Chapter 2

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**Hi all! Thanks for the support on this story! I honestly don't know where this one's gonna go. Vote and comment and I hope you enjoy this one!**

Chapter 2

Bella's POV

I park the car in the driveway and I'm surprised that they aren't outside yet. "They don't want to seem overbearing after well you know," says Peter. I nod. "Well let's go and get this over with," I say. We walk up to the mansion-like house and Peter opens the door for me and Char. They are all siting in the living room. "Bella," says Carlisle and he walks up to me. "It's really you. You're alive but how," he asks. "I will tell if I feel like divulging that information. You guys have something you want to say to me," I say. Rosalie is the first to get up flanked by Emmett. "Bella, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you when you and Edward were together. I can't believe he did that and I would like a chance to start over if you'll let me," she says.

I notice that she has a hard time saying Edwards name. "Of course. Honestly I understand why you reacted that way," I say and she gives me a hug. "Please call me Rose," she says and I nod. I turn to Emmett next and he looks like he wants to pick me up. "Come now Emmett you too," I say and he picks me up and spins me around. "Almost human needs air," I breath out. He puts me down. "Sorry, Bella I really didn't want to leave you all those years ago. I fought tooth and nail then Edward played the mate card and well it was all downhill from there," he says. "Honestly Emmett and Jasper were never the same after you left Bella. Especially after a little light was shed about what they truly did," says Rose.

"Honestly Em I never blamed you. You're like the brother I never had," I say. "Thanks Bella it's good to have you back around," says Emmett. Next is Esme and Carlisle. "Bella, me and Carlisle really had no idea what was going on. Alice and Edward fooled us all and we believed them cause of their gifts that we thought we're flawless. I'm sorry can't make up for what was done but I hope that we can hopefully have you in the family again," says Esme. "I'll definitely think about it," I say and she gives me a hug. Carlisle hugs me next. "It's good to have you back Bella. We all love you and well in all honesty when we left it really hurt us all except the other two," he says. "It's ok I understand that they played you all using their gifts," I say. I look around. "Where's Jasper," I ask. They all look upstairs. "He about slipped the other day and has been upstairs in his room ever since. It's why me and Char were here," says Peter.

"But he didn't so did this just hit him hard or something," I ask. "Yes we think so. He saw something or someone that triggered a bad memory or something similar. Why don't you go try getting him to come out. I think you can do it," says Peter. "Bella," we hear from the top of the stairs. I look up and see Jasper and smile at him. "Yes it's me," I say. He comes down the stairs and is in front of me. "How are you alive. You should have died of old age by now or should be really old," he says and I laugh. "Well that's a long story and it involves someone from yours, Peters, and Chars past," I say and he stiffens. I take a deep breath. "I suppose I should tell you and it's better if I just tell you together," I say. I sit down on the arm of one of the chairs and Jasper sits in the chairs and places a hand on my leg. "Well I suppose I should start with the day you left. After you guys left I was in a zombie-like state for about a year. I barely ate and couldn't sleep cause nightmares plagued me at night. After a year, I got over it started making friends again and life was good. I went through college to be scientist. I was gonna be a researcher on genes. The basic building blocks for human life," I say.

Everyone shifted in their seat a little when I mention what happened after and Jazz squeezed my leg. "I was also gonna study genetic mutation. How we as humans evolve. Anyways I had written a thesis that had gotten attention from some of the top scientists in the country and was getting many offers. I was set to graduate in the summer. I was walking home one night when I was grabbed and taken to a secret facility. They told me that they were looking to make the perfect slave through mutation. They told me that I would be a human with vampire abilities. I didn't tell them I knew about vampires but they somehow knew. There was one vampire present during the experiments and her name is Maria," I say.

Jasper, Peter, and Char look like they want to throw up. "She taunted me with you and she told me about your past," I say looking at them. "They gave me a serum that taps into the cells ability to mutate and enhances it though the only way to force the mutation is through torture. That was Maria's specialty. They even put me in a chamber that depleted my oxygen till I was suffocating. That didn't even work though. They showed me the bodies of my parents. That's what made my cells mutate and give me powers," I say. Rose and Esme both have tears in their eyes that would never fall. Judging by the way they were killed, I'd say a vampire or Maria killed them but I won't say that. "Bella, we're so sorry that happened to them. I wish we could have done something," says Carlisle.

"You didn't know so there is nothing you could have done. Anyways after I gained my powers I killed them all but Maria. There were no vampires there when I broke out. I've been lying low ever since just living my life and mastering my skills," I say. "What are some of your powers," asks Carlisle. "Well the ability to not age. The super strength and speed of course. I also can't die from any wound. I could take a gunshot to the head and still live. I can mind-speak with people, I'm telekinetic, and well I guess I should show you the last one," I say. I extend my hand out and let the claws out of my hand and they gasp. "They also fused my bones with an unbreakable metal that got fused with vampire venom so these can harm vampires. They also never get dull so I don't have to sharpen them," I say and bring them back in my hand.

"Wow, though honestly that was creepy as hell Bella," says Em. I chuckle. "They've gotten me out of a lot of hairy situations," I say. "So Maria wasn't there when you broke out and did you just let her go," asked Peter. "Well I didn't want to waste my time looking for a vampire who probably didn't want to be found. I'm not exactly that good at tracking. Besides she'll come find me eventually. I'm the most powerful person to come out of that slave camp alive. I may not have known her as long as you guys did, but she was there long enough for me to pick up that she was a power hungry bitch," I say. "Yep that's Maria for you," says Peter. "I promise you Bella that I will make sure she won't harm you," says Jasper. "Jazz I appreciate it but honestly I can take care of myself. Honestly as long as one of us takes the bitch down, I'll be satisfied," I say. I look at Jazz and notice how much his honey gold eyes sparkle in the light. How did I not notice before and his wavy blonde hair just looks perfect. How have I not noticed Jasper before?

**Ok I made this one longer than usual cause Bella was telling her story. Again thanks for all the support on this one and I hope this one is as popular as my other story. I did pull a few ideas from Deadpool and X-Men but they don't exist in this fic. I was merely pulling ideas for Bella. I don't own either nor do I own the Twilight characters. Please vote and comment. I love hearing from you guys! Thanks!**

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