Anakin Skywalker

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((A/N:)// This is so perfect I found it and omg I love it)


"Honestly, I understand why they have to pair us up with other padawans instead of letting us pick" Anakin suddenly started speaking. You two were walking down the Jedi Temple searching for your Masters, who would tell you who you would have to fight in this little padawan battle they made every once in a while.
"And why is that?" You asked, already aware of the reply you would get.
"Because no one would want to go with me, they know how good I am and everyone would be too scared to go with me," He laughed it off.
This had been going for ages, Obi-Wan and literally everyone else were always reminding him he was the chosen one and how good of a Jedi he would become, even if those things were true, it was unnecessary to constantly brag about it, and honestly? Annoying.
"I personally think people wouldn't want to go with you because they would have to hear you brag about how good you are all the damn battle" You said under your breath, annoyed yet hoping he wouldn't hear you.
"What did you just said?" Only he did hear you. He crossed his strong arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows, challenging you to repeat yourself.
"I just think you should quit bragging about your chosen one skills or whatever." You shrugged, still looking for Master Obi-Wan. "If your powers were so strong and you were better than all of us you wouldn't be training with us. You would have a place on the Council and I would most definitely be your padawan instead of your mate."
"You are just jealous of my powers! You are jealous because you know Obi-Wan likes me more than he likes you!" He raised his voice, not happy with what you said.
"Now you're acting childish, Ani. I just think you should be more humble and understanding. You're not ready to be a Jedi Knight just like we aren't and that's alright." You said softly, trying to make him understand.
"NO. I don't care who Obi-Wan paired me up with. We are gonna fight in the padawan battle and we'll see if you won't change your disturbing opinion." He mocked you and stormed to his room.
You weren't surprised at his childish reaction but you weren't scared of him, you knew him well. You finally found Obi-Wan and as you made your way to him you had an idea.

You were getting ready for the Padawan Battle when you started rethinking about all your Master told you, the tips and the advices, everything. Obi-Wan, just like you, was quite pissed at Anakin's behaviour, he wanted you to win. Only wanting wasn't enough, though. Anakin was a strong adversary, he wasn't invincible but still strong and talented.
You made your way to the palace, where all the masters and padawans could watch you fight. As you and Anakin were the oldest padawans, you started. He was still angry and he looked at you with hate in his eyes, but you could sense he was nervous. He saw you as a threat, and that hurt you.
You made your reverences and lifted your lightsabers. You kept staring at each other waiting for Master Yoda's sign that you could start. So he did and you begun.
It was a lightsaber fight, which meant you had to be quick otherwise, you would get burned. You were just hitting your lightsabers and trying not to be physically hit, however, Anakin was too angry with you. He wanted to hurt you, he needed to win this fight but at the same time you needed him to understand, you wanted him to let go of his ego. You had to use a strong feeling too, if you wanted to win, but not hate.
You had to revolve yourself in light, you needed to use love against his hate.
His lightsaber came in shock with yours and you didn't move, as he gave all his hate upon his weapon, you gave all your love. You were very close and the fight was heated, no one made a single sound in the palace and everyone watched with careful eyes. He looked at you conflicted, he didn't see or feel any hate in you, only light; love. It confused him; you didn't want to hurt him. You didn't hate him, and it softened him for a second. When his eyes started growing lighter instead of darker you knew you had to do something to stop this fight and win, but you could feel the light now glowing in him as well and you didn't want to win any longer, and he didn't want to hurt you or win too. You just wanted to quit it but you knew one of you had to win.
You came back to yourself and remembered how he kept bragging this morning and how full of himself he was so you twirled your body around his, facing his back and knocked him out. Anakin fell to the ground and you kicked his lightsaber far from his reach, immobilizing him while straddling him.
"I won," you said softly. Not proud of yourself for taking advantage of his soft moment but proud of thinking logical. Anakin looked around all the padawans cheering for you, Obi-Wan cheering for you. He felt betrayed, but he couldn't hate you anymore. He pushed you away and left the palace conflicted and hurt.

After all the cheering and excusing yourself from the congratulations and warmth, you went after Anakin. Suddenly you started feeling a wave of sadness and pride, you knew he was close to you, you could sense his feelings. You found him sat on the floor, head between his knees and back against the wall. You immediately ran to him and kneeled down to his level.
You reached his hands, which were gripping his hair. He was mentally punishing himself, you could tell. You pushed his hands away and carefully lifted his face. He was completely confused and had no idea of what had happened in there, you understood his side right there. The boy barely ever had affection or someone motivating him, he was a slave for dear god! Of course he gripped at the first touch of admiration he won, it was only natural.
You sat close to him, still holding his face carefully as if it would break. He reached for your arms, but thinking he would push you away you looked at him pleading for him not to, you only wanted to help. However, he never thought about pushing you away, he strangely wanted you closer.
"I'm sorry," he apologized. "For letting my ego overcome, for feeling hate. Please, forgive me." He pleaded, looking deeply into your e/c eyes.
You shook your head, "It's alright, Ani. It's not your fault, feeling proud of yourself it's only human, so is hate." You smiled apologetically to him, "I'm sorry too, you know. I was jealous of how everyone praised you and I wanted to prove I was good too. I'm sorry I took advantage of your confusion during the fight to win." You said quietly, ashamed.
He seemed to have pulled you closer and you were straddling his leg, your hands still on his face and his now on the small of your back.
"No, don't apologize. You did the right thing, Y/N. You fought with light while I used darkness, I'm glad you won. You are, after all, just as good as I am, but you fought for the right reasons." He smiled at you. "Can I ask you something, though?"
You nodded at him, consenting. "How did you do it?" He brought you closer to him, so your faces reached the same level. "How did you manage to overcome my hate? How did you soften me? I want to know so I can keep you around me and feel that way all the time." He said innocently, truly interested in that new amusing feeling.
"With love." You simply said. "I just wanted you to understand my point, I never wanted to fight or hurt you. I'm not a threat to you, I'm on your side, Ani. So I used love and you immediately softened. It just worked."
"I see, do you think you know...maybe show me more of that?" He said curiously.
"I guess I could, I don't know much of it as well though," you smiled, "Put one of your hands on my cheek, like that and the other on my waist. Yes, now we got to stay close to each other" You said, almost resting your forehead on his, one hand on his chest and the other on his cheek. "Now you have to think of all the nicest memories you got and all the things that make you happy and link me to them. Think about me in those memories and think about yourself doing your favorite things with me. And I'm going to do the same. I'm on your side remember?" He nodded, obeying.
"Now think about us. Think about now. Think about how this feels, how you feel about me and how it feels to have me close to you. Think about nice things." You said, resting your forehead on his, mixing breaths. He smiled, enjoying it.
You looked at him as you did during the fight, you revolved both of you in all the light you could.
"It feels nice." He admitted. You nodded.
"I know, Ani. I feel it too." You smiled at him, "Now, you kiss me, with your lips." You said quietly and he obeyed, once again.
Anakin pressed his lips on yours gently and held you close, feeling the light and love around him, he tried memorizing how good it felt to be like this with you, how you felt against him and it cleared all the conflict in his heart.
You slowly pulled away and when you opened your eyes, he was already looking at you lovingly. You both smiled.
"I'm really sorry but after that I'm gonna have to keep bragging." He joked, laughing.
You playfully hit him and laughed with him, rolling your eyes. You kissed him one last time, slowly, before getting up and holding his hand, leading him to the eating room before you missed dinner and your Master came looking after you.
The two of you knowing Anakin wasn't going to quit bragging and you weren't going to quit kicking his ass. You ran to the room laughing, fingers locked.

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