Chapter 13

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A/N: Hello my beautiful readers!! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while I was just so busy on the holidays. Ill be sure to update faster from now on.... Hopefully.. Nah I'm kidding I love you guys! I'll let you read, enjoy!!


"And that's" I dramatically drop the controller on the couch smirking, "how it's done!"

I just beat all three of them in COD three times, in a row. I am such a boss.

My mum ended up leaving a while ago for her 2 week business trip. My dad should be back before her but I don't really know, my father has kind of isolated himself from us ever since the accident and used every excuse he can to get away.

I look at the boys and see them with their jaws on the ground and eyes widened in shock, Hunter was just smirking at them. "What did I tell you?" He asks them cockily.

I grin at them "Who's up for round 4?" Jack sobers up quickly and wiggles his eyebrows "we could go to the bedroom if you'd like?"

As you've probably guessed he's the funny flirt, Austin is the sweet responsible one out of the three, and Hunter is just like Jack. I walk in to him seductively and stop when I'm right in front of him "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I ask in a sweet voice. He nods dumbly still smirking and I slowly lean down so I'm straddling him. "Well Jack," I whisper in his ear seductively, "You just got played."

I hop off him and grin, I turn to look at the other two boys to see that they are staring at me mouth opened and eyes wide.

This time Austin is the first to sober up, "Bro, this girl owned you!" He yells in Jacks face slapping him on the back. "Hunter, I approve." Austin tells him.

I roll my eyes at him. Hunter looks at me and a full on grin breaks out onto his face, "That was hot" he states, I roll my eyes but can't help the smile that lights up my face.

Jack smirks, "She totally wants me." I roll my eyes again, man with all the eye rolling my eyes are going to fall out of their sockets.

"Yeah, ok" I say dryly walking up the stairs of the game room before I head out I ask, "I'm gonna order some Pizza, you guys want some?" They all mumble 'yes' already engrossed in their game.

Boys and their toys. Haha that rhymed.

I walk up to my room and grab my phone I call up the pizza shop and order 3 large pepperoni pizzas, 2 garlic breads and 2 bottles of Mountain Dew getting enough for Chelsea and Nicole if they wanna come over.

I really miss my friends from my old school. Not the fake ones who worshiped me because I was popular but the ones that grew up with me and still loved me when I was a mess going through...some things. Tyler and Kat

First I call Chelsea and Nicole over to have a sleepover, then I call up Kat, she picks up on the second ring.

"OH MY GOD!!! ABI! I haven't talked to you in ages!" She yells, "I missed you so much!"

I love her she is so loud.

"I missed you too babe! How are you guys? Are you taking care of my team?" I ask, I left Kat in charge of the cheerleading squad when I left.

"We're fine. I'm actually with Ty now. Of course I'm looking after them, you have to come visit to see the new routine we are gonna use to kick ass at the comp."

Of course she's with Ty, they're dating. They have been since freshmen year. Tyler was quarterback of the football team while Kat and I were on the cheerleading squad.

It was always us three, Kat, Abi and Tyler. We were joint at the hip. Now it seems weird just them but Kat and I are going to the same college so it's all good.

"I know you will! Say hi to Ty for me, I miss you guys so much!"

"Tyler, Abi says hi" I hear him yell hi over the phone and some shuffling noises and then the line goes dead.

Knowing them they probably broke the phone. It's rings again and I pick up after the first ring, "Sorry Ty was wrestling me for the phone and I ran to the bathroom and I'm locked in now."

I laugh that is so typical Tyler.

"So, are there any cute guys there?" Kat asks me and I can picture her wiggling her eyebrows. My thoughts instantly go to Hunter.

No. Snap out of it. He's not cute. Annoying? Yes. A jerk? Yes. But cute? Hell nah.

"Nahhh" I drawl, the doorbell rings saving me from this grilling, "Anyway I gotta go I'll talk to you soon ok? I love you. Tell Ty I love him too." I say heading to the stairs.

"Ok bubba we love you too, bye!" She yells I hang up and I open the door.

"Hey girl!" Chelsea says holding a bag of what looks like sweets, inviting herself in my house along with Nicole who is holding a bag of movies.

"So does she have an off switch?" I ask Nicole, half joking and half not.

"Hey, sorry she's always this hyper plus she ate a lot of sweets in the car" Nicole explains to me.

I chuckle closing the door, "It's cool."

We head over to the living room where Chelsea is lounging on the seats eating gummy bears.

"So," she says chewing on her gummies, "Where's the hot piece of ass that is living in this fine house?"

I chuckle at her use of words, "He and his friends are on the game room."

She looks at me mouth open gummy bears and all, "you mean there's more of them!?" She yells dropping everything and getting up, "To the game room we go!" She says charging for the basement stairs.

Well, I guess it's time for the girls to meet Hunters friends personally.

Oh this will be fun....


A/N: hi guys I know this chapter was really short and I'm sorry but I will be trying to update everyday. How'd you like it? Do you like Kat do you like Austin and Jack? Please comment on how you feel about my book and please tell people about my book, I would really appreciate it if I got a few more reads and votes to help my story grow.

I love you guys so much please don't forget to,






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