Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Brady's POV

I stare at my art work. Its Japanese inspired, with four Koi fish swimming in a pond painted in red, gold, and yellow. I used rubbing alchohol for some effects on the fishes scales and salt for others. I smile at my work and Cormack turns to look at it. His jaw drops and he is speechless. Finally he whipsers "Holy ....." Others turn to look at him and then they look at my painting. There jaws drop as well. "Whats everyone looking at?" Mrs. Baker asks us. No one answers her so she walks over to look at my painting. She has the same reaction as everyone. After staring at it for a minute she looks at me and says, "Brady, did you paint this?" I nod slowly and turn to look at her. She suddenly rushes out of the room. Everyone takes this as their cue to look at me and shower me with compliments. "How did you do that?" A boy with curly red hair asks me. "Thats absolutley beautiful!" A blonde haired girl tells me. I receive many more but I only paid attention to one. "That is the most amazing, beautiful, perfect painting I have ever seen!" Cormack says in awe. My cheeks turn slightly pink and I hide my face. Why do I have this reaction to him? Sure he's hot and all but he's probably a huge player plus who the hell would want a girl like me? Mrs. Baker comes into the class room followed by the robotics teacher, Mrs. Bell, and the princepal, Mr. Hoffman. "You have to see this..." Mrs. Baker says leading them to my painting. When they see it, their jaws drop like everyone elses and their eyes widen. "That is just...." Mr. Hoffman says. "Da Vinci would be jealous..." Mrs. Bell says. My eyes widen, "N-no it's nothing compared to his work!" "Oh but it is darling, it's museum worthy!" I shut up and my stupid self won't believe them. The teachers whisper something to each other then nod and look at me. "Ms. Cara?" Mrs. Bell asks, "I want you to report directly to my room tomorrow morning before school. Bring a pencil and be prepared to draw for a small audience." I look at her shocked but all she does is nod. The bell rings and I am forced to leave my painting behind. Mrs. Baker assures me that she will protect it with her life. I almost laugh but I keep it in as I grab my stuff and walk out the door to my next class.


After getting money from my locker to buy lunch I make my way to the cafeteria. I walk through the doors and over to the lunch line. I grab a tray and I make my way down the line grabbing pizza, an apple, and a small carton of milk. I start to walk over to the guys when someone bumps into me making my pizza slam into my shirt and cover it in sauce. My apple and milk fall to the floor. I look up to see who did it and I'm met with the sickly smiling face of Makayla. "Oopsies sorry about that! Nice shirt by the way!" She smirks. Anger is burning inside of me and suddenly I do something I never thought I would do without Kat, I fight back. I smile at her and she looks at me confused. I reach to my right and grab some breaded catfish of some girls plate. (I know my school is disgusting!) I pick up my milk and open it. Makayla just looks confused and I inwardly smile and her stupidity. I crumble up the disgusting fish and put it in the milk. Then before she can react I grab her shirt and pour the content of my milk container down it and into her pretty pink bra. She lets out a blood curdeling scream and starts fumbling around to try to get it out of her bra. I run towards the boys and everyone including us falls over in fits of laughter. Makayla's boyfriend, Lucas Kingston the quarter back of our football team, screams like a girl and shoves his hand into her bra to try and get the milk covered fish out of it. Makayla screams even more while he does that and everyone laughs harder. I fall to the floor laughing with the boys. I find it hard to breath I'm laughing so hard. The two screaming maniacs run out the door to go clean Makayla up. A few minutes later the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. People start to sober up and slowly walk out giving me pats on the back and telling me how funny what I did was. I leave the cafeteria and grab my stuff from my locker. As I turn to go to my next class I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked up to see Cormack grinning at me. For some reason I liked his arm around me. I had to fight the urge to snuggle into it. WOAH maybe inner voice is right.... Maybe I do have a crush on Cormack. Suddenly I blurt out, "What's your last name?" I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and I hide my face. Cormack put a finger under my chin and lifts my head up so that I am looking at him. "You don't have to be afraid to ask me anything, I mean we're friends right?" friends.... Of course were friends... we will never be anything more I mean I'm ugly, he's hot. He would never want a girl this ugly and broken.... "Yeah we're friends..." He looks at me as though not convinced by my answer. "Any way... It's McLaren " I nod my head and we keep walking until we reach the classroom. "You have AP Calculus 5th hour?" I ask surprised when he enter the class room with me. "Yup, i'm a smart cookie!" I can't help but laugh at that. "You know, you have a beautiful laugh." I blush slightly at his comment and I hide my face. I walk out from beneath the arm draped around my shoulder and go to my seat. The teacher starts the class and hands out fat text books and makes us work on some reandom crap. The rest of the school day was kind of hazy and passed quickly and the final bell rang. After collecting my stuff, saying goodbye to the boys, and a short walk I got home. As I entered the house I saw Louis watching TV. I said hi to her before heading up to my room to do my homework. Time flew by, I ate dinner, watched TV with Louis, and went to bed. Three days went by, I hung out with the boys, Makayla ignored me which was nice, and Louis took me bowling. It was the first "sister bonding activity" I had done with her in ages but it was fun. Turns out the reason Mrs. Bell wanted me to go to her classroom on Wednesday morning was because shse wanted me to show off my "skills" To a college scout from a really posh-y arts college. Sadly at the last minute he had to cancel and rescedule for monday which for some reason makes me even more nervous. Before I knew it, I had six awesome friends (the boys), a caring sister, and best of all, it was saturday! I had the nightmare last night but I mean, I have it every night so I'm used to it. I'm smiling a lot more these days but still most of the time I'm my gloomy self. The boys don't seem to mind and they keep me entertained with their goofy stories of blonde bimbos. Cormack and I are actually becoming closer, as friends I mean... I still often go home feeling worthless and cut more than ever for some reason. My cuts sting and the boys have noticed that everytime they hug me i cringe. They don't question it but I know they're suspicious. I climb out of bed and go into my bathroom. I brush my teeth and my face. I walk into my room and frown. Kat's side of the room has been untouched since her death. Tears well up in my eyes. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. Louis is sitting on the couch watching Netflix. She turns and smiles at me then continues with her videos. My phone is sitting on the counter so I go and pick it up. Just as I pick it up I get a text from one of the boys.

C=Cormack B=Brady

C: Hey Brady I know its kinda early but do u wanna go to a movie with me and the guys?

B: Hell yeah! What movie?

C: Good ur up! How about 007 Specter?

B: Seriously? I'd love to! What time?

C: 12:30 Tomorrow?

B: Sounds good to me see ya there!

C: Bye


I smile and put my phone down. I walk over to louis and sit on the arm rest of the couch. "How's you boyfriend?" She asks smirking, I roll my eyes. "He's not my boyfriend... I'm just going to a movie with the guys tomorow at 12:30" "Cool what movie?" "007 Specter"I answer. "Nice.... So wanna watch cupcake wars with me?" I grin, "Hell yeah!" We spend the rest of the day watching cupcake wars and yelling at Abby Lee Miller on dance moms. Best Day EVER! Later that night I'm lying in bed looking through google images of kittens when I get a text from Sean.

S: Hey Brady.... I need advice...

B: Yeah? What can I help ya with?

S: Well ya see.... I really like this girl....


S: What? nooooo okayyyy yes...

B: Oooh whose is it??

S: Not saying!

B: Son of a bitch

S: :P Any way I want to ask her out on a date and I don't know how...

B: Sorry Sean can't help ya there buddy

S: What do u mean?

B: I uh never been asked out on a date, I'm clueless to what most girls find sweet in a guy and yeah idk

S: What?? You've never been asked out? Have you been kissed? Are you still a virgin??

B: :O Shut up you retard! and maybe, maybe not BAI

S: Brady? Don't go!!

S: Brady? Ugh ur mean...

I grin and put my phone on my best side table. I close my eyes and slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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