Chapter 14

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**Time for a new chapter. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments. I will let you get to reading.**

Bella's POV

It has been two days since Jasper and Carlisle went to the Amazon and we haven't heard from them. I hope it means that they have found something. I hate that all I can do is sit in this confined room and do nothing. I sit on the bed and hug my knees. "Bella are you ok," asks Char who's at the window. "Yeah, I just feel useless right now. Edward is out there probably gloating about how he ensured the death of the one that got away from Maria's torture chamber," I say. She looks down at her hands.

"Look, Emmett and Rose are out there looking for him. They are hoping that they can find him before he can find out that Jasper has left you to go find the cure," she says. "I couldn't live with myself if they got hurt because of me," I say. "They are doing this because they love you very much Bella. They would do anything for you cause you are their family just like you are mine. We would all die for you and we know you would do the same for us," she says. I nod at her then the door to the lab opens. In walks three women who look like they're from the Amazon.

They smile at me and then Jasper walks in behind them. I rush up to the window and so does he. "Bella, my mate how are you doing," he asks. "Great now," I say and smile at him. "The chamber is doing it's job. Her symptoms haven't changed any since she was brought here. I am confident we still have time," says Valentine. Jasper nods at him. The three Amazons step forward. "I am Senna and this is Kachiri and Zafrina. We are from the Amazon coven and we may have a way to cure you," she says.

"Really? How," I ask. "Well we have a book that may hold all the answers, but it can only be read by the descendent of the Ancient Egyptian scribe who wrote it," says Zafrina. "That's where Carlisle is," I ask. "Yes, Esme went with him to Egypt to talk to the Egyptian coven," says Jasper. "They should be there by know," says Peter. "I told him to call me with news if he can," says Jasper. I smile at Jasper. "So Little Bit, how's it hanging in solitary confinement," asks Pete with a smile. "When I get out, your ass is grass," I say with a smirk.

"I can't wait for the day," he says poking the glass. I give him the finger and he feigns being hurt. "My pride! You hurt my precious pride! Really Bella you can do better than that," he says. "I can't do that in here, but I think I like my place at this moment," I say. Valentine leans over to Char. "Is this normal," he whispers. "Yep, this is very common. Usually it ends with me having to pick him up off the ground and carry him back in the house. He's been in pieces before too," she says. "Wow, and he still hasn't learned," he says.

"Nope, he probably never will," she says. "Hey you are talking about me like I am not even here," he says. "Well stop being a moron and maybe we wouldn't have to," she says. He rolls his eyes at her. Uh oh. "Did. You. Just," she says and you can see the veins protruding from her neck. Eye rolling is the one thing that she refuses to tolerate and I learned that pretty quick. "Uh umm no t-that's not what that was. I-it was umm," he says. She grabs him by the ear and drags him out the back door.

"Well this oughta be good. How long do you think they'll be out there," I ask. "I give it 2 hours," says Jasper. "I say three," says Valentine. The Amazons just shake there heads. "That woman sure has fire within her," says Senna. "Oh yeah, you don't want to upset her. Unless you feel like losing something important," says Jasper. "Hmm should we be worried," asks Zafrina. Jasper and I look at each other. "Nahh," we both say.  "He'll be fine. I can't say that he won't be hurting for a while though," I say.

Valentine returns with a chicken wrap and a bag of potato chips. I didn't even realize that he had left. He gives it to Jasper who passes it through the door. As our hands pass, he grips mine for a few seconds before letting go. I can tell the separation is hard on him, but it is essential so they can have as much time as possible to fix me. I sit on the bed and munch on my chicken wrap. The Amazons sit around and ask about American culture and we ask about theirs. Theirs is obviously a bit more barbaric, but they do live in a rain forest where it is eat or be eaten.

They are still amazed at the ease of some things that we have. They don't come outside of their forest very often, but they have been outside before. It was starting to get late and Valentine offered to let the Amazons stay at the lab with me and the others. They accepted and said that they want to help keep an eye on me. Eh, I don't mind. I go and climb into bed so that I can start to relax before bed. We never heard from Carlisle or Esme so that must mean they either haven't made it there or just can't get back just yet. Also, Char is still outside with Peter and it's been 5 hours. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news.

**There we have it. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. I am planning on 10 more chapter roughly. Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time.**

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