Chapter 5 (unedited)

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NOTE: I promise that by the next chapter or later I will uploads pics of the guys and of Brady!!

Chapter 5

Braden's POV

I walk through the halls of hell with my Iphone playing "Alone Together" by Fall Out Boy. The teachers don't really care what I do because they think if they give me space I will "recover" from Kat's death. Truth is, I take advantage of them and purposely do crazy things. I'm sure they think I see a therapist daily so they just shrug. I smirk in my head and hang my head hoping to get through this day without any "Makayla crap." I think of nothing in particular and zone out when I suddenly run into what feels like a brick wall. I stumble and start to fall before I am caught by strong arms. I look up and see Sean and I sigh as he pulls my blade bag from his drawstring bag. I look into his eyes to see if there is any evidence that he oppened but I find nothing. I breath a silent sigh of relief and take it while thanking him. I turn away but suddenly he asks, "Hey Braden, wanna sit with me and my buddies at lunch?" I narrow my eyes and search his for trickery and lies but all I find is honesty and nervousness. "It's Brady" I nervously answer, "And uh you sure you wanna sit with the "mentally disturbed girl?" His eyes widen and is that anger in them? Before I can read it, it's replaced but emptyness. He smiles sadly and says "You don't seem retarded to me." I raise an eyebrow and sigh, "I want your pity!" I spit out at him. He flinches slightly but doesn't back down. "So you gonna sit with us?" I sigh and nod turning away to go to my 3rd hour.


Maybe sitting with them will be good, maybe we'll become friends! Yeah, right.... That's totally gonna happen Brady... My mind strays from what I'm suposed to be doing which is comming up with the "theme" of a pointless story that my english teacher keeps droning on about. I zone in and out over and over again thinking about lunch next hour. The scream of the bell jolts me out of my thoughts and I nearly fall out of my chair. I gather my stuff and walk to my locker. Lunch time, I thought, time to sit with Sean's "buddies". Dang my life is freaking confusing.... I grab my lunch and head to the cafeteria. As I walk through the big doors, I spot Sean. He waves me over and scowl and walk over. I take an empty seat at the end and survey the people staring at me. I haven't seen any of these people before so I frown. They seem to realize that, so Sean clears his throat nervously and starts to introduce each of them. "Okay so this is James," He pointed at the guy next to me. James had soft sky blue eyes and golden brown hair. He seemed like the good guy type. "this is Cormack," he pointed to a guy at the end of the table with jet black hair and dark eyes. Damn, he was hot.... Oh dang it, I'm sounding like Makayla.... YES I KNOW I'M CONTROVERSIAL I'll say damn one minute then dang the other, just roll with it... Cormack was staring at me, which made me nervous so I hid my face. Sean finished introducing me to his friends, Luke a guy with green eyes and messy brown hair, Conner a guy with stark blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, and Ray a guy with brown hair and eyes. I nodded my head nervously and Introduced my self. Cormack kept staring at me while the guys started to talk and goof off. Suddenly Luke said, "Hey how'd you get your hair that colour? All the dyes I try fade and never get that.... bright?" I freeze, oh crap what am I gonna do!!? I should just lie then I wont get teased.


I walk through the door, its the first day of middle school. My purple hair is flying behind me when sudennly I trip and fall flat on my face. I hear laughing and I get up and stare at the pretty little blonde girl staring at me. "Nice hair freak! Where'd ya get the dye?" She mocks my fall and laughs. I smile no realizing she is being sarcastic. "Its actually natural! I was born like this!" She looks shocked then she laughs, "Ha you freak of nature you look like an idiot-


-Are you okay?" I am brought back to reality by Cormacks confused voice. WOAH he talked! And his voice.. Oh lord what is happeneing? I shake my head and say "I'm a freak of nature..." Woah since when do I open up like this? Luke's face is of pue outrage! "Who told you that?!! I will murder them!" Wow these guys are really protective, I inwardly smile. I shake my head again and say, "No one, I just am.... I didn't dye my hair, I was born like this... eyes, hair and all..." I hide my face and expect to hear words of disgust but I am surpised when I hear, "WOAH REALLY????¨ and "That's amazing!" also "That is so cool! No way is that freakish, just FREAKING AMAZING!" I look up to find them all looking at me in awe.

I can't help it, I smile. Not just a small one but I break out into a full out grin. Suddenyl a picture of Kat flashes infront of my eyes. I let out a choked sob and hide my face in my knees. I feel strong arms around me and I look up expecting to see Sean but I am met with the scared face of Cormack. "Holy crap are you okay?"

I nod and uncurl myself from his arms. Everyone looks concerned, and I'm sure they don't believe me, Oh well too bad for them. Sean takes my wrists and pulls me so i am facing him. He looks me in the eye and asks, "What is wrong? Don't say nothing, I know there is something wrong!" I'm starting to get pissed so I spit out, "Why don't you ask someone?!" I gesture to everyone in the cafeteria before forcing myself out of his arms and fleeing in anger and remorse.

Makayla's POV

I watch as the little freak of nature storms out of the cafeteria. I smile and start my way over to the group of worried boys, swaying my hips suductively. When I reach their table, I put on my act."Hello boys, you must be new here! I would like to welcome you to-" I am cut off by a hot boy with dirty blonde hair and a beautiful British accent. "Whats wrong with Brady?!" I narrow my eyes and drop the act. "That freak of nature? Why would you be concerned with that psycho?" A guy with black hair and a bad boy vibe growls. "Hey baby, wanna hang out sometime? " I smile and wink at him. "Shut up!" I startle and my smile drops. "W-what?" He growls again. "What is wrong with Brady!?" I sigh and give in, "Well what do you expect from a girl who murdered her own twin in cold blood!?" I smirk and walk away, now they will hate her as much as I do!

Cormack's POV

She what???? Holy crap, that girl is a murderer! She must have felt remorse earlier, oh gosh I can't believe I even touched her!! I watch as the colour drains from everyones faces and I massage my temples. Sean curses and I frown, sending him a quesioning look. "I can't believe I took her to my house!" He says, "WHAT!? YOU WHAT?!" Luke screams, "No, no, no not like that! She was crying in the hallway after a girl slapped her and I don't know what came over me but I took her home. I cleaned her up and she fell asleep, A murderer fell asleep on my couch!" I am left speechless. Brady was a murderer? No surely not... I get up and walk out to try and clear my head. The guys stay where they are trying to clear there heads. As I walk out I see Brady banging her against a locker. I try to ignore her but suddenly I find myself walking over to her in a rage. "How dare you!" I scream, a look of confusion apears on her face. Confusion? What? "You killed your own twin?" I am shaking in rage. Her eyes widen and anger fills her own eyes, "What? You seriously believe Makayla? That lying slut??" Now it's my turn for confusion. "I would NEVER hurt Kat! She was killed my Makayla's freaking drunk father you idiot!" Her eyes fills with tears and more anger and she turns and runs, faster then I have ever seen a human run. I am frozen. The girl who told us that she is a murderer is Makayla? Nevermind that, she lost her twin sister?? Oh my gosh I probably just killed her inside. I run out the doors that she went through but she is gone. I can't believe it, I am a completely idiot, I have to go tell the guys...

I turn around and storm back into the cafeteria, and to get back at Makayla...

Brady's POV

I run, I don't know where I am going but I run. Tears stream down my cheeks freely and I sprint. I soon see where my feet are taking me, home, it hardly feels like a home now adays. I burst through the front door and Suddenly I see someone I thought I would not see for a long, long, time.

Louis Cara

A/N HA I wrote a long-ish chapter to make up for all my lies... sorry about that! I had a really long flight to Ireland so I wasn't able to update for a while but now I'm happy and home and be expecting more updates!

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