Chapter 2

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I pulled into a parking space barely taking up half of it with my smart car and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I grabbed my (also Pitbull inspired) backpack from the passenger seat and go out of the car. I turned to face the school, taking a deep breath I slowly walked to the front door and went in.


First hour went by with only a few pitiful stares and rude remarks from the queen bee (she keeps insisting that I killed my sister to get attention but who in the great name of Pitbull would do that? Yeah, I'm obsessed with Pitbull if you hadn't noticed :)) As I was walking towards my 2nd hour class, I saw Alec turn the corner and speed walk over to me. I sighed, son of a gun... leave me the freak alone.

"Hey Braden!"

"Alec..." I nod my head in acknowledgement.

"I uh... just wanted to say-"

"Shut up and save yourself a crap" I snap

"Right sorry...Anyway, any news?"

Knowing that if I snap at him, he will break into a lecture I decided to answer "nicely". "No sir!" I salute him mockingly. Suddenly a look of pity appears on his face. I growl and push past him and speed walk to my next hour.


As I walk out of 6th hour and make my way to my locker, I see a platinum blonde mop of hair turn the corner. Why god why?? Why is my school so freaking stereotypical... Meet Makayla Page the official queen *cough* B word *cough* of this school. She has everyone locked around her pretty little manicured finger. I frown and turn to her as she smirks and walks up to me so our faces are almost touching.

"If I didn't want to see the look on your face when you see this, I wouldn't come so close to you peasant!"

Then she quickly pulled out her phone, backed away from me and shoved her phone in my face. On the screen was a picture of a facebook post and it read:

Do you really want this pathetic wretch at your school?

(picture of me in tears)

She's a murderer! She killed her own twin by crashing a car into her! She got fed up with her parents and their dead! She drove her sister insane! Do You REALLY want her?

She waits for me to read it and as I finish my ears start to water and I can barely hold it in. Makayla sees the tears ready to fall and she frowns. Wait she FROWNS?? Then she smirks and I feel her palm smack my face and it hurts like hot charcoals. Then she starts screaming about my sister claiming that she was a slut and I can't hold it any longer. My tears start slow then they flow freely as I fall back against my locker sobbing. She looks around making sure no one heard us and then she smirks and leaves. Right as she disappears a boy walks into the hall, he spots me a scared, concerned look comes onto his face. He runs up to me and asks me "Holy crap! Are you ok?" I keep crying and shaking. YOu may be thinking how pathetic I am to just cry and not do anything about it, and your right. I am pathetic but I never used to be. When Kat was alive nothing could stop us, we were fierce when angered, crazy, happy, and we wouldn't stand for any unfairness. As well as being kind of violent gang members... We were not what you would call girly, we were more what you would call badasses :) Back to my life... He cursed when he saw the now slightly purple mark where Makayla had slapped me and did something completely unexpected, he picked me up bridal style and rushed me out the door. As he ran into the parking lot he slowed and tried to gently talk to me. "Okay shhhh darling shhhh everythings okay now. I'm gonna take you to my place and I'l clean you up." I nodded very slightly and my tears slowed but didn't stop completely. His voice was so gentle and calming I sighed as he put me in his car and we drive away.


He pulls up in front of a very nice looking house in a pretty neighbourhood. My eyes widen as he parks the car and runs over to my side to get me out. By now I have stopped crying but my face is still red and puffy with an ugly bruise. I breathe a silent sigh of relief when I remember that I didn't put mascara on this morning. He swoops me up in his arms again and carries me into his house. He must have seen the look of worry as I look around because he assures me there is no one else here. My mysterious "Hero" slowly and gently lays me on his leather couch and goes to fetch what I presume is a first aid kit. While he's gone I take the liberty to look around and the decor. It's modernly furnished and decorated with pictures of him with what I think is his family. By the looks of it, he has a brother because theres a boy who looks somewhat like him. All the photos look so happy, his mother and father (I'm guessing) are smiling and hugging the boys in many of the photos. After about a minute he returns and slowly walks towards me afraid I might react. "I-"

But he stops me by putting a finger on my lips and shushing me. He gently spunges my now ugly bloody bruise with warm water and applies some cream. By the time he's done, I am both emotionaly and physicaly exhausted and I show it by collapsing on the soft couch. He chuckles and tells me, "Don't worry little one, go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up when I have dinner ready." My vision becomes blurry and the last thing I remember was him slowly pulling a blanket over my now sleeping form.

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