Chapter 9

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**Heyo guys! Here is another chapter of this lovely story. I am setting records for how fast I am updating lately. Well this is what happens when the wheels in my head start turning. Enjoy the chappy!**

Jasper's POV

The second the blade stabbed Bella, I felt the pain through the bond and my gift. Whatever Edward stabbed her with was somehow able to critically wound her. Then Edward's eyes flashed a weird red and black color before disappearing into thin air. I immediately rushed to her side. Everything was moving in slow motion. Carlisle guided me back to the house while I carried Bella. The only other person who followed was Rose. I barely heard Carlisle say for everyone to stay away from the house.

He guided me to a room where I put her down on the table. He took her vitals and checked over the wound. "Jasper try to wake her up. She needs to be conscious. Rosalie get me my medical kit that's in my bag. I knew that anything physical wasn't going to wake her up so I sent her messages through our bond. My love, despair, and panic all went through the bond to her. "Please Bella. I'm so sorry that I failed you," I say. "You didn't fail her Jasper. How could you have known that he had that kind of a weapon on him," says Rose.

She gives Carlisle the medical supplies and he pulls out items that look like they're for closing the wound. Him and Rose get to work at fixing the wound in her abdomen. "It didn't go clean through her body, but it pierced some of her organs," says Carlisle as he makes quick work of closing up the wound. "Bella, I love you. Please," I say and push all of the love I can through the bond. "J-Jasper," she says with a cough. "Oh Bella. It's ok. I need you to keep your eyes on me," I say. "I can't feel anything," she says.

"I gave her medication before starting in case she could feel it," says Carlisle who is almost done. "He is almost done Bella. I need you to stay awake for me ok. I love you," I say. "I love you too Jasper and I'm trying. I'm just very tired," she says quietly. "I know. You can rest when you are finished being looked over," I say. "I figured you might need this," says Peter who's holding a few bags of blood and a transfusion kit. "Thank you Peter," he says as Rose grabs it. Peter walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You hang in there Little Bit. For all of us," he says. She smiles at him. "Ok I have the wound shut," he says. I look and see the stitchs that go down her abdomen. Carlisle sets up the transfusion and gets blood flowing to her. As this happens, the color returns to her face a little. "How are you feeling Bella," asks Carlisle. "A little better now. Just very tired," she says. "I think that you are out of the woods now so you can rest," says Carlisle. She smiles and falls asleep. They all leave to give me some privacy with her.

"I swear I am going to find that son of a bitch and make him pay for what he's done to you," I say. "You can include me in that one Major," I hear Peter say from downstairs. I just shake my head at him. It felt like days before she started to stir again. "Hey take it easy Bella," I say. "How long was I out," she asks. I look at the clock. "About 12 hours," I say. "I'm surprised I'm not dead," she says. We were lucky that Carlisle was able to help her on time. "Don't say that. You're alive and here. That's what matters," I say.

"That blade he stabbed me with was made out of the metal that is infused in my skeleton. That's why I didn't heal like I should have and why it did so much damage," she says. "I was wondering that," I say. She pulls up the blanket and looks at the stitchs. Her eyes widen. "Oh no," she says. "What is it," I ask expecting that maybe a stitch was out of place. She pulls the blanket away and that's when I see it. Black vein-like lines were spreading out from the wound. That wasn't there before.

"Carlisle," I say. "What is it," he asks running in and he sees it. He gasps. "What is this," he asks. "It's called Death's Mark. It's a mark that only presents itself when one is poisoned by a very special poison engineered specifically for mutants," I say. "So is there an antidote or cure," I ask. "No, there isn't. Anyone who has received the mark has all died," I say with a tear in my eye. "There has to be a way," says Carlisle. "No ones found a way to cure it before it's too late," I say. "Well we are going to find a way. I will find a cure or die trying," I say.

"Jasper," I say. "Shh I will find a cure for you," I say and kiss her lips. "Would there be any place that would be the best to start," asks Carlisle. "Well you could go visit an old friend of mine who is a scientist," I say. "Ok who is this person," I ask. "His name is Valentine and he works at Riverside Labs in Cincinnati. Just tell him that I sent you and explain what happened. He would be a good start," I say. I nod and kiss her hair. "We will be back. I promise," I say. "I know. I just hope Valentine can help you," she says. "Even if he can't then we will figure it out," I say and me and Carlisle leave the house. Time to meet this Valentine.

**Yay for the OC! I couldn't think of a good Twilight character to use so I'm using my OC Valentine. Alright thanks so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!**

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