Letters to nowhere - Part XIV

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''What are you doing?!'' Tears stream down my face continously as I watch all those precious letters that meant the world to me, slowly turn to ash.

I push myself forward, closing in on the fire, in a desperate attempt to save whatever I could, but a hand stops me from moving further, ''You my dear, have some explaining to do'' Mum's voice cold and harsh. I stand heartbroken, slowly each visible white sheet grew smaller, crumbling to an unrepairable condition.

I close my eyes, another tear leaves and a firm lump in my throat stops me from speaking, this fire not marked the end of my letters, but also, from this second, I knew my relationship with Cane burned alongside those meaningful ashes.

''Start speaking!'' Dad commands, but I was numb, completely oblivious to the people around me, all I could think of, those irreplaceable seconds that I loved Cane.

''Scarlett?!'' An arm nudges me abruptly, only allowing me to release more tears, I still stood, blank of any reaction, ''Summon the boy!'' An instruction is thrown at the guards.

''NO!'' I finally manage, i wound not allow them to harm him, ''You better start talking now Scarlett'' Mum replies bitterly once again.

I inhale deeply, bracing myself for the torturous argument ahead, ''We were p-playing pranks one night'' I gulp in fear, ''I happened to choose his address and he wrote back. If you'd just give him a chance, he's an am-'' Mum raises her hand ordering me to stop.

''He is a peasant Scarlett!! Have you no shame? Playing pranks from a castle?! We've read all those letters and we're so dissapointed in you! You've spoken about us! Your family! You've degraded those that supported you and have taken care of you! All to that peasant! It's clearly evident that the two of you are more than friends! And is that why you've broken off from William? We all thought it to be that you're too young! But we were wrong obviously!'' She shouts angrily.

''I changed my mind because I couldn't be with a selfish person! Let alone wake up to him every morning!'' I try defending but tears stop me once again as they wield themselves into my eyes, ''Oh so you were prepared to spend your life with a complete stranger? Whom you think is the best? What proof have you? That this boy isn't fooling around? Are you that immature to fall on his words?!? Thank God we found out now, so we could put an end to this before people start talking!'' She erupts once more.

I sum up all my courage, ''This isn't going to end, I love him'' Silence follows after my remark and I could feel fear gripping me. ''What did she just say?!?'' Mum questions those present in the room.

''I love him, and I refuse to live without him'' I say once more, ''Then go! Go to your lover! Let's see if he's prepared to take you in!'' She stands firm and daring.

''He needs time to come for me! He wants to be something, so that the both of us can have a comfortable life with no difficulties! I can't stand as a burden right now!'' I lash out hoping she'd let it be.

''Oh really, and how do you know he's coming for you? With William you wouldn't have faced any difficulties! He was already prepared for marriage!! He offered you everything!!'' There she goes again, changing my newly formed tears into anger urging to be let out, ''He gave me everything but respect! I love Cane and he loves me! And that's enough to get us through till he's able to come for me! Just give him time please! I can't live without him!'' I plead and drop to the ground weeping beyond control.

''Alright Scarlett'' Dad speaks, ''Three years, that's all the time I'm giving him, if he doesn't show, you're going to marry William'' he steps forward and scans my pity filled sight.

''Three years aren't en-''

''Well that's all he's given! Now you can either take this deal or be married off to William today itself! And believe me you my dear, force can be used in ways that will haunt you through every sleep!'' He clicks a finger, ordering each witness out of the room.

I stare at the wall, completely frozen, tears laced my face slowly as a sheet of ice conceals me, making me numb.

''Scarlett?'' Dylan presses into my frigid shoulder, ''Whatever you did wasn't right, nor was it wrong, let him know, one last letter, and then say goodbye'' he exits the room soon after handing me a pen and paper.

I held it shakily, droplets decorated the smooth paper,

Dear : Cane

They've found out, and as from now, we have to stay away, for our own safety. They've given you three years to come for me, I could only hope that all those words and promises were true and that you'd show up one day. I love you..

Yours eternally

I seal the letter and clench it tightly, tears flowed in streaks, weakening me each second. It was all over, over too soon. And my heart broke at the thought of losing my love.

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