Chapter 4

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**Hey! I finally have a new chapter up and in case any of you don't know, I am gonna try to update either one or both of my stories every single weekend. Now that means either Friday night or sometime in Saturday or Sunday. You may get an update in the middle of the week every once in a while if I have time. Anyways I will let you guys get to reading.**

Bella's POV

After the vampires stiffen up, I know that there is going to be trouble. I go to answer the door and Jasper tries to stop me. I shake my head at him and open the door. On the other side is Edward. "Well if it isn't Fuckward himself. I gotta say I am surprised to see you here," I say. "Bella come with me now," he says stiffly. "Hell no Edward. I wouldn't go with you if you were the last person on this earth. Now if you'll kindly turn around and walk away and never come back," I say and go to close the door but his foot blocks it.

He goes to grab me but I release my claws grab his hand and hold them to his throat. "I wouldn't if I were you. What you don't know is that these can actually pierce your skin so I suggest you leave," I say and shove him away. "What happened to you Bella? You used to be an innocent, kind-hearted person. They've turned you into a monster," he says. "And you are not? You left me in the woods to die. I was just a human and you used me for your own games. The only reason why I haven't killed you yet is because of the little humanity that I have left. Now leave Edward before you leave in pieces," I say.

He shakes his head. "I'll have you Bella one way or another. I will be back," he says and gets up and runs off. "What a dickhead," I say before walking back into the house. They were all still like statues. "You have got to be kidding me," I say before walking into the kitchen. Nettie was in there. "Would you like a snack Bella dear," she asks. "Actually think you can make me a pizza," I says and she nods and gets to work. "What's wrong with your friends in there and what was that commotion outside," she asks. "Oh they are in shock and the commotion was me about getting into a fight with my ex who should have never stepped onto my doorstep," I say.

"Ah that would be Edward," she says. "Yes," I say. She finishes preparing the pizza and sticks it in the oven. "That should be done in 10 minutes Bella," she says. "Thanks, you take the rest of the day off," I say. "Thank you dear. I will probably finish my painting," she says before going upstairs. I walk into the living room to see the vampires still frozen. I shake my head, pull out my claws, and poke each of them in the butt with them. "What the hell Bella," screams Peter while rubbing his butt. "I wasn't liking the décor," I say. "Sorry Jasper," I say. "It's fine," he says.

"What in the hell did Edward want," asks Charlotte. "He wanted me back but I sent his sorry ass away," I say. "He will be back though," says Jasper. "I know. I think the only way for me to do anything about this is to cut him into little pieces," I say and play with my claws. "As entertaining as that would be, I bet Carlisle wouldn't like that," say Peter. "No offense to Carlisle but he deserves to be cut to pieces and then I'd dunk them in acid and burn them," I say. "Damn Bella. I didn't expect that to come out of your mouth," says Peter.

I just shrugged my shoulders and the timer was going off for the pizza. I pull it out and cut myself some slices and I start chowing down. "Can I have a piece," says Peter. "Really Peter," say Char. "No, it's my pizza," I say and grab the rest of the slices and eat them. "Good god Bella," he says. "Shut up, I need to eat quite a bit," I say. "Oh cause technically aren't you half human," asks Char and I nod. "Well how bout me and you go run a circle around the house to be sure that the killjoy is gone," say Peter who is looking at Char. They take off out of the house. I look at Jasper. "You ok Jasper," I ask.

"Yes, I am Bella. Don't worry," he says and buries his face in my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds my waist. "Jazz umm what is this? Why didn't we notice this when we first met," I ask. He looks me in the eyes. "I honestly don't know, but I think it had something to do with Edward and Alice," he says. Then it hit me. He raises his eyebrows at me. "Maria explained to me what mates are," I say and his eyes widen in realization. "How did I of all people not notice," he says. "Jasper don't blame yourself Alice manipulated you. It wasn't your fault," I say.

He holds me tightly and buries his face in my neck again. My scent must be calming him. I rub his back soothingly and he starts purring almost like a cat. I smile and he picks me up while wrapping my legs around his waist. He walks us to the couch and lays us down. I run my fingers through his curly hair and sigh. He lifts his head from my neck and looks into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him to me and I kiss him. Kissing him was so much different than Edward. With Edward, it felt like kissing a stone and he treated me like I would break easy.

Jasper felt amazing almost like satin even. He knew how hard he could hold me without hurting me and was definitely not treating me like I would break. His tongue swiped my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him in. His tongue explored my mouth while his hands traveled the rest of my body. Since I was half human, I had to break for air after a few minutes, but his lips stayed on my skin. His lips traveled to my neck and he left soft nips and kisses while I was catching my breath. He flipped us over so I was on top and he started purring again. I put my head on his chest and my eyes started to droop. "Sleep Bella, I'll be here when you wake up," he says and kisses my head. I fall asleep to his purring.

**Thanks so much for reading the chapter. Give it a vote or comment if you like and hope you enjoyed this one. Until the next chapter. See ya!**

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