Chapter 14

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A/N: See, another update just like I promised. Anywho, how'd you like the last chapter? I'll introduce you guys to Ty and Kat some more but you have to keep reading if you'd like to know more about them. I hope you guys like this chapter because your votes and comments are what is motivating me to updating. I love you guys. Here's chapter 14.


We walk down the stairs to the game room, well, Nicole and I are walking, Chelsea is basically galloping down the stairs eager to meet Hunter's friends live in the flesh.

Finally we enter the game room and see the boys lounging on the sofas, Hunter and Austin sprawled on one three seater couch and Jack on the love seat. They are all on their phones so they don't notice us come in.

I clear my throat getting their attention, "Boys, these are my friends, Nicole and Chelsea" I say pointing at each of them.

The boys look them up and down obviously checking them out. "Hey" Austin and Hunter say simultaneously going back to their phones.


Jack however stands up and takes his hand out to shake Nicole's, "Hi, I'm Jack."

"Hey" she replies easily, he moves to Chelsea and shakes her hand, "Hi, I-", he doesn't get to finish because Chelsea cuts him off, "I know who you are, all of you" she says grinning.

He smirks, "And I already knew you, I was trying to be a gentlemen." Her smirk matches his, "Oh really?" She challenges cheekily and he responds with a confident nod.

"So who am I?" She asks leaning closer to him.

"You're Chelsea Parker, your parents are Helen and Andrew Parker. You aren't to popular but not considered a social reject either, just in the middle of the social ladder. Your best friends are Nicole Anderson, and now Abigail Thompson, the new girl," He smirks triumphantly, "Need I go on?"

I'm sorry, stalker much? Is nobody else concerned that this kid knows her whole life story yet he has never spoken two words to her before?

She shakes her head an impressed look on her face the rest of us watch quietly, "Well, you aren't as pigheaded as I thought but you are hotter up close" she states making Jack's smirk grow and the rest of us roll our eyes.

The doorbell rings, "Well, pizzas here!" I say running up the stairs two at a time, they all follow me and I open the door. I'm surprised when I see Josh standing in front of me wearing a uniform and holding our food.



"I didn't-" we both say at the same time but stop once we hear the other one speak.

I laugh and he joins me, "Well heres your food, it's $24.75" he says handing it to me, "all that for yourself?" He asks me.


"For me too" Hunter cuts me off and steps into Josh's view handing him the money.

Josh looks confused, "Hunter? What are you doing here?"


This time I cut him off, "My friends and his friends and I are having a movie night, I'd love it if you joined us." I tell him before Hunter can say something that would make this guy not like me.

"I would but I've actually got to get back to work" he says, "But I'll talk to you at school?" He asks hopefully.

I nod, "Bye Josh."


I shut the door and turn to my new friends who are looking at me weirdly, "What?" They all look, like they want to say something but Jack beats them to it, "Let's watch a movie!" And he snatches the food out of my hands heading to the living room.

We all follow not saying a word. I grab the snacks they got and lay the pizza out on the coffee table while Jack and Chelsea argue over what movie to watch, and Austin and Nicole are talking on the couch, and Hunter is on the two seater couch texting somebody on the phone looking angry.

I walk over and sit next to him, "What's up" I ask.

He looks at me and shakes his head putting his phone in his pocket, did I forget to tell you? My mum got me the newest iPhone as an early birthday present. I love it. I have a picture of Niall on my case.

"Nothing just texting my parents." He offers me a small smile. Not convincing.

"Ok" I say not really believing him. I lean on the couch and get comfortable grabbing the pizza box from the table first. "Ok" Chelsea announces, "We are watching The Maze Runner." She says putting the cd in the DVD player.

She and Jack sit on the love seat together getting a box for themselves and Austin and Nicole grab one.

When the movie starts I feel Hunter come closer to me and putting an arm over my shoulder, I don't know what makes me do it but I snuggle into him and eat my pizza soundlessly.

I love this movie.


Somewhere in the middle of the movie we finish our pizza and eat the rest of the food and drink the Mountain Dew. Jack and Chelsea are snuggled up on the love seat and Nicole is asleep on Austin's lap.

Aww they'd all be a great couple.

I look at Hunter who now has his head on my lap and is watching the movie intently while I play with his hair. He looks so cute.

No. He doesn't. He looks like Shrek. But uglier.

You know you're lying.

No, I'm not he doesn't look anything remotely close to cute.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Whatever. Stop talking to me conscience.

When did I start talking to myself. The things this guy does to me.

At the end of the movie everyone is asleep but me and now Hunter and I are on the floor with my head on his chest and his arms are around me. His chest rising and falling slightly as he sleeps.

I untangle myself from him and go to my room and brush my teeth and change into my pj's. I grab two pillows and three big blankets from a cupboard in the hallway. I go to the living room and see them all still asleep, I put one blanket on Chelsea and Jack, one on Austin and Nicole and one one on Hunter after I put a pillow underneath his head and one next to him for me. I go under the blanket with him and wrap my arms around his waist.

I'll clean the living room up tomorrow I'm too tired now. And before I know it I fall soundlessly to sleep, with one thing on my mind, Blake.


So how was this chapter? Did you like it? Who is Blake? What's going to happen next? Well you'll just have to wait and see... Hehehe

I'll be updating again tomorrow so be expecting an update. Don't forget to,






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