Chapter 3

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"Ok, here we are!" Chelsea says as she opens the door to room 213.

Wow this classroom is small, well much smaller than my old classrooms anyway. "Thanks Chelsea" I smile gratefully at her.

She nods as if saying your welcome. "Well, I'll see you later then."

"Sure" I walk in the small classroom and look around. Not everyone is here yet, only about ten seats are occupied. I go take a seat at the back of the classroom right next to the window. Just as I'm about to put my headphones in people start coming in the classroom and almost every seat is filled.

I put my headphones away and wait for the teacher to come in.

"Good morning, good morning" a lady with red velvet hair comes rushing in with a bright smile.

"Good morning miss" they all chorus. I look down trying to avoid eye contact with her.

She looks right at me and smiles "Well, it looks like we have a new student with us today. I'm Mrs Valentine, would you like to come up and introduce yourself?"

No. "I guess."

When i'm at the front of the room I turn around and start to speak, "Hi, I'm Abigail Thompson but you can call me Abi...if you want. And um yeah."

I look around the room and the class look like they are about to sleep. "Lovely, she's a woman of few words" Mrs. Valentine giggles in an attempt to make light. I smile and make my way back to my seat.

"Okay class...." The teacher drones on about something to do with ancient China but I'm to busy day dreaming like most of the class to be paying any attention.

We are about halfway through the lesson when the door swings open and three really attractive boys walk in. I smell troubleeeeee.

The one on the right has black hair and a cute face and is wearing a beanie, the one on the left has brown hair and brown eyes and a lot of gel. And then the one in the middle, the most attractive of them all, also has brown hair and brown eyes and is overall HOT.

All of them wearing the cliche leather jacket, jeans and sneakers. Even wearing something so simple they look hot.

Oh boy are they hot. Wait I've said that already.

The whole class is in awe like they are some kind of gods or something. They make their way over to the back and the two that were on the side, who I'm gonna call Beanie and Gel, took seats on either side of me.

The one in the middle who I'm gonna call hottie, stood impatiently at the front of my desk. I raise and eyebrow at him expectingly. "Can I help you?"

He smirks " Your in my seat."

His seat? Wow this kid is cute. He thinks I'm gonna move!

"Well I'm sorry but I don't see your name on it so..."

The smirk is still plastered on his stupid smug face, "Babe, I'm asking you nicely, if you don't move, I'll make you move."


"Uhhhh how about you kiss my ass and go find another seat" I say smiling sweetly. This is when I notice the whole class is staring at us, even the teacher.

He raises his eyebrows still smirking and nods as if in respect.

He looks at beanie and asks him to move over and sits in beanie's seat.

Smiling in victory I look back over to the teacher while the rest of the class's jaws are dropped. "Uhh, can I help you?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

They all quickly look away and turn to the teacher.

"Well then, let's continue" the teacher says.

I can feel the guys eyes burning holes into the side of my head. After about five minutes of squirming in my seat, I can't stand it anymore.

"Dude. Can you stop staring at me. Your kinda creeping me out" I state flatly.

He looks at me amused and looks away.

After the bell rings everybody grabs their books and things and rush out the door. I slowly grab my things and head out after everybody else but before I can leave the classroom I feel a hand grip my wrist and spin me around.

My wide eyes meet with big brown ones. "I just thought you should know, I'm not one to mess with. I only let you keep the seat because I like your attitude, for now. So you do not want to cords me again." he says in a soft yet stern tone and leaves me mouth opened like a dweeb in the classroom with his friends in tow.

Why did I let him talk to me like that. Maybe because his close proximity did something to the part of my brain the makes me witty. Ugh I need to get to my next class.

"Sorry I'm late! I just had to use the ladies room" I yell as I rush into the classroom.

Whoops, big mistake the whole classroom is staring at me including hottie and Gel. I don't think beanie has this class.

"Sorry" I mumble.

"Uh that's ok well dear what's your name?" The teacher asks me.

"Abigail Thompson and I'm new.. obviously" I smile

"Hello Abigail, I'm Mr. Brooks. I won't make you introduce yourself or anything unless you want to because I'm sure you already did in first period. So welcome to Science" he says cheerfully.

"Thanks" I scurry of to the only empty seat which happens to be next to hottie. "Well hello babe" he smirks.

Just ignore him and he'll leave you alone. Just ignore him an-

"So, what's your name?"




"Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Ba-"


He smirks at me in return.


"Would you like to share anything miss Thompson?" Mr. Brooks asks me sarcastically

"No. Sorry sir" I say sheepishly.

"Ok well pay attention. We are starting a new topic and I will assign you partners at random. I want you to give me a written report about the documentary we are about to watch and you will be required to meet up after school hours to work on this as many times as you need," He explains "You will have 2 weeks to finish this and I expect it to be handed in precisely at that time and not a minute later" he adds sternly.

"Lucy and Devon
Chloe and Mia
Alarna and Mike
Abigail and Hunter
Max and ..."

Hunter? Who's Hunter? I look around the room to see if he's looking at me or something when my eyes land on hottie who is smirking again.

"Why are you smirking?" I ask him cocking my head in genuine confusion.

"Well Abigail, my name is Hunter Brown"

Hunter? Oh shit! He's my partner!?

"Yes he is" he says grinning

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did"

I sink in my seat at the thought of having to share this project with this ass.

Fudge. This is gonna be a long two weeks.

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