Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Brady's POV

Holy crap!! I stare wide eyed at the person standing in front of me. Her orange and yellow dyed hair is frazzled and is flying everywhere. Her now dull grey eyes gaze at me in surprise and anger. The anger in her eyes is burning and blazing yet some how I know she is not mad at me. Tears are still streaming down my face and we stand staring at eachother. "B-b-brady?" she stutters, I gulp and nod my head. "A-are y-you okay?" I hang my head and start to sob even more. Slowly and hesitantly she walks toward me and wraps me in a hug.

Louis's POV

The moment I wrap my arms around my sister I realized something. No matter what I think of myself, no matter how much I hate myself, there are others who need me and I need to stay alive and strong for them. I swear to myself that from now on I am gonna make up for all my mistakes in the past and be the best sister I can be. I slowly walk her to the couch and sit her down. She sobs into my shoulder, shaking uncontrollably. After a little while her crying stops and she sputters a little at me. "Shhhh sissy everything's alright. Why don't you go to bed? You look tired and you could use a good night sleep." Though it's not even 6:00pm yet she still gets up and nods her head while heading up the stairs to her room. I slowly walk to the kitchen counter and stare at the knives I had planned on killing myself with earlier. I slowly pick them up and walk over to the dining room and hide them in the very bottom cabinet of the china cabinet. I'm not gonna hurt what's left of this "family" any more by killing myself. It's time to get my life back together.

Brady's POV

I slept decently that night, still though, the nightmare hit me again.I got up feeling particularly worthless and angry and threw my alarm clock across the room. It broke into hundreds of pieces. I scowled and walked into my bathroom to get ready. For some reason I was feeling creative today (Green is not a creative colour!! A/N) so I twisted my hair and bobby pinned it so that I had a one sided curly ponytail. I frowned at myself and left the bathroom to go get breakfast. I walked down the stairs I smelled bacon and *sniff* PANCAKES!! I went charging down the stairs and stared at louis who was flipping pancakes! She turned around and sent me a big grin. I ran up to her and hugged her, I squeezed the life out of her and she just laughed. "The only way you will get a pancake is if you let me go!" She says laughing. The sound of her laugh is something I haven't heard in a long, long time. We sit down at the table and eat happily and hungrily. We stay silent for the meal yet we still share looks of happiness. She, with a big fat grin on her face and me, with a straight face but with my eyes shining. When we finish, I put my plate on the counter and go to finish getting ready. When I'm done I make my way towards the door when she stops me. "Uh, I'm going shopping today, is there anything you need?" I tilt my head towards the ceiling, thinking then for the first time in forever (FOR DA FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRR!!! XD Anna :)) A huge grin appears on my face and I say, "How 'bout a new alarm clock?" I run out the door but I can still hear her laugh from outside. I take my ear buds from my backpack and plug in to my IPhone. Shake Señora comes on and I almost break out into a happy dance. I keep myself together but my mind is secretly break dancing.

I practice my grin the entire way to hell, oops I mean school and by the time I am staring at the front doors, it feels more natural. My heart plummets when I see Cormack and the boys talking and smoking outside the school. Woah since when is it Cormack and the boys? Oh god my life is messed up! I lower my head in an attempt to hide myself and run past them. Obviously I failed when they noticed me and they came running over to me. I sigh and rationalize with myself. You can't blame them Brady, they didn know Makayla was a lying slut. Just give them a chance to apologise. REALLY? You know what will happen then... You'l just get more pity! Shut up inner voice and give them a chance. Cormack reaches me first his face is filled with pity. His is tusseled and his eyes look kind of bloodshot but he still looks hot. Awwww does little Brady have a crush?? SHUT UP stupid inner voice. A look of annoyence crossed my face for the pity in his eyes is overwhelming. "I don't want your freaking pity!" I spit. His face hardens slightly. "Sorry.... about everything, I know you don't want pity and I'll try not to give you any. By the way, the guys and me want to apologise about yesterday..." I sigh, sadly I'm not one to hold grudges except on Makayla and her father..... Thinking about that brings tears to my eyes but I wipe them away angrily. "It's okay, I mean you didn't know Makayla's a lying slut...." He chuckles bitterly, "Yeah she's a right out b*tch" I flinch some what at his words. Don't get me wrong, I swear too but I just don't like throwing insults around at just anybody. But he's right. if anyone deserves to be called a b*tch, it's her. Cormack interupts my thought, "Hey would you mind sitting with us at lunch again? Your really cool for a girl and," His eyes widen at what he said and he stutters, "I m-mean n-not that I have a crush o-on you or something..." For some jacked up reason my heart drops when he says that but I force myself to chuckle slightly. "It's fine, I'd love to sit with you," My eyes widen this time, "guys I mean I'd love to sit with you guys..." His frown turns into a cocky smirk and he says, "Sure..." His voice dripping with sarcasm. Before I can stop myself I hit his arm. My mind suddenly blanks out, afraid he's going to do something but he just chuckles. Ahh I love when he chuckles... his beautiful british-y (british-y XD) accent. Yup someone has a crush on the Irish dude! WAIT he's irish??? How did my inner voice become smarter then me? I chew my lip in thought when suddenly I hear someone clear their throat awkwardly and I look up. All the guys are staring at me and my face turns a little pink in embaressment. Suddenly the sound of the first bell rips through the air. I start to panick and I say a quick good bye and run indside to my locker. I grab my books and run to my first hour. I make it to the door just as the late bell rings. The teacher just sends my a pitying look and gestures for me to sit down, not even bothering to write me up as late. First hour drags on slowly and tediously. I let out a relieved sigh when the bell finally rings and I get up to leave. Before I can leave the teacher stops me. "Hey Braden, how treatment going?" My eyes narrow into slits, "I don't a freaking shrink you idiot!" My eyes widen at what I just said and my hand slaps over my mouth. The teacher looks just as shocked as me. I mutter a quick sorry and run out the door, not wanting to be late for my next class. As I settle into my second hour, art, worry starts to fill me. As the class waits for the teacher, I keep expecting to be called to the office for my behavior but I never am. The teacher, Mrs. Baker, (That was the name of my elementry school teacher!!) enters the room and starts to explain our new art project. I have to say, art is my favourite class, since I can finally forget some of my pain and lose my self in the drawing. "Hey there Miss Bolt" I jump at the voice and turn my head to te right to see who said it. Cormack is sitting right next to me smirking. Huh, I guess he has art with me... Funny I didn't notice him yesterday. Actually, I haven't seen him all year. I remember what Sean had said about just moving here. The guys must be new to. I mentally face palm myself for being that stupid. Cormack just staring at me as if expecting something from me. It finally dawns on me that I should say something, "Miss Bolt?" I ask tilting my head in confusion, "Yeah you know, you run impossibly fast so I thought, she running faster than Usain Bolt! And so was born your nickname!" He smiles at me and I chuckle slightly. I turn back so I am facing Mrs. Baker and he does the same. Mrs Baker starts handing out paper to everyone. SHe then briefs us on what to do. Aperantly, we are painting with water colours today and we need to paint a picture of animals. With those brief instructions she lets us get started. I stare at the paper and smile, comming up with the perfect idea. I dip my brush in the water, then in the paint and I start.

SORRY ABOUT LATENESS and sorry about the shortness of this chapter!! I will get better I swear I have just been very busy but This time, I think I will do a double update for ya'll

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