Chapter 11

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**Hello all! Time for another update. Thanks for 3,000 reads and 160 votes. I appreciate every single one of you.**

Jasper's POV

We have finally arrived at Riverside Labs to meet Valentine. I hope he can help us save my Bella. If not then I don't know what we will do. We walk into the lobby and there's a lady at the front desk. "How can I help you gentlemen," she asks. "We are here to see Valentine," says Carlisle. "I'm sorry, but he doesn't take visitors," she says. "Tell us that Bella sent us," I say. "Alright I'll go see if he will see you," she says before disappearing to the back. I sigh and look around. "I wonder what they study here," asks Carlisle.

"I don't know, but I think I may have a pretty good idea as to what it is," I say. "Did Bella ever say how she knew him," he asks. "No, but I think it was from her days with Maria," I say. The lady comes back. "Come with me. He will see you now," she says. We nod and follow her. She takes us back into the labs and stops in front of an office. She knocks on the door. "Send them in," says a voice from the speaker beside the door. She opens the door and motions us inside before shutting it. There's a man sitting behind the desk who looks fairly young with brown hair and blue eyes.

He's obviously not a vampire, but there's an ageless look to him. "I take it that you are friends of Bella's," he says. "Yes, I am Bella's mate," I say. "Oh, when did she meet you," he asks. "A while ago, but we only found out recently. Can we please discuss why we're here," I say. "Very well. Why has Bella sent you two to me instead of coming to me herself," he asks. "The reason why we are here is because Bella is sick. She has Death's Mark after being stabbed by a blade made of the metal she is infused with," says Carlisle.

"Oh no. Not Bella," he says before sinking into a chair. "How did you know Bella," I ask. "I was her cellmate during her time with Maria. We got to know each other very well," he says. "She said that you may be able to help us find a cure for it," says Carlisle. "I have done research, but I don't have a cure yet," he says. "What you have would really help. We are trying to do everything we can on the limited time we have," I say. "Ok, follow me," he says and walks to a keypad. He enters the password and the door unlocks.

We follow him back to a private lab. "This has been one of my private projects for years. I have been trying to find a cure for it so no more have to die because of it," he says. "I am sure the research has been grueling. I tried to research the cure to vampirism, but I learned that it's permanent," says Carlisle. "Yes, unfortunately that is one thing that has no hope for a cure," he says walking to his book shelf and pulling out a book and walking to a computer. "Ok first off is this what it looks like," he says showing a picture of the mark.

"Yes it's exactly like that," I say. "Ok in what research I have done. The poison molecules are highly complex and hard to break. So I haven't been able to break them to study the individual components. The only thing I can see is the metal that is infused in Bella's bones," he says. "So what does that mean for Bella," I ask. "I can only point you in a direction towards someone who might help you better than I could. This book has information on what it is and what it does. It also said that there are people in the Amazons that might know a cure," he says.

"I have some friends in the Amazons who might know a thing or two about this," Carlisle says. "All right, we'll leave immediately. Valentine thanks for all your help," I say. "I do have a holding chamber that I invented to slow down the effects of the poison. It may buy you some more time to find what you need in the Amazons," he says. "Ok I'll get a hold of Peter and tell him to get Bella down here. In the mean time, we are going to set off for the Amazons. I want to be here to see Bella, but we don't have much time as it is," I say.

"I will be sure to tell Bella that," says Valentine. "Take care of her," I say. "With my life. She's like a sister to me," he says. With that we take our leave to get to the Amazons. I pull out my cell and dial Peter's number. "Yes Major," he says when he answers. "Bring Bella to the labs. Valentine has a holding chamber that will buy us some time to go to the Amazons to look for a cure," I say. "So there is a chance," he asks. "Yes there is still hope. I am confident that the Amazons will have the answers," I say. "Alright, the rest of us will bring Bella," he says.

"Thank you can you give the phone to her," I ask. "Hello," she says after a few seconds. "Bella, Valentine managed to give us some info. We're headed to the Amazons to see if they know something," I say. "Ok Jazz, how is Valentine," she asks. "He's well. He is a brilliant researcher. He is also having us bring you here to put in a chamber to buy us some time," I say. "Alright, you stay safe Jasper. I love you," she says. "I love you too," I say before hanging up. Carlisle looks at me. "She'll be ok," he says. "I know. I just want her out of this mess," I say. "We all do," says Carlisle as we get in the car to head to the airport.

**I apologize for the wait on this chapter. Anyways thanks for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!**

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