Chapter 12

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**Hey guys! Time for chapter 12. I have some things planned for this story and I am excited for that. I hope you guys are too. Please continue to leave comments. I love getting feedback from you guys.**

Bella's POV

I was in the car and on the way to the labs where Valentine was. I was told that he had a chamber to put me in that would slow down my death. I'm trying to keep up hope for Jasper, but after what I saw with Maria, it's slowly gotten very hard. Peter and Char are in the front of the car and Emmett and Rose are in a car behind us. I just want everyone to be able to live peacefully without having to worry about me or Edward. We haven't heard from him since the fight. He probably is hiding.

The only bad thing is that if I die then the Major might kill everyone starting with Edward. I want to be here for him. "Bella, I can practically hear you thinking from up hear and I'm not Edward. What is going through your mind," Peter asks. "I've been thinking about you guys and Jasper," I say. "Why's that Bella," he asks. "Well, what if we don't find a cure," I ask. "Bella," he starts to say. "I have seen what this does to people. It's really hard to keep up hope when you've watched people slowly die from this," I say.

"I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, but look at who your mate is. He isn't going to roll over and watch you die. He's going to try his absolute hardest to find this cure so you can live a long and happy life with him," he says. "I would just feel better with him here," I say. "I know Bella. You know that we all want him here," he says. I look up as we pull into the parking lot of a big building. We get out to see the man who I haven't seen years standing at the front door. I get out of the car and walk up to him.

"Bella, it's been years hasn't it," he says. I nod and give him a hug. He grips me before letting go. "How have you been Bella besides the obvious," he says with a smile. "I have been good. I reconnected with Jasper and found that he was my mate," I say. "Was Jasper the cowboy that came in," he asks. "Yes that was him with his adoptive father Carlisle," I say. "Well, let's get you inside and into the chamber. Jasper should be in the Amazon right now," he says. We walk through the halls of the lab and back to his personal one.

He hands me a suit. "The bathroom is over there. Change into this," he says. I go in and change into the one piece suit and come back out.  He gestures for me to walk through this door. It leads to a small room which has a bed, couch, and tv. There is also a bathroom connected to it. "This room is designed to work with the suit to enhance your bodies ability to fight off the toxin. It has slowed down the process before and I am pretty sure it could do the same for you," he says. He turns on the chamber and it buzzes slightly and the lines that were on my arms and legs start to glow.

The buzzing quiets as more lines on the suit glow. This thing looks like something out of Tron. "Woah," I say. "Bella, you look like you belong in that movie Tron," says Emmett. "I know that's what I was thinking," I say looking down at myself. "So about how much time should this buy us," asks Rose. "I don't know. It depends on how Bella's body reacts to the suit," says Valentine. "I just hope that this gets Jasper plenty of time to find a cure in the Amazons," says Char. "If I know my brother, he'll find one," says Rose.

I shake my head at them and lay down on the bed. Well I may as well get comfy cause I'm gonna be here for a while. "Do you want your things," asks Peter. I nod and he passes it through an opening in the wall and I grab them and set them down next to the bed. I start humming Here Without You by 3 Doors Down as I organize some of my things. "Bella why didn't you take up singing," asks Valentine. "Because I can't sing," I say. "Oh Bella, I think your just trying to be modest. That was pretty good," says Emmett.

I blush and look away from them. They are laughing at my embarrassment. I turn on the TV and look for something good. I settle on Ridiculousness. "What are you going to want for supper Bella," asks Rose. "What are you feeling like Valentine," I ask. "Whatever you want. Just make it fast food cause I'm having a craving," he says. "Get me some McDonalds," I say. "I'll go get it," says Char. Valentine tells her his order and she heads out. Without thinking I start singing Last Night On Earth by Delta Goodrem. As I finish the last line of the song, I look up and Pete, Valentine, Rose, Emmet and Char with the food at the window.

"Again I ask why you don't have a singing career," asks Valentine. I just shake my head. "Seriously Bella, that was amazing," says Rose. "Thanks," I say and retrieve my food from Char. She got me a Big Mac with fries and a pop. "Thank God this can't go to my ass anymore," I say. "Did it ever really," says Peter. I shrug my shoulders and get to work on my burger. After I was done, I passed the trash through the hole. I lay down on the bed and wrap the blanket around me. I slowly fall asleep with Jasper on my mind.

**Thanks for reading. Thanks for all the support with this. Keep that feedback coming in and I'll see you in the next chapter.**

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