Chapter 4

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She just ran out the door screaming "job" at me. I chuckle as the door slams, she will find her way somehow. I remember seeing her in that hallway, a girl I had never seen before, crying and I ran to help her. Makayla Makayla the girl that hurt her. I will kill her. WOAH what's all this possessiveness? I barely know her! Yet, I picked her up when she was crying and brought her to my house for the night! Dang, what is happening to me? Wait, don't answer that... I suddenly remember she probably has no idea where she is so I slip my shoes on and run outside. I look down the street to find her but all I see is a purple pony tail go flying around a corner. I run to catch up to her but by the time I finally reach the corner, she's gone. Maybe she knows her way back, maybe she's been here before. Oh well, I turn around and walk back to my house.

I stumble through the front door and frown. Looks like she left something afterall. A small shiny red bag is sitting on my couch, I pick it up and bring it over the the kitchen counter next to my backpack. As I put it down I see something that looks like metal in it. I start to reach in but I realize just how rude that would be so I shrug it off as some kind of girl "thing". I trudge back to my couch and try to sort out why I had that kind of reaction to her.

Braden's POV

I crossed the old finish line for the 5th time and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I drop to the ground and pump out 50 push ups which doesn't even feel like a lot. The only way I keep myself from cutting even more is by running my anger and sadness away. Speaking of cutting, where's my blade bag? Oh crap no! I left it at his house, oh lord I just hope he had the decency to not open it. I look at my wrists, there spotless. My stomach hurts so a I sit for a while just thinking of how much my life sucks. Memories of Sean flood my mind and I frown. Why did he help me? And more importantly there was never any pity in his eyes... I stand up and grab the stop watch I always carry in my purse. I walk up to the line again push the button and go for the mile.


4:18 is my time, not as fast as I have done before but still insanely fast. I smile and start to pack up my stuff and put my sweatshirt on. I seem to be doing that a lot more than normal, smiling, my muscles are not used to it from not smiling for years. It feels good though, the feeling of using those muscles for the first time in forever. HA I sound just like Anna! Goodness, I can't believe it, I turning into my sister! Instead of making me smile, it brings tears to my eyes. Gosh, I'm such a pathetic piece of crap. I begin to make my way home because now that I'm at the field, I only have a 5 minute walk.

Unknown POV

I look at my wrists, the scars have faded by now. Dangit, those idiots kept me here for six months, SIX FREAKING MONTHS of nothing sharp, or pointy or anything for self harm. Well, that figures, this is a "mental" hospital. Ha I'm not mental, I just want to eradicate myself from the earth. A chill passes through me as I remember the haunted eyes of Brady when she found me lying in a pool of my own blood. I don't blame her for getting me in here, she had nothing to do with it. The neighbours just HAPPENED to be over and found me. I had no choice, they forced me into this hell . Tomorrow I get out, after ages of pretending I was fine and healed, they're letting me out! The second I get home I swear, I will plunge those knives on the counter into my heart and then no one will ever have to deal with me again. I shift my self onto the small uncomfortable bed and stare at the popcorn ceiling. This world is cruel, the way it tempts us and when we take the bait, it crushes our souls. I'm only 20 yet I feel like a crippled 100 year old. You know, it hurts having everything you live for ripped right out of your grasp. Mom, Dad, Kat, EVERYTHING! I think of everything, the good, the bad. Yeah your right, just the bad, there is no good. I look at the clock tick and I slowly slide into a sleep-like trance.

Braden's POV

I lay on my bed looking at the sky through the skylight above. I glance over at her bed and smile. My mind is flooded with the happy memories and my eyes tear up. I turn over on my side and cry softly into my pillow. I think of how Kat and I were so much alike, and how much we were different. My strange purple hair was by some miracle of science natural and I was made fun of because of it. Kat had seen that and had dyed her hair a bright red. No one ever made fun of us any more and we lived the good life just cruising through. I cried myself to sleep that night, but not all those tears were filled with sorrow.


I wake up slowly and roll my self over so that I am facing Kat's bed. I Feel a wave of hatred towards my self and I get up. I walk towards my bathroom and open the door. I just stand there staring at the wall like an mental patient staring at the door of freedom. Mental Patient Louis...... I let out a scream of frustration and walk up to my medicine cabinet and grab my only friends. I stare at my spotless wrists and smile sadly. I slowly lift the right leg of my shorts up so that my thigh is exposed. I spend the rest of the day cutting up my leg. At the end of the day I crawl painfully into bed and fall asleep.



BEEP BEEP BEEEP!!! I seriously will always hate that sound with a strong passion. I had the nightmare again which was no surprise at all. I lugged myself out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I looked up at the broken girl in the mirror and smiled bitterly. I brush my teeth and grab face cleanser. I rub it all over my face and sigh at the comforting feel of it. It feels like soft honey over my face, I wash it off and look up. What I see makes me stumble backward. My face looks so much like Kat's! I fall back and catch my cheek on a hook on the wall. It burns as I stand up and look in the mirror. It left a bloody mark but I couldn't care less. I put concealer on it and my bruise from friday and run down stairs. I grab a poptart from the pantry and rush out the door. Dang, I will never get used to this hell.

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