Chapter 15

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**Two chapter in one night! I haven't been able to do that ever. Anyways, I am going to see how many chapters I can post in one night. Anyways thanks for listening to me talk before my chapters.**

Jasper's POV

Bella has been asleep for a few hours and we had just stayed up chating and enjoying ourselves. Peter and Char just now stumble back in the back door. Peter is obviously limping and I wonder what happened. I raise my eyebrow at him and he shakes his head. "I had things put up places that they should never go," he says. "Oh," I say and look away from him. That sounds a bit unpleasent. Rosalie and Emmett walk in the door. "Did you find Edward," I ask. "No, we couldn't find him anywhere," says Emmett.

"I'm sorry Jasper, but we tried brother," she says and looks down. "You  tried that's all that mattered," I say. "Emmett, Rose," asks a very tired Bella who's sitting up in bed. "Hey Bella. We're back. Why don't you go back to sleep, we can talk in the morning," says Emmett. She sleepily nods and mumbles before burying herself in covers and falling back asleep. I smile at here. "One thing I miss about being human," says Rose. "Don't we all miss that," says Senna. The others nod at her.

The sun finally rose a few hours later and Bella wakes up this time. Valentine returns with Bella's breakfast. She smiles and takes her breakfast and starts chowing down. Peter gets a curious look on his face. "Peter that will end the same way it always does," I say. "Awww," he says and pouts. Carlisle then walks in the door with four Egyptians and Esme. "This is Amun, Kebi, Benjamin, and Tia. They are my friends from Egypt," says Carlisle. The Amazons get out the book and turn it to the page.

"Can any of you read this," asks Zafrina. They all look at it and Benjamin's eyes widen. "I can read this perfectly," he says. Valentine jumps and grabs a notebook. "Ok read it. It should tell us how to help Bella," he says. "If you are able to understand this, that means my descendant has found this book. In it I wrote the cure for Death's Mark. You won't have much time as the disease strikes quickly and is nearly impossible to cure. I bid you good luck my descendant," says Benjamin. "Ok what does the next page say," says Valentine.

"Death's Mark cure ingrediant list is what the top says. You need a vile of your mate's blood, a vile of your own blood from the site of the mark, a vile of the descendant's blood, and a piece of unbreakable metal. It then says to boil the three together, then inject it directly into the heart of the patient," he says. Valentine gets out needles and vial. "This part will be the easy part. Where are we gonna find that metal," he asks. I look down at my neck and pull out a necklace I had hidden in my shirt.

"I have a piece right here," she says. It was just a stainless steel chain with a piece of metal tied into the chain. "We have all the pieces," I say. "Let's get started. I would prefer to do this before symptoms start showing," he says. After he says that, she falls into a coughing fit. She pulls her hand away and saw blood. The mark had wrapped its way around her neck. "We have to hurry," says Kachiri. Valentine walks in and sticks the needle in my stomach where the mark was. He pulled the amount he need before leaving.

He pulled out another needle and took my arm. "Is that going to pierce his skin," asks Char. "It's infused with venom. It will," says Valentine. After all the blood is drawn, he pours it into a metal bowl. He takes the piece of metal out of the necklace and places it in the blood. He heats up the blood till it is almost boiling. He pokes the metal and notice it already melting. "It should be ready shortly," he says. She nods and coughs again. This time more blood spurts on the wall. "Oh no," I say and look at the mark.

It had darkened some more. I run up to the window. "Bella, please hang in there," I say. "Yes," I hear Valentine say. He pulls a long needle and he sucks up the near black liquid. He rushes into the room and shoves the needle into her heart. I watch as the plunger goes down and the liquid disappears into Bella. I watch with my face pressed against the glass. Bella had passed out after the last coughing fit and she needs to wake up in order for her to be ok. "Please, Please Bella," I say and shut my eyes.

I prayed harder than I ever did before. "Jasper," I hear her voice very weak. I sob and burst through the door. I scoop her up off the floor and hug her too me. "I thought I was gonna lose you," I say sobbing into her hair. "Shh, I am here Jasper," she says. "That was awfully close," says Emmett. "I know. Let's not do that again," says Rose. "Don't plan on it," says Bella. I look at her and the mark is almost completely gone. I gasp and smile at her. She kisses me deeply and passionately and I can't be happier to have my Bella back in my arms. Now we just have Edward to deal with. However, we will deal with him later.

**That's it for this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter.**

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