoxiously wouldn’t relieve any of my discomfort, so I used the small bit of strength I had to sit up slightly and look over to the annoying device.  My eyes seemed to zero in on the clear tube that came jutting from my arm and it was then that I realized where I actually was. 


Letting out a small unattractive squeak of distain, I tried desperately to yank the needle out.  Fumbling helplessly with the tape and gauze that held the thing that ruined my trips to the doctors for years, I felt a raspy glob rising in my throat.  I sputtered and coughed trying to rid myself the fumes that had my insides feeling like sandpaper. 

Just then a man in all white walked through the door holding a cream colored folder.  But I don’t even know why I’m here.  Searching my mind frantically for any clues as to what landed me in the hospital, I drew a blank. 

“Is this the moment when you tell me I have cancer or something?” I asked chuckling humorlessly.  I was surprised that I didn’t even recognize the voice as my own.  Instead of the upbeat sound I usually made, it came out crackling and man-like.

The doctor stood there, shifting uncomfortably on the balls of his feet while scanning the charts, jotting down notes here and there.

“Um, no actually,” he mumbled, fiddling with my IV. 

“Well then… what exactly happen-“ I started, but was cut off by a violent coughing fit.

“You don’t remember?” he asked, frowning in confusion.

“Remember what?” I ask tilting my head down to look at him with a suspicious one-sided smile.

“Open your mouth for me,” he muttered, pulling a flashlight from his front pocket and I got the feeling that he was stalling.

I reluctantly parted my lips, my eyes never leaving his face which for some reason had trouble making eye contact with me.

He pulled back after a moment and scribbled on in his folder again before muttering something about my lungs and smoke.

“Ok, we can discharge you this afternoon, but you are going to have to go to the police station to answer some questions…” he said trailing off at the end and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“Wait hold on… questions about what?  Why am I here?  What happened?” I fired, getting more and more frustrated with this uncooperative doctor by the second.

“Um, you were in an accident.  You were brought to the hospital after you house burnt down…” he said slowly looking at me to see if I was processing; which I wasn’t.  “You had minor injuries like some cuts and bruises and some smoke in your lungs which we were able to clear up and I minor sprain on your wrist,” he said flipping through the pages on that stupid folder which I was now planning a murder on.

“Wait, hold on… my house burnt down?” I asked intelligently.

He nodded slowly and a sickening thought entered my mind making my face pale and run cold as I felt the tingling sensation on my cheeks to where my blood had been.

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