Andy Leo / Andrew Velasquez

153 2 0

Song: Lead me out of the Dark, Crown the Empire

Tumblr: runawaysontrial

As the bell rang, I sighed and picked my stuff up and went out. I nearly got my ass kicked at chemistry today because I was asked to solve an equation on the board that I didn't even know existed. Luckily my best friend, Andy Leo, slipped me his notebook before I went forward. Ass saved.
As I was about to put my books in my locker, a letter dropped out of it. It was a blue sealed envelope with my name written on it. Without any further ado, I ripped it open and read the content.
Hey, beautiful. Mind seeing me tonight at 8 in the park? I've got something to tell you.
- The one in the blue
I then flipped the paper back and did the same to the envelope to find the identity of the sender. Unfortunately, I found nothing. Who could it be and what do this person have to tell me?
Suddenly, I felt two hands covering my eyes.
"Guess who?" The person asked. I'd known him anywhere from the tone of his voice.
"Let me guess," I said, holding his hands on my eyes, "The guy who saved my ass in chemistry today."
"Correct!" He shouted, mocking the voice of a TV quiz show host. Andy. He's always so goofy and excited. He always manages to boost my mood.
"Hey, look," I handed him the letter, "Someone dropped this in my locker."
Andy took the letter and read it aloud. "Hmm," he handed the letter back to me, "Guess you've got a secret admirer."
"You think so?" I asked him, "What if this is just a prank or something?"
"I doubt that," he assured me, "You should go check it out so you won't disappoint him. Or her."
"Yeah you're right. Wanna come with?"
"Can't sorry. I gotta meet up with the guys for band practice and I'm gonna finish late. I'm so sorry," he placed his hand on my shoulder. "That's okay with you right? Or if you wan't I'll just tell the guys to -"
"No, no, of course not!" I spoke up before he finished talking, "You go see your guys. I'll go see this person."
"Thank you beautiful," he hugged me, "Be sure you tell me everything that happened!"
"I will, I promise!"
At 10 minutes before 8, I walked to the park where the sender had told me to meet him, questions crowding my head. Who is this person? What does he or she have for me? What if it's a bad person? What if I get killed?
I shook off my negative thoughts and continued walking. As I arrived at the park I was shocked to find the paths lined with candles and the trees decorated with lights. Kind of felt like I was in movies.
I followed the path to find somebody standing in the gazebo, his back facing me. He was wearing a blue shirt, and I knew for sure that this was the sender.
The one in the blue. He wasn't sad - he was just wearing blue.
"Um... Hi," I cautiously called, "You... wanted to see me here."
"Yup," he replied, and to my surprise his voice sounded way too familiar. He turned around to face me.
It was none other than my best friend, Andy Leo.
"Andy?" I was beyond shocked. He was wearing a blue polo shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of blue Nikes, and with him was a bouquet of blue roses which he handed to me.
"I know you love blue," he said as he handed the bouquet to me.
"What..." I was too dazzled and too confused to reply anything else. Andy sent the letter? And I was assuming he did this to the park? What is it that he had to tell me that he had to make me an anonymous letter and decorate the park so nicely? I mean, he could just text me or say it at school.
"(Y/N)," he began, "We have been best friends for as long as we can remember. All the times spent with you are the best moments of my life, and being with you is when I feel happy; is when I can become myself. You've always been so nice and supportive and you're the most wonderful person I've ever known, and that I'm lucky to have a best friend. But... I kinda want to change that."
"Change that... how?" I asked him.
Andy stepped closer to me and looked down to meet my eyes.
"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?"
I fell dead silent, having some trouble digesting the words he just said. Girlfriend? Was he crushing on me all along? I got a little annoyed at first, but then I started to think of all the feelings I had for him. How he always makes me laugh and boosts my mood, how he holds me in his arms when I cry, how he saves my life at times, how he climbs to my bedroom window when I have a late night emergency, how he sings to me until I sleep...
Andy is the one who haves my heart all along, and I was too blind to realize.
I smiled at him, "Yes, Andy. I'd love to."
He smiled from ear to ear, before moving his head closer to mine, and pressed his lips on mine gently.
"(Y/N)," he spoke softly, "You've just made me a really lucky guy." And we fell into a hug.

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