Fred / George Weasley

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Since the arrival of Umbridge you'd been working with Fred, George and Lee on their pranks far more than normal.
'When did you learn all this, (Y/n)?' Fred had asked once you outlined a prank involving a doodle grimm, a following charm and something to make it bark.
You shrugged, grinning up at him and George, who were both looking at you awestruck.
'I spend too much time with you guys,' you said simply, finishing to write up the plan.
'We've been a worse influence on her than on Ginny,' George said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
'What can I say, you've practically adopted me,' you said, grinning.
But now, now you were on your way to Umbridge's office for a detention. Apparently she didn't take too kindly to you calling her a Ministry Toad and storming out of her lesson.
'Today you are going to write lines,' Umbridge told you as soon as you entered the pink covered room.
You groaned, couldn't it have been something which was at least a little interesting?
You began to unpack your bag, but Umbridge cut you off with a tingling little laugh. You looked up at her sharply, gritting your teeth.
'You'll be using one of my quills, Miss (Y/ln),' she told you in a simpering voice.
You dropped your bag before taking the quill, glaring at it.
'I want you to write "The Ministry know best",' she said, grinning broadly at you.
'How many times?' you asked, twirling the quill between your fingers.
She giggled once more, turning her attention towards a cup of tea. 'Let's just say, for however long it takes for the message to sink in.'
You frowned but began to write. A sharp pain in the back of your hand made you gasp. And then you realised why there wasn't any ink, and a new idea formed in your mind.
Umbridge asked to see your hand about an hour in. She couldn't determine what you'd written, but she saw the Ministry and looked happy. Thus a way to get out of this formed in your mind. Once you'd written enough you used the cut to write what she wanted to see on your other hand. It was that which you showed to Umbridge, before racing out of the room, unable to stay with her any longer.
You needed to get away from her. As far away as you could. It wasn't until you bumped into someone, sending you falling to your bottom, that you took a moment to breathe.
'Hey, are you all right?' asked George, offering you a hand.
You took it tentatively, and that's when Fred's eyes widened.
'What is that?' he asked shrilly, pulling your hand away once you were standing. He pulled it close to his face to read what was there.
'" Hogwarts does not belong to the Ministry of Magic",' read Fred, looking between you and the scar.
'Was this Umbridge?' asked George, gently leading you to sit between him and Fred on a bench.
You nodded, still unable to think straight.
'We'll get her back for this,' Fred assured you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
'Does she know what you wrote?' asked George.
You smirked slightly. 'Of course not, Toad-face thinks I did exactly what she said,' you told them in a small voice.
'Well then, we'd best flaunt this to show her what she's up against,' said Fred, grinning at you proudly.
'She won't know what hit her,' George assured you. 'But come on, let's put some murtlap essence on this before we plan revenge.'
'Now that's something I can handle,' you told them, pulling them both into a grateful hug. 'Thank you,' you added earnestly.

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