Chapter 5

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"So, do you want something to drink?" I say as I make my way to the fridge.

"Sure." He puts his bag on the kitchen counter.

I take out a coke and pass it to him.

"Thanks" he says cracking the can open.

I just nod in reply. Why is this so awkward?

"So I guess we should get started." He suggests as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Uh yeah sure."

Wow this couldn't be any more awkward.

I head to the stairs and take two steps at a time not bothering to check if he's following me or not. I go to my room which is the biggest one in the house since my parents felt guilty about taking me away from my old life and somehow the bigger room kind of justifies it.

My room is painted a beautiful lilac colour and has its own bathroom. I have a flat screen TV mounted up onto the wall across my queen size bed. I have a window seat next to my mirror and I have my posters all over one wall. My desk is next to the bed.

I had time to decorate my room on the weekend so it looks almost like the one I had back home.

"Nice." I hear breaking me from my thoughts.

Oh. I almost forgot he was even here.

"Thanks." I shrug, "I'm practically an interior designer wouldn't you agree?" I ask him jokingly to lighten the mood.

He chuckles, "you're funny kitten."

I scowl. Kitten.

"Ok. Let's get started!" I chirp. Wow I sound like a freaking geek.

He just laughs and nods.

"So do you wanna work on the floor or my bed?"

He shrugs. Again. Way to be enthusiastic.

Floor it is.


"Well, that's enough for one day!" I announce stretching my legs.

"Uh, yeah ok" he shrugs getting up as well.

"I'll walk you out" I offer.

He gathers his things. I'm guessing that's a yes.

I lead him down the stairs and to the front door.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I turn around and see that we are only a few centimetres apart. He smirks seeing how uncomfortable I am.

"I guess so......kitten"

Ugh. I see we're back to that. I push him away and out the door, "bye Hunter" I say tiredly

"Bye kitten" he salutes before turning and walking over to his lambo. Damn I'm so jealous right now I want a lambo! But I like my car. I drive a black BMW i8.

I keep staring at his car drive off until I can't see it anymore. I head back inside and suddenly feel hungry. I walk into the kitchen humming the spongebob theme song looking in the fridge for anything edible and settle for a frozen pie.

I put the pie in the oven and set the timer for about 10 minutes. I head over to the kitchen counter and hop on it grabbing a magazine. I flip through it while waiting for my pie to be ready. After about 7 minutes the front door opens and I hear someone walk in.

"I'm home!"



"In here!" I call out flipping my magazine shut.

"Hello darling what are you doing?" He asks me.

"Um making a pie." I say while reaching up to kiss his cheek.

He never seems to really care what I'm doing, unless he wants something. Very suspicious.

"Really? Lovely well when your mother gets here we need to speak with you."


Just as I'm about to ask him what, the timer goes off and I head over to the oven taking my pie out of the oven.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower. See you in a few sweetheart."

I just nod because I've already stuffed the pie in my mouth. I wonder what that was about. Whatever, he'll tell me when mum gets home.

I head up to my room once I've finished the pie and jump on my bed grabbing my phone. I check for any messages or emails and find about three from my friend Imogen and two from my other friend Layla. They are all asking how I am and how's the school and stuff like that.

I can't be bothered talking to them right now so I just go on my laptop and start watching Pretty Little Liars. Just as I'm watching Spencer almost die from lack of oxygen because A locked her in her steam shower I hear my mum opening the front door. I head down stairs eager to know what this special talk is all about.

"Hey mama" I greet her kissing her cheek.

"Hey baby" she says gloomily.

I wonder what's up with her. It probably has something to do with what dad was saying before.

"I'm sure your father has already told you that we need to talk with you" she says sliding out of her shoes.

"Yeah...." I say expecting her to go into detail.

Just as I say that I'm cut off by my dad walking into the living room.

He looks at mum and nods. Huh?

"Ok sweetie take a seat." I do as she asks and wait for her to say more.

"Well, as you know your father got a job promotion and that's why we moved here" she says.

"Well now, your father's boss is going on a 2 month vacation with his wife for their 20th anniversary" she says looking hesitant, "and your father and I have been asked to look after his son since he is seventeen and can't stay by himself for two months. So we said ok and he is going to come over to bring his things over."

This whole time I'm gawking at them like a fish. "Wait. What!?" A seventeen year old boy is going to be living with me. For two months!?

"I'm sorry dear, but we couldn't say no. Your father and Mr. Brown have been working together for many years and he wouldn't of asked unless he truly needed the favour" my mother says quickly.

Great. The last thing I need is some perv living in my house.

"He goes to school with you and your mother told me about your car so he can drive you there and back" My dad says. Wait.

"What's his name?" I ask slowly

My parents look at each other before my dad says the two words that makes my jaw drop to the floor.

"Hunter Brown."


Oooh! She has to live with the schools bad boy! Tell me what you think and feel free to give me some ideas about what you think should happen.




And fan!!

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