Jerome Valeska / The Joker

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((An//:))the italicized words are lyrics to Look what we've become by grace potter.)

Warnings: Smut at the end, murder (duh), and mentions of abuse.


They told you to keep your head down
They told you not to run
They told you "we're sorry, you're not the fortunate one"

Jerome was sat on the steps of the trailer, an angry bruise spreading across his pale cheekbone. Tears stung in his eyes as he remembered the beating his mother and her most recent lover had unleashed on him just minutes prior.
His body shook with rage when he recalled what the foul man had said to him, "You'll never be anything more than a circus freak, Valeska. You'll be nothing." He had spat at the red headed teenager.
Jerome let out a sneer as he grabbed an ax and stomped into the trailer, determination burning in his veins.
They told me to keep it quiet
Said my day would never come
So I screamed my lungs out and I ran straight for the sun
Jerome looked down at the corpses of his mother and the man that had beaten him earlier that day and let out a bright chuckle, a knock at the door startling him. He quickly peeked through the window, seeing Y/N at the door glancing around nervously. Jerome opened the door to the small trailer and ushered her inside urgently, locking the door behind her. She let out a breath upon seeing the bodies strewn over the floor.
"So you finally did it, huh?" She asked with a dark smile.
Jerome laughed heartily, "I told you today was the day, Y/N. Now, help me get rid of the bodies before tonight's show." He said.
Y/N nodded and helped the ginger wrap the bodies up in a tarp before dumping them on the back of a truck haphazardly.

And they always told us we would be nothing
Look what we've done
And they always told us we would be nothing
But look what we've become

Jerome had been at the GCPD for an uncomfortable amount of time and Y/N was getting worried. This was the second time he was brought in for questioning and she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. The boy had wriggled his way into her heart and she tried her very best to protect him when she could. After a few days of nothing but silence from Jerome, she feared the worst. She locked herself in her apartment, not wanting to see or hear from anyone other than Jerome.

And they told you you don't understand
They told you, "let it go"
And then they took you by the hand
And led you out the door

Months had passed and the ginger worried about Y/N night and day. Of course he didn't rat her out for helping him hide the bodies, he quite cared for the young woman. She was the only person in his life to actually care for him and accept every part of who he was. When he got out of this dump called Arkham, he vowed to reunite with Y/N.
The next day, he and a few other inmates were sat at a table in the common room when an odd looking man, even odd for Arkham, stood on top of the table and started spouting off nonsense. Zaardon was his name, or so he claimed and after his speech, Sionis turned back to them and continued his stupid story about ponies that Jerome couldn't care less about.
Jerome had inquired about using the phone to get ahold of Y/N, but found her landline had been disconnected. The red head looked down at his shoes sadly and joined the psychos back at the table before a foul smelling cloud of gas erupted from Zaardon's mouth and before he knew it, he was out like a light.

Your words don't make a sound
My dreams are on the floor
But you're rising up from underground
And I'm nothing like I was before

Y/N laughed maniacally as she raced down the streets of Gotham in a stolen police car, sirens wailing loudly behind her. Since being fired from her job and evicted from her apartment, she turned to more practical ways of earning her living.
Turns out, stealing cars was much easier than she thought. There were some bank robbers, the Red Hood gang or something who requested her services, specifically a GCPD patrol car and Y/N was more than happy to put her skills to the test.
After her most recent heist, she caught a familiar face on the television as she passed a local bar, her heart dropping to her toes immediately. Jerome's signature smile was the highlight of the breaking news story, apparently having just killed multiple cops at the GCPD and sending everyone in a panic.
Y/N flattened her hands against the glass of the window she peered through, smiling widely. Jerome was alive! She giggled and dashed for the police station, hoping to catch him before he made his escape.

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