Chapter 18 : Far Yet Near

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My eyes drift around the room with William ahead of me commanding his guards, if he used Cane to get to me, then I would enact the same plan to reach Cane.

He trots around as if his happiness had reached its peak, clearly oblivious to my understanding of his pathetic plan to seperate a bond that destiny had laid out.

''You have no grounds to anticipate further plans of deceiving me Princess, come back to the castle with me without drama and I'll glady keep your kidnapper's identity a secret, but fight for a worthless traitor as him, then I'll be sure to fix your place, forcefully as my maiden'' his eyes narrowed while a devil like grin crosses his thin lips.

As much as it pained me to admit, William did have a point, fighting and cussing would only pave way for a disappearing Cane as well as a much doomed love.

After a short debate in my emotionally disturbed mind, I sigh, ''Alright William, I will go back to the castle with you, I have a condition for this'' he smirks and releases a light chuckle, ''As if you're in a position to condition, but still, enlighten me'' I clench my fist, holding back my infuriated self, ''I want Cane found immediately, I want to deal with the traitor myself''

He stands in shock, clearly not expecting my words, ''P-Princess'' he stammers, ''He has fled without a sign''

My eyes fixed on his shaky posture, ''A guard for each corner, a soldier on each street, you could manage that William?'' He scoffs at my statement as if utterly guilty, ''You cannot reason with me! I will inform the King you have been found! And you will be forced into marriage Scarlett!''

My body instantly braces a new amount of courage and I glare into his afraid pupils, ''If force were used I would have been wedded to you the night I rejected you! I am telling you William, the extents I would go to, to stop this ceremony would prove unimaginable!''

He runs a hand through his hair, in deep thought, clearly still shaken by the threat I had given after his disturbing act.

He nods confusedly, agreeing to my terms, which instantly settles a triumphant feeling within me, no matter how devastating his plans were, he would never be able to dismiss a bond blessed by destiny itself.

I quite enjoyed the new found fumbling Prince who proved short of words, he muttered low curses under his breath and seemed petrified. The mess he'd placed himself in proved unnecessary, Cane never fled, rather, he was in the custody of William and that alone made William soak in uneasiness.

He orders me to the castle in a seperate car, knowing he had plans on hand that weren't for my knowledge.

I shift my focus on the memorable expression of the all too afraid Prince, onto the enormous castle gates creaking open on command, anticipating the Princess's presence.

Memories of pain gushes through my mind, this castle built on pride, burying emotions underneath it's intimidating form, made me quiver in uneasiness.

My gaze trails onto a young figure approaching me, her hands waved at an abnormal speed and her voice yelled at the top of her lungs, not a care in the world that she had been approaching a moving car.

I fumble out of the car only to be welcomed by the warm embrace of Sarah's open arms, I couldn't help but feel drawn to her even after all her annoying antics. She stood tall beside me, even though much younger than me, ''It felt like ages!'' She weeps while furthering the hug, I press my face into her shoulders seeking console.

By now flocks of people had gathered outside the castle, flashes flooded and yells were heard expecting explanations, Sarah leads me to the entrance of what felt like doom.

I hesitate as my foot steps into a much silent castle, seeming deserted, she nudges my arm ordering me to be strong and I gracefully step in my home only to be welcomed by eager parents holding peevish expressions.

''Scarlett'' my father mutters disturbingly, I exhale deeply and begin my unplanned explanation, ''I I--''

''Let me Princess'' William's voice emerges from behind me, fear settles in me realising he had known where I was, ''The night the princess had been said to be missing, was the night she met me'' gasps and mumbles erupted from the shocked people in the room, ''She had come to apologise for her relationship with the peasant and had informed me of her acceptance to our marriage. She bid me farewell with a few guards following her, little did I know that those guards were part of a conspiracy to kidnap the Princess. But all's well as we're graced with her presence, the princess needs rest, that's what I feel ofcourse, how about you?'' he raises an eyebrow at the silence filled people, ''Great! I will be keeping the Princess for the night for a peaceful break after the trauma she's endured''

A few jaws drop open following mine, I knew William would only show generosity when a return gift would be offered, he smirks and nears me, ''Cane is found'' he whispers, ''A deal is a deal''

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