Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I wake up and look around, I'm not in my house! Then suddenly the memories come flooding back to me, makayla, my sister, the mysterious boy. I stretch, oh how good it feels to get a good night sleep. Wait... WHAT? A good night sleep, I haven't had a good night sleep since Kat...died. And to think I had a good night sleep here, then I notice I'm not alone on the sofa. I startle which seems to wake him and he looks at me. I shy away from him and hang my head nervously. I look at the photos and I picture my Kat in my mind and tears fill my eye. He spots them and gently tilts my chin up so that I can look at him "Don't cry Angel, now tell me a few things... What's your name?"

"Braden...." I mumble nervously. He does something completely unexpected and pulls me into a hug, cradling me. He releases me and questions me a little more. "Who hurt you?" "No one...." I whisper and he chuckles "You did that to yourself?" I hang my head and mumble Makayla's name. "Say that again?" He cranes his neck to hear it. "Makayla..." I whisper a little louder. He seems to hear it but doesn't say anything much to my relief. I slowly lift my head up and ask him, "W-what about you?" He looks at me and smiles. "I'm Sean, I'm 17 and I just moved here from England." He smirks at me and wriggles his eyebrows. I can't believe I didn't notice his accent! Oh and his dirty blonde locks... WAIT WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!! I blush and look down, tears welling in my eyes. Call me a wuss or whatever... I know, I cry A LOT but think about it, if you had a twin sister that you were closer with than with your own mother wouldn't you cry a lot? He suddenly looks at me in concern. "Ok little one you have to tell me what's wrong, it's obviously more than just getting slapped..." I stare at the ground and wonder if I should tell him. I realize that if I tell him, I'll just get more pity and maybe even hatred. Oh why is my life so complicated?? I start to say something but I shut myself up. Suddenly a look of understanding crosses his face. "Oh I see, it's personal? Well, as I get to know you better maybe you can tell me" I frown in confusion.. Doesn't he want to pity me or make fun of me? I glance at the clock, 11:30 it reads. I jump up, crap I can believe I slept in that much! I'm late for my job! Oh crap oh crap oh crap! I always work on the weekends. "Woah what's wrong?!" He jumps up and grabs my arm concerned. All I can say is "job" before I break away and run out the door grabbing my purse. I silently curse myself as I start running. I suddenly realize that I have no idea where I am, why am I so stupid? Of course I have no idea where I am! I walk up to a wall and bang my head on it trying to knock some sense into me. It seems to work cuz I get an idea. I grab my phone out of my pocket and am just about give Alec a call. I stop wondering if I want to deal with his crap. I decide a had better not so I just shoot my boss a text that I won't be able to make it. She responds with a smiley emoji and an okay. Huh.. What put her in suc a good mood? I shrug and pull my earbuds out of my purse, plug in and I am sent to my happier place with FUN by Pitbull. I just walk for a while when the song ends and another familiar tune comes on. Better When I'm Dancing by Meghan Trainor comes on and my mind takes me back in time again.


As much as I loved ice skating, running was my real passion. I surveyed the crowd as the other runners came to the starting line. I jogged in place, bringing my knees to my chest then my coach ran up to me for a pep talk. I completely ignored what she was saying and just nodded my head. She obviously knew I didn't care so she just wish me good luck and jogged back to the stands. I looked to the stands and saw Kat screaming and waving happily at me. I smiled and then as the race coordinator told us to line up, I got in my position and I repeated my favourite movie line to myself "If you are speed then I am triple speed." Call me a baby but Cars 2 will always be my favourite movie. I calm myself and ready my ears for the gunshot. Sure enough about a second later it rings through the air and we start. I start slowly and fake a pant. The other runners take my bait and smirk at me. I wait till I'm in last place and then I lower my head and stretch my legs as far as I can and then I run. I pass every runner and run as fast as I can. I love the stairs I get, They're so surprised. I just keep running and soon enough I'm past the 400 meter mark. Only 400 left so I slow slightly and about 40 seconds later I easily jog past the finish line. The crowd screams and I can hear my sister yelling at the top of her voice "THAT'S MY SISTER!!!!" I grin as coach runs up to me and hugs the life out of me. After about a minute the other runners slowly cross the finish line and stare at me. When they're all done, we are called up to the podium. I wave and do my victory dance as they hand me my trophy.


I feel a lump of sadness lodge itself in my throat. Fearing the tears that will fall I decide to go to the only place that makes me feel calm, the old race track. I search it up on my phone and turns out it's only about a ten minute walk from here and so I set out.


Turns out Sean lives close to me I just didn't realize it. There is something strange about him... I feel calm around him and for some reason he seems to "care" about me.... Man, my life is freaking confusing. As I walk towards to bleachers a tears falls down my face. Why can't I have friends like normal people? Heck why can't I be normal?? I take my sweatshirt off and stretch a little before lining up at the track like old times.

(Pfhhh I know shes running in jeans but shes just that Fab :D)

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