Chapter 1

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I slowly uncurl from my ball and clamber out of bed still crying with my head low. I walk into my on suite bathroom and stair at the horrible sight in front of me. There's a girl with dark purple hair, sticking out in every direction, dark red lips and pale sickly looking skin. My cheeks are black and grey from the mascara running down my face and my strange electric purple staring longingly at myself. I grab the nearest face cloth and turn on the tap. I let it run for a few seconds on the cloth then I turn it off and gently rub the mascara off my ugly face. When I finish washing the muck off, I leave the bathroom and close the door to go and pick out something to weir. I settle on a graphic T and a pair of worn out jeans. I change out of my Pitbull shirt and my ratty shorts and pull on my slightly more presentable outfit, grab my phone and run down stairs. The house feels so empty without both of my sisters... One dead and the other in a mental hospital for attempted suicide... Why me? though, I don't blame Lu for suicide attempt, I nearly did it myself but she beat me to it. Funny how life can be so wonderful then suddenly all the hope on your horizon disappears. I still remember the fun Kat and I used to have...


"And the winner of the U.S. Junior Open pair performance Ice Skating team is.... Katja and Braden Cara!!!!" The crowd went crazy as my sister and I glided onto the ice grinning like idiots... That was one of the best days of my life as we spun around collecting the roses being thrown onto the ice for us. At that moment I looked straight into Kat's eyes and hugged the crap of of her. Later as we exited the ice, blabbering our mouths off, we were suddenly cut off by our parents and older sister strangling us in hugs. But of course.. Our parents are dead to..

~~End of Flashback~~

We don't talk about our parents anymore... they had died only a week after that day. I was only thirteen that day which was four years ago... Call me a horrible person or whatever but not talking about our parents was the only way we could get past the tragedy...I hate when people pity me, it only makes we feel worse, sure I had traumatic experiences but I'm okay... Right? Sorry about that, back to my life. As I reached the kitchen I put my phone on the counter and walked over to the pantry. I reached as high as my 5'7 body would let me and grabbed the cereal on the top shelf.Turning around I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and placed them at the dining room table and sat down. I uncapped the milk and then realized that I forgot the bowl. Mentally slapping myself, I went and got a bowl. Suddenly, my phone went off and I slid the bowl on the table and silenced American Idiot by answering my phone.


"Hey Braden, this is Alec."

"Oh hey what do you need?"

"Oh um.. sorry to bother you but do you know when the next shipment of AK's will be here?"

Oh right.. I'm in a gang, I forgot to mention that didn't I?

"*sigh* No I have no freaking Idea."

"Oh sorry.... I forgot your sister's favourite gun was the AK..."

"THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY SISTER! Sorry... But stop pitying me will you? I'm FINE!"

"Ya know, when people say they're fine-"

I hang up, not wanting to deal with his freaking lectures... He tries to call back but I just silence it and after two more calls, he gets my point. I glance at the clock and see that I'm late already so I leave my breakfast begging to be eaten and run out the door to my ugly little smart car. Time to start another day of pity and solemn looks, stereotypical idiots and crap.

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