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**Here's the start of another Jasper and Bella story. This one is set very far into the future in 2106. I have been playing with this idea for a while now and I hope you like it.**

Bella's POV

I awake with a jolt in my bed as another nightmare rocked me to my core. I turn on the television to try to get my mind off of it. My robot, Nettie, must not know I'm awake. "Nettie," I say. She rolls in. "Yes Bella. Why are you awake at this hour," she asks. "Just another nightmare. Can you get a glass of juice," I ask. "Yes, would you like a snack with that," she asks. "Just some crackers would be nice," I say. "Ok Bella," she says and rolls out of the room. She cleans and cooks for me, but she's also someone who listens. Scientists really make them life like.

I look down at the scars that run up and down my arms and frown. I wish they would just go away but they won't. They are a constant reminder of what I went through at the hands of some crazed scientists. About 5 years after I graduated high school, I was walking home alone and I got ambushed and taken to a place where they do horrible experiments on people. It's the reason I'm over 100 years old. Nettie returns with some juice and crackers. I thank and dismiss her. I think back to the day the Cullens left. They were all cowards. The only one I actually still like is Jasper. They're afraid of facing what they brought on themselves.

They didn't have to tell me about vampire life. They did so they can play human. If only they knew that I wasn't exactly human anymore. I wonder if the horrors I faced were the same as Jaspers. The only reason why I know of Jaspers horrors is because the one who caused them helped cause mine. Maria was worse than the scientists. She loved to inflict pain. She even got off on my screams once. Who the hell does that? Well I figured out the answer to that question. I drink the rest of my juice and eat my crackers and slide back into bed to get a little bit of sleep.

My clock wakes me up at 9:00 am. The screen lifts from my window a little to let in the sunlight. It's a bright morning out. I hop out of bed and take a shower. I'm going to need to go to the grocery store today. I eat some breakfast after my shower and grab my keys and head out to my car. No, my car does not fly. They don't allow people to have flying cars anymore after the catastrophe 20 years ago. I get to the grocery store and walk in to get my stuff. I'm browsing the baking goods isle when I feel like someone's watching me. I turn to look around and but there's no one in the isle. I shake my head and go back to looking for my cake mix. "Excuse me," says a woman with a thick southern accent. I jump a little. "Jeez you scared me. Do you need anything," I ask.

"You wouldn't happen to be Bella Swan would you," she asks. "Umm I am why," I ask. "My names Charlotte Whitlock," she says and extends her hand. I shake it. "Whitlock? As in Jasper Whitlock," I ask. "Yes, I'm actually a good friend of his and he's our coven leader. I'm here because well there's a few things that I need to talk to you about," she says. "Any friend of Jaspers is a friend of mine. I just need to grab a few things for my house real quick," I say. I get my stuff and we walk to the checkout line when I hear a gasp behind me. "Bella," says a voice I recognize.

"Hello Esme," I say. "How are you alive still," she asks. "That's none of your concern and this isn't the place to be talking about things like that," I say. "Bella sweetie we are very sorry about what Edward and Alice did. We had no idea that Edward was gonna leave you in the woods like that," she says. "How do you know about that," I ask. "Another mind reader visited us and read Edwards mind and saw what he did. They left after that. Jaspers been devastated because that also brought to light that Alice and Jasper were never mates," she says.

"How could they do that to him," I say. "Bella, there is more that we would like to explain. Could you please come to where we are staying," she asks. I look at Charlotte and she nods. "Alright I will but I have to go by my house first," I say. She nods and I proceed through checkout and take my stuff to my car. I run my stuff by my house and look at the address Esme gave me. Should I go over there? Probably not but I'm curious and I want to see their faces when they see me. "Bella would you like me to go with you," asks Charlotte. "Yeah I'd like someone there in case this gets out of hand," I say. "My mate is also here and I think he should be there to. He's pretty much Jaspers brother," she says.

"Alright where is he," I ask. "Right here Little Bit," he says behind me. "Good God you vampires and giving me heart attacks," I screech. "Come on Bella. It's funny," he says. "Yes to you. Not to the human who's heart is still pounding," I say. "Well let's go and face the music before we all chicken out," he says. "The only one chickening out will be you and what's your name," I ask. "Peter and we'll be great friends with you by the time this is all over," he says. "I hope so," I say and we walk out to my car and head to the Cullens.

**That's chapter one of my new story. I'm going to tie some X-Men things into this story. If you guys like it. Let me know and I'll continue. Thanks for reading and check out my other stories!**

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