Letters to nowhere - Part V

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I pull the sheet over my aching body, Dylan's words echoing through my mind.

Some might feel that happiness is achieved through following your heart, while others believe happiness is achieved through the contentment of others. So what if the cost is my life? I deserved it, for the pain I've caused everyone, he needed to understand that.

The night passed by harshly and painfully slow, with the argument still intensely vivid in my mind.

''Scarlett, are you awake?'' A sleepy husky voice emerges from behind the door, ''Yeah'' my tone slightly sulky, the door is pushed open steadily as Dylan takes a seat on the bed, ''Why are you doing this Scarlett?''

I turn hesitantly away from him, ''Doing what?'' He sighs sounding slightly annoyed, ''You know, marriage''

I slightly tug the sheet, ''I told you he's a good g--''

''Scarlett please'' he pleads desperately, I sit up slightly, ''You won't understand, you're just perfect to them, the perfect son, one who makes them proud, follows the royal line. And when you do make a mistake it's forgiven, you're the future King so it's okay. But with me? I mean there's so much expected, sometimes it's more than I can give. I really do try, but somehow, it always backfires. Maybe I'm not the best of Princesses, maybe I'm not the best daughter, I'm me. And part of being me won't allow pain to consume my parents because of my personality, if marrying William means making them happy or proud, then how can I be so selfish and refuse?'' Tears now whelming in my eyes.

He exhales loudly, ''You're wrong Scarlett, you can't compare your life to mine, I'm a guy. My responsibilities are different from yours, the world is unfair on that, it's just how it works, you're judged by your actions and words, while I'm judged on nothing. Society is that way, since we can't change it, we have to adjust to it isn't it? They only bear with me because they've witnessed my temper, with you, they know you're soft hearted and you'll give in to whatever they want. If you're learning to adjust Scarlett, then become tough, fight these rules that society has demanded''

''I don't want to fight anymore Dylan, I'm tired. How much more should I yell and break myself? Sometimes it's easier to give into those rules, so you can save yourself'' I push my body back into the sheets and turn from him, ''Sometimes it's much more worth it to hold onto yourself instead of losing yourself'' I hear the door closing as his footsteps dissappear.

I frown at his mind wrecking words, my solution seemed so simple, but he paved way for drastic doubts in my path. With much effort I finally doze off.

''Princess'' a hand brushes over my cheek gently, I open my eyes to find a way too comfortable William, startled, I sit up, ''W-what are you doing here??''

''Oh don't pretend Princess Scarlett, your parents have informed me of your decision'' he extends a hand intending to brush my face yet again, I move back before he does, ''They didn't even'' my voice fades as hurt washes through me.

''Freshen up now dear, I refuse to be seen with you this way'' he states in a dissatisfied tone as he leaves.

I had no right to feel hurt, I made this decision! I push myself off the bed and wipe the remaining tears settling on my face, ''He could've been worse Scarlett'' I bravely try to motivate myself.

After washing up and finding myself, yet again in a ballgown, I make my way to my 'future' , ''Yet again you've outdone yourself love'' he pats the seat next to him.

''Aaaahh splendid choice William!'' I turn to the oversized figure beside dad, ''Scarlett, this is William's father, King Edward''

''Hel--'' my greeting is stopped by mum clearing her throat, her expression portraying arrogance. I sigh and bow before the King.

''She's lovely'' The beyond obese King states as I take a seat next to William, minutes dragged by as I watched my family indulge in conversations meant for the rich, I turn to William, ''Can we, go somewhere else?''

''Princess, these talks are meant for high society people, if it fails to interest you at least pretend to lend an ear, you're the future Queen. I wouldn't appreciate a stupid wife'' he whispers back.

His reply instantly saddens me, suddenly, surrendering my life to a complete jerk didn't seem worth it at all, not even for my parents happiness.

I look up, noticing Sarah leaning against the door, I watch carefully as she lifts her hand, containing an envelope. My heart instantly races as a broad smile invades the frown I carried, ''Pardon me'' I immediately sprint out of the room and follow Sarah through the passageway, clearly no remorse for my out of turn action, ''Excited aren't we!'' She rambles as I grab the envelope from her.

Before anything, I once again inhale the magnificent soothing aroma released from the paper..

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