Letters to nowhere - Part VI

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I hurriedly rip open the envelope and begin reading,

Dear : S

You being a 'mere' servant does not change my reply, though I have understood why you have kept your name hidden. I too do not wish you to face any trouble. But at the same time I do want you to write back, just be careful. So first things first, I'm nineteen, soon to be twenty, November 15th to be precise, my home isn't too far from the castle and well I'm a male if you haven't already figured that out :P well that's a start right? Your reply is eagerly awaited for S♡

I look up to a taunting smile, ''This is soooo destiny, your birthday's in November too! 12th! Oh wow and he's just two years older than you!!'' I press my hand tightly over her mouth reminding her that we were still in the hallway, she shoots me an apologetic look, ''Sarah!'' I scold her in the form of a whisper, ''these letters are supposed to be private you know!!''

I remove my hand and make my way towards my room, she follows and once again, begins taunting, ''ohhhhh private? I see this is getting quite personal S with a heart'' She giggles while nudging me.

Heat arouses in my cheeks as they turn slightly pink, ''Sarah!!'' I immediately push away from her and close my room door, as a wide smile consumes my lips.

I cover my face slightly shy, this stranger, whom I hardly knew, had the ability to set my heart racing with simple words! I grip my tummy as a tingling sensation could be felt within me, was I, nervous??

Well undoubtedly yes, but, nervous for what? Maybe because I knew I was slowly breaking the rules by interacting with a peasant, or, maybe because this peasant attracted me in unexplainable ways.

I quickly pick up the pen and begin writing,

Dear : Cane

What a lengthy reply! I am completely shocked to see your response to a servant! This is the start of an amazing friendship that I hope will last :) Well I am seventeen, soon to be eighteen, November 12th to be precise, the castle is my home, which makes me not too far from you I suppose, oh yes and im a female, if you haven't noticed as yet :P

From: S♡

I seal the paper excitedly as I shout for Sarah, the door Is pushed open instantly, ''Well finally!'' She grunts, ''Let me post that for you my dear lovely sister'' I smile gratefully while she takes the note from my hand.

Months flew by with our letters continuing, whilst being oblivious to the fact that my feelings began growing with time. Cane and I had become close indeed, he knew everything about me and vice versa, our personalities were miraculously matched, from our favourite colour down to our disapprovals! He knew about every hardship I've been facing and I knew his. Slowly slowly he paved his way into my life and unknowingly he became a very important part of my life, not princess Scarlett's life, but my life.

William too, with much effort tried to force a place for himself in my heart, his futile attempts only made my hatred toward him exceed beyond limits. My parents slowly began treating me with less care, as they were furious at my wayward comments and attitude to the Prince and his family.

Things were absolutely difficult and it started feeling as if I only lived for the sake of living.

''Love?'' William nudges me at the dining table, I look up emotionless, ''Yes?'' Dad had invited William and his parents to a supper with us, ''Your eighteenth birthday is in two days time, and then, I want to get engaged--''

Sarah choking disrupts his sentence, ''S--she's only eight--'' numerous coughs erupt from her, Dylan pats her back gently as I pass the water to her, ''As I was saying Scarlett, you are my future, and well, you've never allowed me near you'' I clench my teeth angrily noticing that he had ignored Sarah choking, ''I'd like you to spend your entire birthday with me'' he continues.

I stand up and move to my sister, lifting her up, ''Excuse me while I attend to her'' my parents lower their heads once again in dissapoinment, an action I had become used to.

Sarah pushes my hand away as we reach the bathroom, ''I can't believe you Scarlett'' I step away slightly disturbed by her comment, ''How much longer are you going to betray yourself? Did you ever think about Cane and yourself! Maybe hiding your letters from everyone seems okay now, but what about when you're married?? Are you still going to write to an absolute stranger?''

I stand in silence as her words conquer all responses, I couldn't think of anything else, not receiving or writing to Cane would kill me, ''What are you thinking about Scarlett? Your mistake? Which one? Choosing to marry Prince William or choosing to love Cane?''

My heart stops, I look up with tears in my eyes, ''Sarah! I do no--''

''Stop pretending Scarlett! Because the only fool evident here is YOU!! I see love for him ignite each time you lift that pen! Each time you spoke about him I witnessed the light radiating through your eyes!! You can't sleep peacefully one night because you're too excited for his reply!!'' Her tone softens, ''You love him Scarlett, but this will sadly all come to an end once you're engaged, an engagement Cane doesn't even know about'' She picks up a letter hidden in her pocket, ''You decide, either call off your engagement or, stop writing to him'' She tosses the envelope and walks away.

I close my eyes, warm tears flow down my cheeks, I tear open the envelope and read it with much struggle,

Dear : S♡

Months have flown by, attachments have grown, we've been strangers, let's place faces? With untold words roaming the air, join me as we make your eighteenth most memorable?

From: your best friend

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